Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Inmates at Jinzhou Prison Send Out Appeal Letter after Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Zhang Litian Was Beaten to Death
2009-03-22Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Litian died on November 17th, 2008 in Jinzhou Prison in Liaoning Province. Inmates from Jinzhou Prison's No. 20 Section found a way to send out an appeal letter, exposing that Mr. Zhang was cruelly beaten to death by guards and inmates in the No. 20 Section. They request that the deaths of Mr. Zhang Litian and other practitioners are investigated and that the prison stop persecuting them.
Ms. Zuo Lizhi Secretly Sentenced to Five Years of Imprisonment by Yi County Court in Liaoning Province
2009-03-22Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zuo Lizhi of Yi County in Liaoning Province was given a secret trial on October 10th, 2008 by the Yi County Court. During the hearing Zuo Lizhi talked about how she gained physical and mental benefits from practising Falun Gong. The lawyer also defended her on the grounds that she was innocent. However, the court still sentenced her to three years of imprisonment. She appealed the sentence and was subsequently given a five-year sentence.
Persecution of Mr. Zhu Zuoxin from Zhejiang Province
2009-03-22At the end of 1999, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhu Zuoxin was sent to a forced labour camp for one year because he refused to renounce Falun Gong. At the beginning of 2001, he was arrested again and sent to the Shiliping Forced Labour Camp for three years. Later on, his term was extended for another year. In the forced labour camp, he was inhumanly tortured. He had been hung up on a door frame for two months, during which he was not let down to use the toilet or sleep at night. Every day, the camp only gave him about 4 oz leftover rice to eat. He was tied on a "tiger bench" for several days. The guards forced fed him with cold water and dropped irritating oil into his eyes. Finally, he was sent to a hospital for emergency treatment after he had no pulse and no breath.
Mr. Yang Ming from Sichuan Province Sentenced to Five Years of Imprisonment
2009-03-22Mr. Yang Ming is 43 years old. After 10 months of detainment, the Police and Justice Department of Jiangyang District, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province started a secret trial. The detention period from the arrest to the sentencing was more than a year which exceeds the legal period. The Procuratorate of Jiangyang District charged him with the crime of being in an "evil cult." Jiangyang District Court did not uphold the law and dismiss the trumped up charges, but instead, secretly tried Yang Ming and sentenced him to five years of imprisonment.
Exposing the Chinese Communist Party's Persecution of Falun Gong During the United Nations Human Rights Council
2009-03-21Falun Gong practitioner Liu Hongchang was detained seven times. On February 9th, 2001, the police arrested him in Beijing. During his detention, he sustained fractured ribs from the police beatings. He was detained in a local detention centre, yet escaped. He led a homeless life for ninety-seven days, and was once again arrested. He was sentenced to five years in prison and beaten many times, resulting in internal injuries.
Ms. Niu Yanhong Arrested and Sentenced; Her Elderly Mother Appeals for Justice
2009-03-21Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Niu Yanhong from Jilin City, Jilin Province, was arrested and secretly sentenced. Not long ago she was taken to the Heizuizi Women's Prison in Changchun City, where she continues to be persecuted. Ms. Niu Yanhong is 33 years old, and her entire family depends on her wages to maintain a living. Her over 60-year-old mother is seeking justice for her daughter and appealing for people's attention.
Suspicious Death of Mr. Ran Long
2009-03-21Mr. Ran Long, 46, was sentenced to two years of forced labour for practising Falun Gong in 2002. The camp forced Mr. Ran to go through brainwashing for more than twenty days, which made his blood pressure really shoot up. The administrators were afraid he might die, so they released him. Later, Mr. Ran had to leave home to avoid being arrested. He was hired as a chef by a hotel. On February 23rd, 2009, the hotel called his wife, saying he had failed to come in to work and was last seen off work on the afternoon of February 21st. On February 26th, they received a call from the Yangxin County police that they had found a body by the roadside. The body was identified as Mr. Ran. His family saw a large hole in his head, and his nose, eyes, and ears were oozing blood.
Practitioner Mr. Xu Dawei Died as a Result of Gross Abuse from Persecution--Dongling Prison Officials Shirk Responsibility and Intimidate His Family
2009-03-21Mr. Xu Dawei was a 34-year-old Falun Gong practitioner, was grossly abused and mistreated for eight years in four prisons. The last place was Dongling Prison in Shenyang City. He died on February 16th, 2009, less than two weeks after his release from this prison. On February 27th, Xu's family went to Dongling Prison to request information regarding his abuse. Officials tried everything to deny their involvement in Mr. Xu's death and three guards lied to the family.
Mr. Zhang Lianjun, a Student from Tsinghua University, Tortured to Paralysis and Bedridden in Jail for Five Years
2009-03-20Mr. Zhang Lianjun went to Tsinghua University to study in 1995. Since following Falun Gong's principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, he gained deeper spiritual insight. After the Chinese Communist Party started to persecute Falun Gong, he was tortured to paralysis by the Beijing City National Security Team, and has since been bedridden in the Inner Mongolia No. 4 Jail for almost five years. The jail refused to release him and claimed that they had orders from above.
Mr. Sui Jingjiang Has Difficulty Walking and Talking after Being Injected with Unknown Drugs in Forced Labour Camp
2009-03-20On around November 20th, 2006, practitioner Mr. Sui Jingjiang was diagnosed with high blood pressure during an examination while he was serving a sentence in the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City. The labour camp doctor forcibly injected him with a drug that he claimed would lower his blood pressure. At the end of December 2006, Mr. Sui was released ahead of schedule, but after he returned home, his mind was unclear, he was not able to walk steadily, and his tongue was stiff when he tried to talk. During the past two years, Mr. Sui Jingjiang's physical condition has worsened, and he often falls while walking.
Three Persecution Cases of Qingdao Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-03-20Falun Gong practitioner Hu Keling described her treatment while she was in a mental hospital: "We were tied down on a bed day and night, with hands and feet tied to the bed frame. There was a rope that held the body down on the bed across the chest. One could not turn on the bed, and had no choice but to relieve oneself on the bed. I began a hunger strike against this inhumane treatment. They force-fed me and left the feeding tube in me which caused severe nausea. Five male patients pinned me down on the concrete floor, removed my trousers and gave me injections every few days. After one month, I could not see things clearly, my periods stopped, and I developed tremors of my upper and lower extremities. I felt foggy headed and extreme fearful."
Five-year-old Girl Tricked into Helping Police Persecute Her Parents in Chengdu, Sichuan Province
2009-03-20The Longquanyi District Police Department had been looking for an excuse to arrest and persecute Mr. Li Changli. In December 2008, Mr. Li and his wife, Ms. Liu Lifen, were arrested and were sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour was detained in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp and Ms. Liu was held in the Shimaping Women's Forced Labour Camp. On January 13th, 2009 police went to Mr. Li's home and asked his 5-year-old daughter a lot of personal, probing questions. The police later used the child's fingerprint "evidence" and her "testimonial" to sentence Mr. Li and his wife to forced labour without going to trial.
The Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Chinese Geological Academy Persecutes Retired Researcher for Seven Years
2009-03-19The Water and Environmental Division of the Chinese Geological Academy has been harassing and threatening retired researcher Ms. Liu Xiaoying and her family members for seven years. In April 2002, the local police accused her of going on the web to view banned sites and went to her home to arrest her. She was not at home at the time, but she has been forced to stay away from her home since then. Subsequently, Communist Party officials stopped her pension since May 2002 and declared that they would confiscate her house, stop all benefits, and withhold her husband's pension if she did not come back. They also went to her house to threaten her daughter, trying to get her to reveal the whereabouts of Ms. Liu. .
Ms. Wei Shaomin, Ms. Liu Shiqin, and Other Practitioners Brutally Persecuted in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2009-03-19During the recent Beijing Olympic Games, Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, Liaoning Province transferred in more than ten policemen from other places. About 40 steadfast female practitioners were locked up together. The officers made them sit on small plastic, backless stools from morning to evening every day. They were ordered to recite 30 labour camp regulations and sing "school songs." If anyone did not recite or sing, she would be dragged outside to be tortured by being stretched or shocked with electric batons. In August 2008, practitioner Ms. Li Yurong did not recite as ordered. Officer Liu Yong shocked her with a baton in front of the others. Ms. Li cried out from the pain and fell down to the ground.
Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Xinyi Police Station and Qianjin Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City
2009-03-19On August 1st, 2007, I went to Xinyi Police Station in Harbin City to give a letter to director Zhao Chengyin and police officer Wang Wei. The letter advised them to stop committing crimes against Falun Gong and attempted to awaken their conscience. Abruptly, seven to eight officers rushed in and arrested me. They pressed me down on the ground and handcuffed me behind my back, causing excruciating pain. They dragged me to a detention centre and later a forced labour camp where I was often beaten. They used every possible means to persecute me.