Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
34-Year-Old Ms. Yang Miao from Shijiazhuang City Tortured
2009-03-19Ms. Yang Miao, 34, was taken to a forced labour camp by the Changan Police Department in July 2008 for one and a half years of forced labour. She is presently imprisoned at the Hebei Provincial First Labour Camp in Tangshan City. She has been tortured to the point of near death, and she suffers from a high blood pressure level of 220. The labour camp does not want to keep her and has told her family members to bail her out for medical treatment.
Mr. Deng Jiangang Sentenced to Prison after Eight Years of Persecution and Torture
2009-03-18Mr. Deng Jiangang has been brutally persecuted many times because of his belief in Falun Gong. He is currently detained in Wumaping Prison in Leshan City. His wife, Ms. Jiang Xiantao, also a practitioner, is in a forced labour camp. Their young daughter had to leave school and stay at home, living a very difficult life. In a detention centre a poilce officer Xiao wanted to torture Mr. Deng to death. He tortured Mr. Deng using "Carrying a sword on the back" for more than two hours. The handcuffs bore into Mr. Deng's flesh, and they only released his wrists after many minutes. He was punched in the head and body. They stepped on his feet so hard that his toes turned black and purple. He was also tortured brutally in a forced labour camp and guards shocked him with electric batons in the head, body, legs, and feet.
Persecution Incidents in Jilin Prison in July 2008
2009-03-18Jilin Prison is one of the notorious places where Falun Gong practitioners are brutally persecuted. Liu Chengjun, Yang Guang, and other practitioners were persecuted to death there. In the strict prison section, the detainees are forced to sit on a narrow stool, from 5 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., causing great pain to the buttocks. Because Liu Yuhe could not sit straight, a policeman shocked his head with electric batons while prisoners held his neck.
Two Practitioners, from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Hebei Province, Died As a Result of Persecution
2009-03-18Ms. Xie Cha followed the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in all aspects of her daily life. She was considerate of others in all respects. Since the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, Ms. Xie has been persistent in her belief. Therefore, she was treated as a key persecution target by the CCP. She was harassed, threatened, monitored and detained by Party agents. Before the Olympic Games, the town government dispatched its staff members to harass Xie Cha repeatedly, and tried to force her to write an statement to give up Falun Gong. Under huge pressure, she was utterly exhausted both physically and mentally. Her health worsened rapidly. Ms. Xie passed away on January 24th, 2009, only in her forties.
Luan Guizhi from Jiamusi City Describes Her Experience of Being Arrested
2009-03-18On December 23rd, 2008, I went to Falun Gong practitioner Yuan Yuqin's home. At around 3 p.m., someone knocked on the door. Yuqin opened the door and five or six policemen came in. Some of them started to ransack the room. Yuqin stopped them. A policeman asked my name and where I lived. I did not answer. They arrested us and took us to a police station. They sent us to a hospital for an examination. Two policemen, two policewomen, and the doctor dragged me to the bed in the examination room. In order to take off my trousers, they pulled my down jacket upward, so that my face was covered by the jacket. I was almost choked. They took us back to the police station later. Yuan Yuqin and I sat on a backless stool for a whole night.
The Persecution of Practitioners in Wangpo Township, Pingshan County, Hebei Province
2009-03-17Mr. Gu Qinggen and Ms. Gao Yunting, his wife, were arrested by police after visiting relatives in March 2002. Police station chief Huo Sanshuan asked them who they had visited. Ms. Gao said, "Does a person have no freedom to visit relatives? I am not going to tell you." Huo Sanshuan, upset she dared to talk back, slapped her face violently. Ms. Gao said, "I am not going to tell you, even if you beat me." When Huo Sanshuan asked Mr. Gu, he also refused to answer. Huo Sanshuan threw Gu Qinggen to the ground, ordering, "Kneel, if you do not want to tell me." Later Ms. Gao was sent to a brainwashing centre and Mr. Gu Qinggen was detained in Wangpo Police Station even though he had not yet begun Falun Gong practice at that time.
Mr. Tian Haicheng and Ms. Cui Yajing from Haicheng City, Liaoning Province, Arrested
2009-03-17On February 24th, 2009, officers from the Niuzhuang Town Police Station in Haicheng City, Liaoning Province, took Mr. Tian Baocheng and Ms. Cui Yajing away from their homes. The excuse was that they had attended a gathering held by a Falun Gong practitioner. Mr. Tian Baocheng's younger brother, Mr. Tian Baodong, has been detained in forced labour camps twice because he practises Falun Gong. As a result of torture, he cannot walk or take care of himself. Previously, Ms. Cui Yajing had been sentenced to three years in prison because she distributed flyers about Falun Gong.
Ms. Zheng Huixiang Homeless for Eight Years, Police Repeatedly Arrest Her Family Members and Ransack Her House
2009-03-17On March 4th, 2009, police went to the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zheng Huixiang and searched her house. In 2001 Ms. Zheng left her home to avoid persecution and was forced to move from place to place. It has been eight years since she became homeless. Police then took her husband Cai Peijun and her son Cai Yiming to the Xiguan Police Station. In the afternoon of March 5th, Cai Peijun was released but Cai Yiming was sent to a detention centre and was severely mistreated there.
Persecution Records from Forced Labour Camps, Detention Centres, Prisons, Police Stations and 610 Offices (Feb. 22nd, 2009)
2009-03-17Using the pretext of "safety concerns" for the 24th Winter Sports Games, Heilongjiang Province Police Bureau agents began a new wave of persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Many were arrested. Just in Jiamusi City alone, more than ten practitioners were arrested within 10 days. On February 12th, Ms. Wang Guizhen was taken away from her home but was permitted to return. She was in a coma in a forced labour camp last October. Less than three months later she was arrested again. Officials from the Jiaxi Police Station came to her door, pretending to return money they had extorted from her before. As soon as she opened the door, they arrested her. It is said that her pituitary tumour symptoms returned, and she has been in hospital.
Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group Submits Report to UN: "Beijing 2008 Olympics Persecution 10,194 Case Records"
2009-03-16On March 5th, 2009, the Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group ( submitted "The Beijing 2008 Olympics Persecution 10,194 Case Records" to the United Nations and each country's government. This list recorded those who became victims during the Beijing Olympics season, strong evidence exposing how the Chinese Communist regime escalated its human rights violations under the cover of "Olympic security." People know that one of the promises the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) made to the West was to improve its human rights in return for hosting the Olympics. Nonetheless the CCP turned around and used the Olympics as an excuse to intensify its bloody suppression.
Lawyers' Right to Defend Clients Denied by Huanggu District Court in Shenyang City
2009-03-16On February 6th, 2009, Huanggu District Court in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province commenced a trial for six Falun Gong practitioners. The court obstructed entry to the courtroom by the ten defence lawyers by requesting a "security check." The lawyers refused to cooperate and left the courthouse. The trial went on without the lawyers and adjourned after only two hours. Wang Yajun from Beijing, one of the ten lawyers, explained the interference they encountered. "When we arrived at the courthouse, deputy court administrator Zhang and the presiding judge summoned us to the conference room, reiterating certain requirements. They told us higher echelons had directed that the accusations against any Falun Gong cases cannot be changed. We replied that we would do what was right according to the law."
Fushun Police Ruthlessly Torture Mr. Sun Hongchang
2009-03-16On March 28th, 2006, Mr. Sun Hongchang was arrested by police. At the police station one agent used electric batons to shock Mr. Sun's genitals after other policemen had beaten Mr. Sun for an hour. They then pummelled Mr. Sun's private parts with their fists. They also used both hands to force one of Mr. Sun's legs above his head, a torture method called "splitting hip." Victims subjected to such extreme physical agony can easily become handicapped. Each time the abuse lasted one or two hours. It was so painful that Mr. Sun fainted many times. Residents near the police station could hear Mr. Sun's agonized painful screams. They continued until 5:00 a.m. the next morning.
Retired Teacher Ms. Wang Xiulan from Dalian City Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
2009-03-16Ms. Wang Xiulan from Jinzhou District, Dalian City was sentenced to seven years in prison by the Ganjingzi District Court in Dalian City. On the morning of April 5th, 2008, Ms. Wang was arrested by police officers for telling people the truth about Falun Gong. She was later taken to the Yaojia Detention Centre in Dalian City. While Ms. Wang was at the centre, police officers ransacked her home and confiscated some of her personal property, including a copy of the Falun Gong book, Zhuan Falun. The police did not inform Ms. Wang's family that they had arrested her, nor did they tell the family about her upcoming court trial. Everything that the officers did was carried out in secret.
A Call to Help Rescue My Wife, Zhu Luoxin
2009-03-15Zhu Luoxin, 43 years old, was arrested by police in 2001 when she was transporting Falun Gong materials. She was sentenced to 10 years in prison. She was kept locked in a small cell for two years and ten months. She was also tortured by other prisoners at the guards' instigation. She was forced to work intensively every day without pay to make cheap products for export.
How My Happy Childhood Turned Miserable
2009-03-15I am a young Falun Gong practitioner from Qiqihar. In 1999, the Chinese Communist Party started to persecute Falun Gong. I was 9 at that time. I was afraid. Later my dad was sentenced to forced labour and imprisoned at the Fuyu Forced Labour Camp. He was put through brainwashing sessions and suffered brutal torture. I felt very lonely and miserable. I asked myself again and again why such a good practice was slandered. In 2002 my dad was imprisoned again and I was left alone and had no one to depend on. At school, the director treated me very rudely. He pushed my chest and yelled at me. Other students frequently insulted me and scratched my face shouting at me, "He practises Falun Gong."