Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Torture Method "Splitting the Body" Used on Falun Gong Practitioners in Jiuquan Prison, Gansu Province
2009-03-30"Splitting inmates' bodies" is a very vicious method of torture used in Jiuquan Prison to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. This method was passed down from ancient times. It is used on practitioners who are locked in confinement cells. It involves handcuffing a person's hands, then using wires to fasten the handcuffs to two heaters. The torturer pulls the wires in opposite directions, making the victim feel as if his arms are being torn off. This method puts the victim through agonizing pain. The longer the arms are pulled, the more pain he suffers. Especially in the morning, the pain is so great that one would rather die than continue to live.
Ms. Guo Yunling Persecuted for Five Years in a Women's Prison in Henan Province
2009-03-30Ms. Guo Yunling is nearly 60 years old. She was arrested in July 2004. During the detention, she was put in handcuffs and shackles and held with criminals and drug addicts. No one was allowed to visit her and she was forced to stand, recite prison regulations and eat very poor quality food. The broth with vegetables had flies, mosquitoes and a disgusting smell. One's body would develop oedema shortly after eating such mouldy food. Three months later, she was sentenced to a six-year prison term and at present, is still detained in the No. 5 Women's Prison in Xinxiang City.
Hunan Province Practitioner Ms. Luo Hong Sentenced to Four Years in Prison
2009-03-29During a trial on March 3rd, 2009, the Shigu District Court of Hengyang City, Hunan Province and the Hunan Province Court sentenced Ms. Luo Hong to four years in prison. Ms. Luo plans to appeal to a higher court. During the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, the Hengyang City Domestic Security Section, the Hengyang City 610 Office, and the Renming Road Police Station arrested Ms. Luo Hong at her home for practising Falun Gong and possessing Falun Gong books. They searched her home, seized her computer, printer, printer paper, Falun Gong books, and other personal belongings, and also froze her bank accounts. Ms. Luo remains imprisoned at the Hengyang City No. 1 Detention Centre.
Mr. Xu Huijian Contracted Tuberculosis While Imprisoned--His Parents Not Allowed to Visit
2009-03-29In 2001, Mr. Xu Huijian from Jilin Province was secretly sentenced to ten years in prison. He spent the first part of his sentence at the Jilin Province Prison and the Changchun City Tiebei Prison. He was later transferred to the notorious Gongzhuling Prison. Because Mr. Xu refused to give up his faith in Falun Gong, he was brutally tortured by the prison guards and became very emaciated. One year ago he contracted tuberculosis. In order to the news of his illness from leaking out, the guards tried to prevent his parents from visiting him. But eventually his parents found out. The guards told Mr. Xu that if he did not give up practising Falun Gong, he would not be released even when his ten-year term expired.
Disabled Practitioner Cheng Jinjing's Physical Condition Deteriorating Rapidly at Detention Centre
2009-03-29On January 9th, 2009, a group of police officers arrested disabled Falun Gong practitioner Cheng Jinjing, who is in his sixties. He was taken to the Zhoukou Detention Centre, where he was persecuted. Mr. Cheng recently had a relapse in his condition, and he is suffering severe pain in his legs. He has been unable to get up off the floor, and faces the risk of becoming paralysed. The situation is urgent. Gao Feng, team leader of the Domestic Security Division in the Shanan Police Department of Zhoukou City, refused to release Mr. Cheng. During the nine years of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) brutal persecution of Falun Gong, Mr. Chen has been arrested three times because he exposed the persecution of Falun Gong.
Ms. Jiao Shuzhen, 61, on a Hunger Strike Protesting Persecution in Hebei Women's Prison
2009-03-2961-year-old Ms. Jiao Shuzhen was arrested from her home and secretly sentenced to four years in prison in December 2008. She was taken to the Hebei Women's Prison on January 4th, 2009. In late February, she began a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Her current situation is unclear. The authorities refuse to release her, citing her insistence on her belief in Falun Gong. The only person now at Ms. Jiao's home is her nearly 70-year-old husband, who has been suffering from cancer. He is virtually unable to walk and needs her to take care of him.
On International Women's Day We Remember Practitioners Who Died Due to the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Persecution
2009-03-28Ms. Bai Lixia was diagnosed with breast cancer and couldn't take care of herself even after surgery. However, she recovered her health after she started practising Falun Gong. Ms. Bai twice went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution, and as a result, she was imprisoned in the Harbin Forced Labour Camp in December 1999. The guards forced her to sleep on the cold floor during the winter, stand in the snow for long periods of time, and stand against the heating pipes. She was also locked in a toilet, hung up in the air, and violently beaten. On February 28th, 2002, Ms. Bai died because of the torture. She was 47 years old.
Ms. He Yan Suffers a Heart Attack after Brutal Beating in the Tangshan City Kaiping Forced Labour Camp, Hebei Province
2009-03-28On March 4th, 2009 a family member of Ms. He Yan went to the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp to visit her. After asking about the welfare of Ms. He, it was discovered that Ms. He Yan had been brutally beaten by guard Lu Haicun on January 10th, 2009. Ms. He was suffering from symptoms of a heart attack. Two months after the abuse, she still felt some chest pain and was numb in the left shoulder. Once the family learned about the beating by Lu Haicun, they went to report the incident to Wang Jianzhong, the director of the labour camp administration office. Wang Jianzhong's showed no sympathy, did not file an investigation report and denied that the abuse ever took place. He exclaimed to Ms. He's family, "If you want to sue me, go ahead!"
Ms. Cui Yuezhi and Mr. Wang Hongchao from Guan County Sentenced to Eight Years Imprisonment
2009-03-28On July 26th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Cui Yuezhi and Mr. Wang Hongchao were arrested. On February 18th, 2009, Mr. Wang was brought to trial in the Guan County Court. Mr. Wang's family members had hired a lawyer and asked the lawyer to plead 'not-guilty.' Using current Chinese laws, the lawyer was able to prove that Mr. Wang was innocent. The defence had no response and had to wrap up the trial in a hurry. On March 4th, 2009, the court, with complete disregard for the law, sentenced both Mr. Wang and Ms. Cui to eight years of imprisonment.
Ms. Lin Lihua Taken to Court after Seven Months in Detention
2009-03-28The Chinese Communist officials in the Chaoyang District forced the court to hold an open hearing on Ms. Lin Lihua. On February 19th, 2009, the Wenyuhe Court in the Chaoyang District in Beijing conducted a hearing on Ms. Lin Lihua. However, her family was not allowed to enter the courtroom and were told that all seating was taken. In fact, there were plenty of empty seats. Five police officers were in attendance. Before the hearing, Lin Lihua had been detained for over seven months.
The Persecution of Sun Hongchang and His Wife and Son
2009-03-27In June 2003, Falun Gong practitioner Mrs. Wang Junxia, the wife of Mr. Sun Hongchang was arrested by the Fushun police and tortured to death because she would not give up practising Falun Gong and cultivating Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. At that time, their son, Sun Feng, was just 12 years old. He got sick and died on August 25th, 2005. Mr. Sun Hongchang was tortured to disability by the Fushun City Police Department and the Qingyuan County Police Department. Currently, he is being detained in the Qingyuan County Detention Centre.
More Than 100 Male Falun Gong Practitioners Held and Tortured in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2009-03-27Guards tortured practitioners and forced them to write statements to denounce Falun Gong. Those who refused to write the statements were tortured at night. The perpetrators threatened them, saying, "You will be killed if you do not write the statements. We have a death quota." The victims are tortured non-stop without being allowed to sleep. Practitioner Mr. Li Hailong suffered so much that he could not walk and could not get himself to the dining room without two persons to support him. Two months later, he remains in this condition. Mr. Cui Dejun was crippled from torture, but the guards insisted that he was pretending and grabbed his hair and slammed his head against a wall. Later, he was subjected to the death bed torture.
Practitioners Tortured in the Second Women's Section of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, Liaoning Province; Many Injured
2009-03-27In the Second Women's Section of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Falun Gong practitioners are being mistreated in a new way, by being forced to take a so-called "100 per cent exam." For this exam they are ordered to acknowledge the mistreatment they have been subjected to, including mental humiliation. Because the practitioners have refused to endorse the mistreatment, the guards beat and torture them. On October 7th and 8th, 2008, guards tortured practitioners Ms. Wang Chunying, Ms. Qi Zhenhong, Ms. Zhong Shujian, and Ms. Zhang Qilin from 6 to 72 hours. As a result, Ms. Qi suffered a mental disorder, Ms. Wang could not straighten her hands, Ms. Zhang's arms were broken and she became crippled, and Ms. Zhong was subjected to the "stretching torture" for 48 hours.
Ms. Liang Yuzhen and Ms. Liang Jinyou Tortured in Heshan City, Guangdong Province
2009-03-27On February 25th, 2009, Ms. Liang Yuzhen went to the countryside to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and was arrested. That same evening, police officers handcuffed Ms. Liang's hands behind her back, dragged her all the way to her home, and then thoroughly ransacked it. When the officers were about to leave, Ms. Liang's 89-year-old grandmother, who was home at the time, held onto Ms. Liang's arm and wouldn't let go. She pleaded with the officers, saying, "I need her to take care of me! Please let her stay!" The officers simply loosened the grandmother's hands and took Ms. Liang away.
Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners Detained in Shiliping Forced Labour Camp in Zhejiang Province - Compilation of Information Dating Back to 1999
2009-03-26To achieve its goal of "reforming1" all detained practitioners, Zhejiang Provincial Forced Labour Bureau personnel worked together with the labour camp to develop a series of tactics to physically and mentally harm practitioners. For instance, they forced practitioners to sit in a chair with their limbs tied to it and wouldn't let them sleep or use the toilet. At the same time, they turned on a speaker to its highest volume and broadcast their propaganda information. If a practitioner dozed off he would be burned with a cigarette and force-fed hot chilli pepper juice. They also forced practitioners to write statements giving up their cultivation and kept whoever refused to write them tied to the chair for a long time.