Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Jin Chengquan Dies after Being Forced into Homelessness to Avoid Persecution in Changchun City, Jilin Province
2008-05-03On May 9th, 2007, the police in Changchun City arrested many practitioners during a conference. After that, officers from the Changchun City Police Department and 610 Office searched and arrested practitioners according to the list they obtained at the conference. In order to avoid persecution, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jin Chengquan and his wife Ms. Li Jin were forced to leave their home. On January 14th, 2008, Mr. Jin Chengquan had a heart attack and passed away at the age of 56.
Ms. Zhang Li Tortured to the Brink of Death at Harbin Women's Prison
2008-05-03Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Li was sentenced to nine years in prison by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities. She has been currently been detained for six years at the Harbin Women's Prison. Ms. Zhang's husband was also sentenced and imprisoned because he practised Falun Gong, and he was later tortured to death, leaving their 9-year-old son without parents. Ms. Zhang Li has been on a hunger strike since March 7th, 2008, and she is currently at the brink of death. After meeting with her, Ms. Zhang's mother-in-law said that Zhang Li's life was in danger. Ms. Zhang's family then strongly requested that prison authorities release her immediately, but the authorities at the prison said they could not release her.
Tianjin Women's Prison Uses Brutal Persecution Methods on Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-05-03One torture method was called "Three Straight One Stare": the practitioner's head, chest and lower leg must be dead straight while sitting on a small plastic bench with holes. "One stare" means both of the practitioner's eyes must stare in front of them (or watch a propaganda programme on TV that defames Falun Gong or listen to a prison guard teaching a lesson). At the same time, both of the practitioner's hands must be placed on her knees. They would also place an object between her legs. If she dropped that object, she would be beaten. They have to sit like that from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., not being allowed to move for 15 hours. Especially in summer, one would suffer more by sitting on the small plastic bench with holes for a long time. One would sit there until one's bottom was sore and the skin was broken, and that kind of suffering is unbearable.
Two Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution in Hebei and Shandong Provinces
2008-05-02Ms. Chai Heping, around 58, went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in October 1999 and was arrested by the Beijing police, picked up by her employer, and detained in the Handan City Second Detention Centre. She was released after the police extorted money from her. She lost her job, and her husband had been retired early many years ago, so she was under significant financial pressure. She went to Beijing to appeal again in 2001, and she was arrested and detained in the Handan City Second Detention Centre again. She was sentenced to one year of forced labour at Shijiazhuang City Women's Labour Camp. When she was picked up by her family after one year, she had lost her eyesight and had an unclear consciousness. She used to be so intelligent, but she became mentally impaired from the torture. She died from falling out of a building in March 2008.
Tortures in Tilanqiao Prison of Shanghai City
2008-05-02One torture method in the Strict Management Ward is called the "ground handcuff". The victim's hand are cuffed behind his back. Then the cuffs are connected to the ground with a 4 inch iron hoop. The victim is subjected to the "ground handcuff"even when he sleeps. In addition to the "ground handcuff", they put an unbreakable helmet on the victim, tie the victim's feet with a "death knot", and submerge the victim in urine. Another torture method is a practitioner is forced to sit on an uneven plastic bench in the middle of a cell that is less than 32 square feet. His hands must remain on his back. He must stay motionless for more than 15 hours a day; otherwise he is beaten.
Inhuman Torture in China: the Tip of the Iceberg
2008-05-02Mr. Li Hongfu was repeatedly jailed and tortured for telling people about the persecution of Falun Gong. The torture included the "tiger bench", electric shocks, nailing bamboo shoots under his fingernails and merciless daily beatings by convicted drug addicts. The brutality caused Mr. Li's spleen to rupture and his ribs fractured. He vomited and had difficulty breathing. He weighed less than 40 kg (88 lbs), could no longer walk unaided, and was in constant excruciating pain. Mr. Li never recovered and died on December 8th, 2006, at the age of 31.
Older Practitioner Ms. Chen An'ai Persecuted in Juancheng County, Shandong Province
2008-05-02Ms. Chen An'ai, 58 years old, was sentenced to three years of forced labour in 2004, leaving her 13-year-old daughter, Chen Shumei, at home alone. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999, Ms. Chen has been continuously mistreated. In 2000, police officers tortured Ms. Chen. She was hung up in the air by handcuffs locked behind her back, and she was punched and kicked and not allowed to sleep nor eat. She has suffered all kinds of torture. The aim was to force her to give up her faith.
A New Practitioner from Jiamusi Arrested by Xiangyang Police Station Officers and Sentenced to Forced Labour
2008-05-01On September 28th, 2006, up to six policemen from Xiangyang Police Station broke into my home with the excuse of checking for registered permanent residents. Then they began to search. They took two Falun Gong books, said that I practised Falun Gong, and dragged me into a police car. The police took me to a detention centre. After two days I was taken to a forced labour camp. At the forced labour camp I was given corn buns to eat. All the food there was of poor quality and everyone who ate the buns got diarrhoea. I had to do hard labour everyday. If I did not read the regulations, the guards would beat me. Practitioners could not say they practised Falun Gong. If you said you practised Falun Gong, you would be beaten.
Ms. Feng Jixiu from Xushui County, Hebei Province, Detained in Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp
2008-05-01On July 16th, 2007, three groups of police officers and personnel from the Xushui County 610 Office forcibly entered the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Feng Jixiu, searched the home and arrested her. Ms. Feng was taken to the Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp. In 2000 Ms. Feng was arrested on her way to Beijing to appeal against the persecution. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials forced her to take off her warm coat and forced her down on her knees. Guo Haishan, Party Secretary of Ansu Town, grabbed Feng Jixiu's hair with one hand and slapped her face many times with the other. Afterwards, Town Governor Niu Jun also slapped her face many times the same way. Both of them heavily hit her buttocks with sticks and batons, which made her black and blue for more than two weeks. They tortured her so that she would "confess."
Legal Training Centre in Guiyang Detains Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-05-01The "Legal Training Centre" (a euphemism for "brainwashing centre") in Guiyang is located at a remote, hard to find location. The front door without even a single sign is tightly closed, and the building is surrounded by tall walls. Entering the front door, there is a two-story building. This is where the officers detain Falun Gong practitioners. The longest term for this kind of detention here is one and a half years. The other inmates are basically unemployed workers. Although they know that to monitor the detained practitioners is against the law, they have been deceived by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) ploys and refuse to follow their consciences. Someone with a conscience made these comments in private: "It is really a big joke to call this place a 'Legal Training Centre,' since what it does is all against the law."
Direct Experience of Persecution in Shanxi Province - a Statement from Ms. Zhou Yunhua
2008-05-01"On August 7th, 2006, a fellow practitioner and I went to distribute Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. Someone reported us to the police and we were arrested. I was sentenced to forced labour. In the forced labour camp, I met a "transformed" practitioner, but I did not know that she had been "transformed" when we first met. I told her that we should expose the wrongdoings of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), so she turned me in. The guard ordered two drug user inmates to search me, and to strip off my clothing and shoes. They stole my cash and watch and forced me to stand for two days and nights without sleep. I could not take it any more and, against my will, wrote a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Gong."
Mr. Zhao Shouzhu Tortured to Death in Liaoning Province
2008-04-30Practitioner Mr. Zhao Shouzhu, 38, was forcibly taken into custody in 2000. Because the guards found him doing the Falun Gong exercises they beat him fracturing three of his ribs. Prisoners also beat him down to the floor, forced him to stand up, then beat him down again. They held his head down to the floor and took turns kicking him with their leather boots all over his body, even his head. Upon being released, Mr. Zhao had to leave home to avoid being arrested. On March 31st, 2008, Mr. Zhao was arrested while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. He began a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The police had people from the City Hospital brutally force-feed him with unknown drugs. He died around April 20th, 2008.
Wang Zhihai's Head Wounded Badly Due to Torture at Chongqing City Xishanping Forced Labour Camp
2008-04-30On September 28th, 2007, Mr. Wang Zhihai, a Falun Gong practitioner was sentenced to a forced labour camp for two years. He was taken to Xishanping Forced Labour Camp. On March 18th, 2008, several inmates beat Mr. Wang so violently that he suffered a head injury, his teeth were loosened, and his eyes became bloodshot. He also had a concussion and vomited, and his blood pressure shot up. His family is now demanding his release, but officials from the forced labour camp continue to hold Mr. Zhihai. In 2003, his wife, Ms. Duan Shiqun, was tortured to death at the detention centre. Now Mr. Zhihai's son, Wang Jing, who is only nine years old, is left without anyone to take care of him.
Husband and Wife Mr. Xia Maoshu and Ms. Li Zhonghua Detained at Dehui Detention Centre
2008-04-30Mr. Xia Maoshu and Ms. Li Zhonghua, husband and wife, live in a village in Jilin Province. On March 6th, 2008, village head Chen Jibin of Weizuizi Village and officers from the Xiajiadian Police Station ransacked the couple's home and confiscated many of their personal belongings, including all of their Falun Gong books and a satellite receiver. Both husband and wife are currently detained at the Dehui Detention Centre. According to an inside source, Mr. Xia Maoshu was physically assaulted while in custody.
Practitioner Mr. Wang Hongfa Sentenced to a Forced Labour Camp--His Wife and Daughter Are Monitored and His Father is Seriously Ill
2008-04-30Practitioner Mr. Wang Hongfa was taken into custody on July 16th, 2007. On August 20th, 2007, he was sentenced to a one-and-a-half year forced labour term at the Huadu Forced Labour Camp in Guangzhou City. Mr. Wang's wife, Ms. Deng Yi, has tried to visit him four times, but was refused by the forced labour camp officials each time. Mr. Wang's father is 70 years old and was diagnosed with liver cancer. Since he is critically ill, Ms. Deng asked the labour camp officials to allow Mr. Wang to see his father for one last time. The labour camp officials, however, refused her request and also threatened her.