Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Labour Camp Authorities Refuse Family and Lawyer the Right to Visit Practitioner Ms. Qiu Liying for Over 3 Months
2008-05-11On the afternoon of September 27th, 2007, Ms. Qiu boarded a bus on her way to work. Policemen from the Sifang Police Station pulled her off the bus. On October 10th, she was sentenced to forced labour and detained in the Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. She filed an appeal to the Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Committee seeking administrative reconsideration of her sentence. However, camp authorities refused to deliver her appeal, leading her to miss the two-month deadline to file appeals. To safeguard her legal rights, Ms. Qiu started a hunger strike to protest and demand for the right to hire a lawyer in her defence. By around January 10th, 2008, she had been on the hunger strike for over 20 days. She had become extremely frail and thin; emaciated. Since January 1st, 2008, the labour camp authorities have deprived her of any form of contact with the outside world.
Eyewitness to the Mistreatment of Falun Gong Practitioners in Chuanxi Prison
2008-05-10In the latter part of 1999, the prison received some Falun Gong practitioners who had previously suffered tremendous mistreatment in another prison in Jianyang City, Sichuan Province. The prison authorities followed the instructions from the communist regime and set about trying to brainwash these practitioners. The prison authorities closely monitored everyone. If a prisoner expressed any sympathy for Falun Gong, she would be regarded as having "dangerous thoughts." The punishment for that was physical and mental abuse, reduction of merit points, and solitary confinement. The prison authorities used incentives to encourage the other inmates to participate in the persecution. The incentives included merit points and sentence reductions.
Over a Dozen Practitioners Arrested in the Guangzhou Metropolitan Area
2008-05-10On April 15th, a gang of policemen from Tianhe Police Department arrested practitioners Mr. Chen Yongtao, and Ms. Zou Danyu, husband and wife. The policemen also searched their residence and took many of their personal belongings. The next day, policemen from Tianhe Police Department, along with a local policeman from the Research Institute of Non-ferrous Metals and individuals from the neighbourhood committee that didn't know any better arrested Ms. Zou's parents and searched their residence. These thugs took their computer, and other personal belongings. Mr. Chen and Ms. Zou's whereabouts are unknown.
Additional Information about the Persecution Deaths of Mr. Gong Zhaotao from Shandong Province, and Mr. Li Zhenshan from Henan Province
2008-05-10Mr. Gong Zhaotao, 52 years old, had been actively informing people about the persecution of Falun Gong and dispelling the state propaganda attacking the practice since July 20th, 1999. In October 2007, while distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution he was forcibly taken away by police and detained in a forced labour camp for one year. After being persecuted for over four months in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp, he passed away on February 22nd, 2008. Upon examining his body after his death, his family discovered a great deal of blood had come out of his ears and mouth. The labour camp authorities claimed that he died from coronary heart disease. His family originally intended to pursue justice, but communist authorities cremated his body to cover up the evidence.
Mr. Lu Zhiyong Persecuted in Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Mianyang County, Sichuan Province
2008-05-10I arrived at Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Mianyang County that afternoon at 4 p.m. Only then did I realize that I was taken there for a year and half of forced labour. I was tortured in all kinds of ways. Under police orders, the personal "cangues" [monitors who supervise the behaviour of practitioners] made me stand from 6 a.m. till midnight, and they frequently punched me in the chest, often to the point where I couldn't speak or get up from the bed. I would have acute pain once I spoke and sharp chest pains if I moved. The police tied me up eight times during one ten-day period, increased the use of electronic batons from one to four, and beat me with spiked clubs. When I resisted the attempts to smear my face on the toilet floor, the "Personal cangues" and guards pushed my head into the urinals.
Nursery School Director, Ms. Jing Fei, Jailed Again in Liaoning Province
2008-05-09On February 24th, 2008, Ms. Jing took a taxi to Shenyang City to visit her relatives and friends who were imprisoned at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Police arrested Ms. Jing, the practitioners who were with her, and the taxi driver and jailed Ms. Jing at the Chaoyang City No. 1 Detention Centre. The taxi driver was tortured to death. The first time Ms. Jing Fei was imprisoned was July 1999. She was arrested in Beijing while appealing for the right to practise Falun Gong and was taken to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in November 1999. Ms. Jing lost her beloved job in the government-owned nursery school because of her beliefs.
My Wife, Cured of Breast Cancer Through Practising Dafa, Passed Away Due to the Persecution
2008-05-09In 1998, I started doing the Falun Gong exercises. At that time, my wife Ma Gui'e was undergoing treatment for breast cancer at the Shenyang Tumour Hospital. During that period of time, a Falun Gong practitioner introduced her to the practice, and she began to practise Falun Gong too. Within two weeks of starting the practice, she suddenly noticed that the bowl-sized tumour was now as small as her fingertip. On July 20th, 1999, when the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners began, our village's Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary turned us in. The police told us that it was higher ranking officers forbidding us from practising Falun Gong. The village CCP secretary started to continually harass us, subjecting us to tremendous mental torture. He forcibly occupied a quarter acre of land that we had cultivated ourselves. Under such persecution, my wife's disease reoccurred. She died on July 18th, 2002, at only 44 years of age.
Ms. Ren Guixia from Linghai City, Liaoning Province Suffers a Recurrence of Heart Disease Due to Repeated Ill Treatment
2008-05-09Ms. Ren Guixia, 46, was introduced to Falun Gong in 1997. After six months, her heart disease, leg pain and rheumatism were all cured. After the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong, Ms. Ren went to Beijing to appeal. She was arrested and detained. In February 2000, police went to her home because they were afraid she would go to Beijing again to appeal. They asked her, "Are you still going to practise Falun Gong?" She replied, "Yes," and was arrested and taken to the local police station where she was hung up by her handcuffed wrists and beaten by several policemen for several hours. She was subjected to inhuman torture on a daily basis for more than 30 days in the detention centre. Recently, Ms. Ren was tortured until she suffered another onset of her heart disease and was sent to the hospital.
Details About the Persecution of Mr. Jin Junjie in Jilin Province
2008-05-09Mr. Jin Junjie, a practitioner from Jilin Province, was sentenced twice to a forced labour camp, for four years in total. He has been inhumanly tortured both physically and mentally. After being tortured the first time, he was carried home on his mother's back. Following the second time, he was released while still handcuffed. For a long period of time, he has had to rely on his family's support or manual labour job to survive. He has no home of his own, and so far, he has not yet recovered from the physical injuries inflicted upon him in the labour camp. In summer 2007, Mr. Jin had symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath, weight loss and vomiting blood, etc. and his condition did not improve after a period of time. He was diagnosed with tuberculosis. Mr. Jin Junjie is only 35 years old.
Cao Dong's Wife Tells the Story of His Detention in Tianshui City Prison, Gansu Province
2008-05-08I am the wife of Cao Dong, a Falun Gong practitioner from Beijing. On May 21st, 2006, Cao Dong met with Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice-President of the European Parliament, and told him about the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Two hours after the meeting, Cao Dong was arrested by State Security agents. Before the Chinese New Year's Eve, Cao Dong was sentenced to five years in prison. His defence lawyer said that the only "evidence" used to sentence him was a false oral confession.
Two Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution in Hebei Province and Inner Mongolia
2008-05-08Ms. Wang Yulan, about 50, was arrested for distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. Deputy Police Chief Yin Chaobo beat her viciously while attempting to force her to write a guarantee statement that she would stop practising Falun Gong. He beat her face until it was black and blue, grabbing her by the hair and slamming her into the wall. He then put a metal bucket over her head and pounded it repeatedly with a hammer. Ms. Wang felt dizzy and faint and was unable to hear. The following morning, Yin continued to torture Ms. Wang, who was already severely bruised. He used the cord from a hand-crank telephone to give her electric shocks until she lost consciousness.
Falun Gong Practitioners in Jilin City, Jilin Province Arrested After Inspection of Their TV Reception
2008-05-08At around 9 a.m. on April 9th, 2008, four Falun Gong practitioners from Caojia Village in Jilin Province, were arrested. They are Li Yanwei and his wife Ding Qin, You Zuozai and his wife Kan Xuxiang. Police searched their homes and first inspected how the residents received TV signals. Then the police found and removed several CDs exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, Falun Gong books and a TV signal receiver. On the next day, the police searched You Zuozai's home twice. You's mother said to her neighbours, "They came four or five times in the two days, which really frightened me." The police police tortured Li Yanwei to try and extort a confession. The police beat him and force-fed him with horseradish concentrate.
My Experience While being Detained in a Mental Hospital Three Times
2008-05-08When the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal and was thrown into a detention centre by police. The guards failed to force me to give up Falun Gong. Thus, they turned to their last weapon - saying that I had a mental disease. They sent me to a mental hospital. In the hospital, several persons held me down and forcefully injected me with some kind of drug. Shortly after that, I lost consciousness. After I woke up, I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that I had motionless eyes, messed up hair, and blood at the corner of my mouth due to the forceful injection! I burst into tears. They had mistreated me into such a miserable state! I repeatedly requested that I be allowed to leave the hospital, and I told them that I was not sick. The reason they treated me violently was because I did not give up practising Falun Gong.
Songyuan City Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Committee Calls for Arrest of Falun Gong Practitioners in Run-up to Olympic Games
2008-05-07As Songyuan City is one of the Olympic Torch relay cities, in order to guarantee having no protests during the torch relay and the Olympic Games, the Songyuan City Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Committee and its government administration held a general assembly that included representatives from the police department and other law enforcement agencies of the city. The head of the city Chinese Communist Party Committee, Lan Jun, member of the Municipal Party Committee, the Deputy Mayor, Secretary of the City Politics and Law Committee, Wu Xinghong, and others, issued an order demanding that the police units give full play to their so-called "function." For a period of 100 days, they carried out an intense round of arrests of Falun Gong practitioners. Prior to that, Communist officials had also issued a secret order to "strike hard" on Falun Gong.
A Teacher Recalls Her Experience of Physical and Mental Abuse at the Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province
2008-05-07One night in December 2005 National Security officers suddenly surrounded my home and broke in and arrested me. I was eventually sent to Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp. This place is notorious, known as a living hell. I was sentenced to one year of forced labour. No matter how much those criminals verbally abused me, I would face them with a smile. Because of my persistence in my faith and non-cooperation with the persecutors' schemes, the criminal inmates gave me a hard time. I would be beaten even if I simply set my cup down, washed a dish or walked a little bit slow. Later on they tortured me by forcing me to squat in an awkward position. I could not hold the position and fell to the floor. They hit and kicked me. They put their knees on my head, mid-section and on my back. I had bruises and injuries everywhere. I was severely tortured, until I was more dead than alive.