Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Practitioner Mr. Zhang Xiaodong from Gansu Province Beaten to Death in 2003

    On October 24th, 2003, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Xiaodong, 32, was beaten to death by guards at the Xiguoyuan Detention Centre. At 5:00 p.m. that day, they informed his family. When his family members arrived at the detention centre, they found that the guards had tampered with evidence at the scene in order to conceal their crime. Mr. Zhang's parents, in their 70s, grieved deeply over the loss of their son. After Mr. Zhang's tragic death, his family brought a lawsuit against the detention centre through the Lanzhou District Attorney's Office. But the centre responded with defiance and brazenly harassed Mr. Zhang's family.
  • Family Hires Lawyer to Investigate the Torture Leading to their Loved One's Death - Prison Officials Lie and Coerce Inmates to Help Hide the Truth

    Two years after Mr. Yang Xiaojie died as a direct result of the torture meted out to him in a Chinese prison, his family hired a lawyer to seek justice. When the lawyer went to the Hebei Province Fourth Prison to investigate, Yue Yuhai, the chief of the Prison Political Section, gave false and misleading statements. He lied. He refused to admit to that Mr. Yang was tortured, and covered up the fact that Mr. Yang was ill and that his family was not allowed to visit him for over one year. Yue Yuhai forced inmates Fan Jiangshan and others who had monitored Mr. Yang to lie to the lawyer, telling him that Mr. Yang had been very well treated in prison.
  • Two 68 Year-Old Women Imprisoned for Three Years in Yueyang City, Hunan Province

    Sixty-eight-year-old Falun Gong practitioners Liu Bilian and Cai Fengjiao are residents of Yueyang City, Hunan Province. In March 2004, they were both arrested and detained in the Huarong Detention Centre for four months. They were both sentenced to Changsha City Women's Prison. For three years--more than one thousand days and nights--Ms. Liu was imprisoned just because she told people the facts about Falun Gong. Upon her release, she was 71 years old. An old lady was imprisoned in the Changsha City Women's Prison and subjected to all kinds of torture simply because she is a Falun Gong practitioner. Think about it. Why do practitioners endure immense suffering? They do so because they hope that people will learn the truth that Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance is good so that they will all have a bright future.
  • Ms. Ding Fengge Tortured in Puyang City, Henan Province, No Further Details Available

    On December 18th, 2007, Ms. Ding Fengge was arrested while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong and detained at the Beihuan Detention Centre. In order to receive a reward, the police tortured her to obtain information about the source of the leaflets. She was tortured with an electric baton and her fingers were pinched with a pair of pliers. She had steadfast faith in Falun Gong and did not say anything. She was sentenced to two years of forced labour.
  • Elderly Mr. Ma Fusheng Dies as a Result of Persecution in Jilin Province

    Mr. Ma Fusheng, 68, was a professor at the Changchun City Geology Institute in Jilin Province. Mr. Ma went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 2000. For this he was arrested and detained in a detention centre and a mental hospital. He was inhumanly tortured, and held a hunger strike to protest the persecution for nine days before he was released. The local police considered him a key person and constantly harassed him at home. In March 2003, he was arrested again and sentenced to one year of forced labour. Mr. Ma became very weak after one year of forced labour, and had difficulty moving. He died on February 17th, 2008.
  • Jing Suo's Letter--Incarcerated Falun Gong Practitioner Exposes Inhuman Conditions Inside the Fushun Prison

    My name is Jing Suo. I am a Falun Gong practitioner, and I was arrested for practising Falun Gong and sentenced to four years in prison in 2004. On June 23rd, 2006, a guard drank a lot of alcohol and beat me for no reason. I held a hunger strike to protest the inhuman treatment, but the captors force-fed and tortured me. They inserted a rubber tube into my stomach through my nose, and used lots of napkins trying to stem the blood flow from my nose. The tube damaged my nose, throat, oesophagus and stomach. They put me on a bed, handcuffed me to the corners of the headboard and tied my feet to the corners of the foot-board, and during the heat of summer, they covered me with blankets. They incited the inmates to force-feed me concentrated salt water and slap my face to keep me from closing my eyes.
  • The Inside Story of Crimes at the Qiqihar No. 1 Detention Centre

    The Qiqihar No. 1 Detention Centre forces their detainees to take part in handicraft manufacturing to make huge profits. They call it by a good name, "doing exercises." But, it is actually intense work to meet aggressive quotas. The inmates often work overtime, and are seriously overloaded. They make toothpicks for pricking fruit that are exported to Korea. Actually, the toothpicks are produced in such poor sanitary conditions that the bacteria seriously violates the safety standards. According to regulations, the detainees should not take part in this type of labour. However, the detention centre and businessmen see the prisoners as cheap labour and they collude with the administration department to assign tasks to the prisoners to make profits for the detention centre and themselves.
  • Facts about the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Jingshan County, Hubei Province

    Mr. Zhou Qing, 30 years old, was a teacher. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999, he has been arrested on many occasions. In February 2003, the school, along with local 610 Office personnel, tried to take him away to a brainwashing centre again. Mr. Zhou was forced to leave home. That same year he was fired from the school. In 2004 he was arrested and tortured at the local detention centre until all four of his limbs were paralysed and he could not even speak. Later, he was taken to the brainwashing centre and injected with unknown drugs that made him mentally disoriented. He also lost almost all his hair and could not see to his basic needs. Only when his life was hanging by a thread was he allowed to be taken home by his family. Before he was able to fully recover, Mr. Zhou was once again taken into custody and sentenced to four years of imprisonment in July 2005.
  • Ms. Shi Xiuzhen and Other Practitioners Arrested to Meet "Olympics Quota" in Jilin Province

    On March 18th, 2008, officer Bai Mingku (male) from the Legal Office of the Jiaohe City Police Department and officers from the Xinzhan Town Police Station broke into Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shi Xiuzhen's home located in Changjia Village, Jiaohe City. The police violently beat her, then arrested her and ransacked her home. At 8:00 p.m. on March 19th, the police ransacked Ms. Shi's home again and broke a lock to open a storage room. Her 78-year-old mother-in-law was also threatened by the police. It is said that these arrests and ransacking of homes is to meet the "Olympics Quota." The police from Jiaohe City 610 Office and Police Department are to arrest at least four Falun Gong practitioners to fulfill their "assigned task."
  • Mr. Bai Shaohua Arrested after the Death of His Practitioner Brother

    On February 20th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Bai Shaohua was arrested after police stopped to inspect his car. He was sent to Beijing Huairou District Detention Centre. His older brother Bai Xiaojun was repeatedly imprisoned at Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp, Changchun City, where he was so brutally abused that he could not care for himself and lost consciousness. He died in July 2003.
  • 65-Year-Old Li Manting's Account of His Suffering in Yushu City and Changchun City

    In 2002, I hung a banner saying "Falun Gong is good" in town and police arrested me. In order to protect other practitioners I refused to give my name and address. Police removed my trousers and brutally beat me with a one-inch-wide plastic tube all over my buttock. Two or three guards pulled my two arms behind my back and tried to handcuff my hands behind my back. Finally they held me down on the ground and someone put his knee on the back of my head. My hands were cuffed behind me. They pulled the handcuffs up, which was extremely painful. Then they suddenly let the handcuff go loose, which made them tighter. They did this repeatedly, which made the handcuffs cut into my flesh and, it seemed like, into the bone. I was in extreme pain and cold sweat ran down my face.
  • Practitioners Tortured in Shanghai's Tilanqiao Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Du Ting, who had been sentenced to eight years of imprisonment, went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. At one time he was on the verge of death and was taken to the prison's general hospital for emergency treatment. In addition, practitioner Lu Jinlong's left arm was broken after prison guards ordered prisoners to beat him.
  • The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Monitors Employees in Beijing in "Preparation" for the Olympics

    Recently, each work unit in Beijing has been asked to pass down a notice requiring them to search for "key persons" who might be disruptive, in to order to maintain "social stability" leading up to the Olympics. This notice included Falun Gong practitioners--people who follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, along with criminals, terrorists and mental patients. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is attempting to mislead people, preventing them from distinguishing good from bad. The CCP is responsible for inciting hatred toward Falun Gong.
  • Intensified Persecution in Qitaihe City: In Order to Identify Falun Gong Practitioners, Policemen Forced Passengers to Kick a Stranger

    Between Qitaihe City and Baoqing County in Heilongjiang Province, there is a tollbooth, and there are police stationed there. In order to identify practitioners, the policemen laid a person on the ground and covered his face. Then they forced the passengers from the buses to kick the person on the ground and to curse Falun Gong and its founder. If people refused to do so, they would be assumed to be practitioners (as they do not hit or curse people) and would be arrested. Every passenger went through strict inspection, particularly those who covered their face with scarf.
  • Mr. Wu Limin, His Wife, and Sister-In-Law from Changsha City, Sent to Forced Labour Camps

    On the afternoon of November 24th, 2007, a student who didn't know the truth about Falun Gong reported three practitioners to the police while they were talking to people on a bus about the persecution. They were arrested and taken to the Wangcheng County Police Department with another practitioner. Here, the four of them were interrogated then detained for one night. The heads and faces of Ms. Zhang Lihui and Ms. Liu Meihsuang were swollen from being beaten during the interrogation. A handful of Ms. Liu Meishuang's hair had been ripped out. Mr. Wu Limin was also badly beaten. The next day, four people were sent to Wangcheng County Detention Centre and then transferred to Xinkanpu Forced Labour Camp.