Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
An Account of Five Years of Brutal Torture in Harbin Women's Prison
2007-11-09In September 2002, I was imprisoned in Harbin Prison because I practise Falun Gong. In November 2003, several practitioners and I refused to respond during roll-call, so the prison authorities forced us to stay outside for 6-7 days. We were not allowed to eat lunch and were forced to stand from early morning to late afternoon in the cold wind. Some practitioners fainted from the severe cold. When it was time for evening roll-call, practitioners who refused to say their names were forced to squat down. If the practitioners refused to squat down, they were beaten. Later, twelve practitioners including myself decided not to wear our name tags. For this we were put in the bathhouse and then in the warehouse to receive physical punishment. The bathhouse floor was covered with water. We were forced to stand in it during the day and sleep on the wet, cold floor at night. As a result, my left foot and calf became swollen. Some practitioners fainted.
National Security Team in Baoding City Steals Money and Property From Practitioner Liu Zhihui
2007-11-09Mr. Liu Zhihui was arrested by police from the National Security Team at the Baoding Public Security Bureau. Mr. Liu was detained for one day and night. Later, he was sent to the Qingyuan County brainwashing centre and not given any food or water for five days. The police injected Mr. Liu Zhihui with unknown drugs over the course of two days. On September 4th, 2007, the Baoding City Public Security Bureau forced Mr. Liu Zhihui's family to pay fifteen thousand. After securing the fifteen thousand yuan, the police said, "He was sentenced to a forced labour camp. If we cannot release him, we will give you back the money." Liu Zhihui's family was refunded only ten thousand yuan. The other five thousand supposedly paid for the meals at the labour camp.
Ran Hengbing, 76, from Sichuan Province Dies in Detention Centre One Week After Being Arrested, His Son Still Detained
2007-11-08Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Ran Hengbing, 76, lived in Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province. His son Ran Tongyi (also a practitioner) was arrested by State Security agents on October 11th, 2007. Then, Ran Hengbing was ordered by Jiangyou City State Security agents to come for questioning on October 15th, 2007, and he was arrested and detained in the Jiangyou City Detention Centre. He died under suspicious circumstances in the detention centre on October 22nd, 2007. The Detention Centre Administration refused to allow his family to visit during his detention.
Information About the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Anxin County, Hebei Province (Part 1)
2007-11-08Ms. Li Jinling is a 39-year-old housewife and practitioner. In March 2001, town government personnel forcibly sent her to the county brainwashing centre from her home. Her husband asked the county to release her but the county public security bureau would not let her go. During that period, the 610 Office also extorted 2000 yuan from her family. In September 2002, Ms. Li was sentenced to three years of forced labour. In the Baoding Forced Labour Camp and Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp, she was physically punished, locked in a confined space, tortured with electric batons, tied to a bed by all four limbs and abused, deprived of sleep, had her head smashed into a wall, had her buttocks beaten with bamboo sticks, buried alive, and so on, until she was at the brink of death.
Exposing The Criminal Deeds of the Police in Shouguang City, Shandong Province
2007-11-08Ms. Sang Chunlian was arrested by the local police on September 24th, 2007. That night she was locked up in the Shouguang City Police Department, where two policemen brutally tortured her. One of them burned her arms and hands with a cigarette lighter with the maximum flame and caused many blisters. He deliberately chose spots where it would hurt the most.
Mr. Tan Weichang from Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province Imprisoned
2007-11-08On September 23rd, 2007, Mr. Tan Weichang was arrested by the local police. At present, he is imprisoned at the Yuexiu District No. 2 Detention Centre in Guangzhou City. His family members have gone several times to deliver him clothing, but every time the guards haven't allowed them to see him. They were only allowed to leave some of his clothes and money for him. His family members still don't know his situation.
Veteran Medical Officer from Beijing Suffers Brutal Torture in Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
2007-11-07Mr. Gao Liangui, 69 years old, was arrested because he is a Falun Gong practitioner and sent to Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp. The most common methods of torture used in Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp include the following: being confined in a solitary cell for more than a month at a time; being forced to attend brainwashing sessions run by a group of collaborators, former practitioners who have turned against Dafa; being shocked with electric batons, immobilised with handcuffs, forced to wear a motorcycle helmet for extended periods of time. The guards told Mr. Gao to participate in a "formation drill" in the afternoon. Mr. Gao talked to the division head and asked to rest because he was not feeling well. As a result he was brutally beaten.
Officers from the 610 Office in Mengyang Town, Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province Brutally Beat Mr. Zhuang Chenglin
2007-11-07Officers from the 610 Office and the Regional Administration Office brutally beat four Falun Dafa practitioners simply because they read a leaflet exposing the persecution. On January 24th, 2000, police broke into the home of Mr. Zhuang Chenglin and arrested him. Because Mr. Zhuang refused to answer any questions he was badly beaten. The head of the town government, first slapped Mr. Zhuang. Then others proceeded to punch and kick Mr. Zhuang. The police had Mr. Zhuang take off his trousers and lay down with his arms stretched out. Another group of officers then whipped Mr. Zhuang with bamboo and wooden sticks on the buttocks and all over his body. Five or six police officers took turns hitting Mr. Zhuang with sticks. His body was covered with cuts and bruises afterwards.
Nanhua Administrative Office and Local Police Personnel Persecute Sisters Jia Yulan and Jia Yukun in Anshan City, Liaoning Province
2007-11-07Several police officers from Nanhua Police Station ransacked the home of sisters Ms. Jia Yulan and Ms. Jia Yukun. They confiscated several Falun Dafa books. Then they took them to the Nanhua local police station. They took a photo of the confiscated books. They also took some leaflets exposing the persecution as "evidence." These materials, however, had not been found in Ms. Jia Yulan and Ms. Jia Yukun's home. The authorities had planted the documents, but they ordered the sisters to sign acknowledging their possessions, which they refused to do. The women were sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour.
The Guards in the "Education" Section of Heizuizi Women's Prison in Changchun Torture Practitioners
2007-11-07Practitioner Ban Huijuan is suffering from mental disorder after being severely tortured. She is afraid to see people and automatically hides herself behind other people's backs when she sees someone. She does not dare to speak to people. She has nightmares and shouts in her sleep. She has lost her memory and doesn't remember her age. She also cannot recall the names of the people she has just met. She cannot walk properly and also passes blood. Her eyes cannot adjust to the light and she can barely see.
18 Practitioners from Xiantao City, Hubei Province, Arrested
2007-11-06While 18 Falun Gong practitioners were still sleeping in the early morning of September 24th, 2007 (the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival), officers from the 610 Office of Xiantao City, the National Security Group, the Special Police Group, and the local police station broke into their homes. They arrested practitioners and took away their Falun Gong books, cash, and private belongings. Some of the practitioners were transferred to Wuhan City Brainwashing Centre. Some of them were transferred to the First Detention Centre of Xiantao City. The rest were transferred to Magang Brainwashing Centre, which is controlled by the 610 Office of Xiantao City. All the arrested practitioners were seriously mistreated. The eldest practitioner was 78 years old.
Due to the Persecution, Practitioners from Mudanjiang Teachers College Have Died and Lost Their Homes
2007-11-06After being in a forced labour camp twice, not long after he was released in December 2006, Zhu Xiucheng was again seized by Mudanjiang National Security and detained in Mudanjiang Police Department for four days, where a national security officer kicked his face and cruelly tortured him, trying to force him to make a statement. The corner of his mouth was seriously injured, he could not speak, and his front teeth were knocked loose and almost fell out. Later he was force-fed during his hunger strike for resisting the persecution in the No. 2 Detention Centre. After he was detained for seven months in the detention centre, he was sentenced to five years and is now in Mudanjiang Prison. His wife, Wang Shue, has been incarcerated in Harbin Women's Prison for several years.
Yanji City Practitioner Zhang Xingcai Brutally Persecuted in Jiutai Forced Labour Camp
2007-11-06Yanbian and Jiutai labour camps resorted to various inhumane torture methods to reform practitioners. One of the torture methods used was to wake the practitioners up as early as 4:30 a.m. and make them sit on plastic backless stools for up to 15 hours a day. The practitioners had to sit upright and straight, at a 90-degree angle, with both hands placed in front of the knees and eyes staring straight at the blackboard in front. This prolonged sitting caused some of the practitioners' buttocks to become inflamed and eventually infected. Their oozing wounds would stick to their clothing, causing them extreme pain and itchiness. The suffering was unbearable. They were not allowed to move or turn their heads while sitting. They were not allowed to utter a word. Young or old, healthy or sick, failure to comply would be met with severe punishment such as kicks and punches.
Ms. Zhang Xiaoping from Hunan Province Arrested and Detained Six Times
2007-11-06I am a nursery teacher. Because I would not give up my personal belief and wanted to become a good person according to the standard of "Truthfulness, Kindness, Forbearance," I have been arrested and detained six times since the persecution of Falun Dafa began. On February 29th, 2000, I travelled to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and was arrested and taken to the county detention centre. The police hung a big poster around my neck and tied my hands behind my back. They forced me into the back of a truck and drove around different streets in the county, exhibiting me as an object of scorn. At the detention centre, they would not allow me to go to sleep. They interrogated me day and night. One policeman called Bai Bangwu beat me. I insisted on doing the exercises, so they put handcuffs and shackles on me. They were not removed for a week.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Dai Zongzhen on the Brink of Death from Abuse at the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp, Shandong Province
2007-11-0552-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Dai Zongzhen from Weifang City, Shandong Province was arrested on April 18th, 2007. She was sent to the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp where she has been severely abused. One source indicated that due to the mistreatment she had to endure, her previous illnesses such as heart disease recurred, and she is on the brink of death. While incarcerated at the labour camp, Ms. Dai's family tried to visit her five times, but their requests were rudely denied.