Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Brutal and Unlawful Persecution of Practitioners in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province: Electric Shocking, Being Forced to Squat or Bend Over, and Being Hung and Tied Up
2007-06-14Guards used electric batons to shock practitioner Ms. Zhang Chunyu and caused her neck to swell. The police also hung her up. Her wrists were injured and the skin on her wrists was all red and swollen. The police also stretched her hands, hung her on a bed frame, and didn't allow her to sleep for more than 20 days. Her feet were very swollen and she could not wear shoes. She was extremely tired and fell asleep. But the guards immediately woke her up. She could not withstand the persecution and wrote the so-called "Guarantee Statements" against her will. Then she was sent to the 12th team to do forced labour.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Tortured in the Family Meeting Building of Nanjing Women's Prison in Jiangsu Province
2007-06-14The guards and staff from the 610 offices all over the province have instigated criminals they could depend on to beat and abuse Falun Gong practitioners and to force them to crawl on the floor. In addition, Falun Gong practitioners are deprived of sleep for periods varying from a dozen days up to a couple of months. When they fall asleep while standing, they have cold water poured on them. To prevent Falun Gong practitioners from sitting on the floor, the floor was made wet. What is worse, Falun Gong practitioners confined in the meeting building are forbidden to take a shower in summer and are not allowed to put on additional clothing in winter.
Ms. Zhang Jingying and Her Three Sons Persecuted in Ningxia Autonomous Region
2007-06-14Ms. Zhang Jingying and her three sons are all Dafa practitioners, living in Lingwu City, Ningxia Autonomous Region. They live without their father, who has passed away. The whole family is harmonious and gets along well with the neighbours. On July 22nd, 1999, the police began a campaign of persecution against Ms. Zhang's family. The eldest son, Bai Bin, was sentenced to a prison term of ten years. The second oldest son, Bai Jun, was given a term of four years. The youngest son, Bai Tao, was given a term of three years at a forced labour camp.
Mr. An Jiheng of Lanzhou City, Gansu Province Serving Four-year Term; His Wife and Child Suffering
2007-06-14The local police authorities arrested 35-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. An Jiheng in December 2003 because he communicated with other practitioners. They sentenced him to four years of imprisonment. He is still serving a term at Dashaping Prison in Lanzhou City. When Mr. An was arrested, his wife was seven months pregnant. When she went into labour on February 4th, 2004, nobody was there to take care of her and the baby. She therefore had to take care of her baby and bear the grief of her husband's arrest alone. In late 2004, the Oilfield Machinery Factory of Lanzhou City fired Mr. An Jiheng, which caused his wife to lose her source of financial support. She and their baby suffer tremendous difficulties every day.
Ms. Zhao Chunying from Heilongjiang Province Murdered in 2003, Three of Her Organs Removed
2007-06-13Police and prison doctor Wang Lijun murdered Ms. Zhao Chunying, a Falun Dafa practitioner, four years ago during her 23 days of detention at Hengshan District Police Station and Jixi City Second Detention Centre. Her family members asked that an autopsy be performed to determine the cause of death. It was discovered that Ms. Zhao's heart, spleen, and pancreas had been removed.
Practitioner Fan Jianguo from Zibo City, Shandong Province Secretly Sentenced to Four Years in Prison; Parents Pass Away After Hearing the News
2007-06-13Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Fan Jianguo was tried and secretly sentenced by the Zichuan Area Court to four years of imprisonment. His family was unaware of the situation before the trial ended. The entire trial process took place secretly. Mr. Fan's parents both passed away after hearing the news. After his mother passed away, the authorities refused to allow Mr. Fan to attend her funeral.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Lin Mingli from Shanghai Still Unjustly Detained after More than a Year
2007-06-13Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Lin Mingli is currently detained at the Tilanqiao Prison, in Shanghai City. Putuo District Court agents in Shanghai sentenced him to six years of prison in November 2006. His wife visited him there on May 8th, 2007. They had not seen each other for over a year. She still doesn't know in which prison division her husband is detained. During the visit she noticed that her husband looked thin, and she was only able to ask him some brief questions through the glass partition.
Officials of Weifang City, Shandong Province Again Attempt to Sentence Mr. Dai Zongqiu, Who Previously Became Gravely Ill During Detention
2007-06-13Mr. Dai Zongqiu, a Falun Dafa practitioner, has been detained in the Anqiu City Detention Centre and persecuted there since April 18th, 2007. When he was arrested the police confiscated all of the money his family had (800 yuan). His teenage son was about to go to high school, but now his family can no longer support him, and he has had to apply for jobs to support his family. Although Mr. Dai is ill with diabetes, he was still sentenced to two years of imprisonment and has been continuously mistreated.
Sun Yanhe, Wang Hongyan and Others from Shulan, Jilin Province Arrested and Imprisoned in a Forced Labour Camp
2007-06-13Falun Dafa practitioners Sun Yanhe, Wang Hongyan, and others were imprisoned by police at Pin An Police Station on March 3rd, 2007. The police refused to listen to their explanations. Instead, they brutally beat and robbed them. Sun Yanhe suffered trauma to his ear from the blows. In order to force a confession at the police station, policeman Wang Da hit practitioners in the face and dragged them by their hair, subsequently pulling out whole tufts of hair, then kicked their lower bodies, abdomens, and heads, until they could no longer stand upright. He then tightly handcuffed them and dragged them down the police station hallway. He then used one ring of the handcuff to handcuff them to the top of the beds--hanging them by one hand and lifting them so high that their feet could not touch the floor.
Ms. Fu Zhaocui from Heilongjiang Province Arrested While Still in Mourning for Her Father, Who Died as a Result of Persecution
2007-06-12Around 4 p.m. on May 24th, 2007, more than ten police officers from the Second Police Station in Hailin City, Heilongjiang Province forcibly took Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Fu Zhaocui from her home and imprisoned her in the Public Security Division of Mudanjiang City Railway Bureau, disregarding the fact that it was only three days since her father's death and she was still in mourning. On May 22nd Fu Zhaocui's father passed away. Her father was sentenced to three years of imprisonment in 2002. He went home in 2005 with his body severely damaged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Ms. Qiu Shuangying Arrested, Taken to a Brainwashing Centre in Tangxun Lake, Hubei Province
2007-06-12At around 4:00 p.m. on May 15th, 2007 in Yunmeng County, Deng Guobin, Yu Meng and another member from the National Security Bureau arrested Dafa practitioner Ms. Qiu Shuangying from the fashion shop where she was working. Ms. Qiu shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" loudly and told all the onlookers that practitioners are all good people, but are unjustly persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Infuriated, the policemen beat Ms. Qiu in front of the public. A large crowd of over a hundred people gathered. Beating up a harmless woman, unafraid in the face of terror, caused the three policemen to panic. Feeling guilty, they called up some ten other policemen who arrived and arrested Ms. Qiu. They took her away to the Yunmeng Detention Centre for further persecution.
610 Office Agents Arrested Our Daughter-in-Law
2007-06-12We are the parents-in-law of 57-year-old practitioner Ms. Hu Nianxian. Our daughter-in-law was arrested on May 14th, 2007, by agents of the 610 Office simply because she believed in the universal law of Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance. They broke into her home and, without any explanation, a couple of muscular men took her away. Why did they have to use several car-loads of men to arrest her? In fact, if they still had a little bit of kindness, they would have heard the desperate cries from the two little girls after they came home from school. "Who has taken my granny away?
Two Practitioners Died as a Result of Persecution in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province
2007-06-12Around October 20th, 1999, Ms. Zhang Guifen was arrested for going to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa. She was detained in the Jinzhou City Detention Centre for 30 days, then forced to go through brainwashing in the Guta District Brainwashing Centre. Ms. Zhang was tortured for one month in the brainwashing centre and had more than one thousand yuan extorted from her. She was constantly harassed and threatened for the next several years, which damaged her mental and physical health. Ms. Zhang died on September 14th, 2003; she was only 52 years old.
Wangcun Forced Labour Camp Again Refuses to Release Mr. Liu Ruping, An Attorney in Shandong Province
2007-06-12On December 14th, 2005, Liu Ruping was sentenced to a forced labour camp for one year and three months. He was detained in the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp, where Falun Dafa practitioners are brutally persecuted. Mr. Liu refused to cooperate with the forced labour camp in the brainwashing class, and is steadfast in his belief. For this reason, he was brutally tortured. His term was extended for two months, until May 16th, 2007. When his term expired again, his family was notified that his release date was changed to May 25th. The labour camp refused to give any reason for the change.
Exposing the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners at Zhengzhou Prison in Henan Province
2007-06-11Practitioner Ren Lidong was sent to solitary confinement, was deprived of sleep, was forced to perform the "three positions," and told to be "well-behaved." Otherwise, three to five perpetrators would begin seriously beating him. Under such inhumane abuse and torture, Ren Lidong almost lost his vision within one month. Dafa practitioner Lu Yuankun refused to be "transformed." He was tortured with electric batons and beaten with a thick club. His face and body were covered with bruises and were deformed. He lost twenty-four teeth and the rest of his teeth were loose. He could not eat regular meals anymore, and could only eat soup.