Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ms. Sun Jingsu's Entire Family Suffers Persecution and Tribulation at the Hands of the Communist Party
2007-06-21Ms. Sun Jingsu and her husband, Mr. Ma Xinshun, lived with their parents and two children. After they began practising Falun Gong, their family was very happy. When the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, Ms. Sun and her husband were arrested, their home ransacked, detained, and tortured by a Chinese Communist Party local official. Ms. Sun and Mr. Ma were both sentenced to forced labour, which deeply hurt their children. In addition, Ms. Su Jingsu's father was in a constant state of fear and tension and finally passed away.
Mr. Zhang Quanliang Under "Strict Control" Monitoring in Yongchuan Prison
2007-06-21Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Quanliang is being tortured in Yongchuan Prison in Chongqing City. The guards directed prisoners in the cell to closely watch him by bribing them with reduced terms. These prisoners are very cruel. They tortured Mr. Zhang, deprived him the right to sleep, brutally beat him, forced him to go through brainwashing sessions, forced him to bend down, hit his back suddenly with their elbows, and forced him to sit on the icy floor in the winter for several days. When his family visited him, Mr. Zhang was very thin and told his family that his hearing was almost completely gone and his feet and legs were numb.
Many Suspicions Behind Practitioner Mr. Wang Zhongmin's Cause of Death
2007-06-21In May 2003, police arrested Mr. Wang Zhongmin and sent him to Linghai City Detention Centre. He was immediately sentenced to three years of forced labour. Wang Zhongmin's health was poor as a result of the persecution. Two and a half months later, Wang was abused so badly that he had become skeletal and was barely alive. The police were afraid of taking responsibility for causing his death and released Mr. Wang while extorting 4,000 yuan from his son. Seven days after Mr. Wang went home, a police car knocked him off his bicycle and killed him.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Sui Xueai from Mengyin, Shandong Province, Beaten to Death in 2002
2007-06-20In March 2000, Ms. Sui Xueai collected signatures, along with other practitioners, to protest the persecution. Over one hundred Falun Dafa practitioners and she were deceived into going to the Tanbu Township Government courtyard. Five or six people surrounded each Falun Dafa practitioner and beat them with wooden clubs, whipped them with leather belts, and slammed their heads against the wall by pulling their hair. In January 2002, Ms. Sui Xueai was again taken to the Tanbu Town Government courtyard, and beaten black and blue with a wooden stick, until Sui Xueai was unconscious. After she was released and returned home, Sui Xueai never stood up again. Her abdomen became swollen and she lost her appetite. Three months later, on March 22nd, 2003, she passed away.
Wang Yuxian from Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province Gained a New Life from Practising Falun Gong but then Dies under Persecution
2007-06-20In August 1992, Ms. Wang Yuxian was diagnosed with mid late-term lymphoma and gave up hope of recovery. She then discovered Falun Gong. Six months later her cancer had disappeared. However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sentenced her to three years of forced labour in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. She was often beaten and had to perform intensive physical labour. Wang Yuxian passed away on April 6th, 2006 at the age of fifty.
The Persecution of Mr. Wu Baowang from Heilongjiang Province Before Passing Away in 2002
2007-06-20On May 17th, 2002, while Mr. Wu Baowang was detained in the Shuangcheng City No. 2 Detention Centre, he went on a hunger strike so the police force-fed him with concentrated saline solution. The prison doctor did nothing but laugh. Once back in his cell, Wu Baowang bled from the mouth and was in a coma. Within only half an hour, they had tortured him to the brink of death. Mr. Wu went into coma and passed away that same day.
Guangzhou Lawyer Mr. Zhu Yubiao Imprisoned in Forced Labour Camp For Defending Falun Gong Practitioner
2007-06-20On June 8th, 2005, lawyer Zhu Yubiao defended Falun Gong practitioner Gao Huanlian in Guangzhou's Tianhe Court. This was the first lawyer in Guangdong Province to openly defend a Falun Gong practitioner. Afterwards, some officials from the Judicial Office accused Mr. Zhu of being a "counter-revolutionary" and protested to his superiors at the Guangda Law Firm, where Mr. Zhu worked. During January and February of 2007, more practitioners attempted to hire Mr. Zhu as their defence lawyer, and he accepted the case. On February 10th, 2007, Mr. Zhu was arrested. Mr. Zhu is currently being detained at the Guangzhou Huadu Third Forced Labour Camp.
Exposing Crimes Committed in the Hubei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-06-20Practitioner Li Zhihui is 56 years old. Four male guards shocked her with electric batons for over 40 minutes. Before they shocked her, the prison doctor checked her and then told the four guards to go ahead with the shocking. These male officers disfigured her face. The skin on her eyelids, mouth, and ears peeled off. Before they left, they told her, "We will come back tomorrow." Practitioner Lu Fengying is 50. When she was detained in the labour camp they shocked her hands with electric batons for a long period of time, which disabled her hands, and she was unable to straighten her fingers.
Details on the Torture and Death of Ms. Dong Cuifang at the Beijing Women's Prison
2007-06-19Ms. Dong Cuifang worked as a doctor at Shunyi District Hospital for Women and Children in Beijing. In 2001 Ms. Dong and her fiancé, Mr. Shen Wenjie were arrested while handing out leaflets exposing the persecution . They were detained at the Shunyi Detention Centre in Beijing. In 2002, Shunyi District Court sentenced them to five years of imprisonment each. On March 11th, 2003, Ms. Dong Cui was transferred to Daxing Women's Prison in Beijing. Eight days later she died at the age of 29 as a result of torture.
Internet Satellite Images Show Facilities Where Falun Gong Practitioners Are Persecuted
2007-06-19Throughout districts and counties in Beijing, many organisations and facilities have been and continue to participate in the persecution of Falun Gong. The satellite picture obtained by searching Google Earth not only can accurately locate these places, but can also clearly expose their real appearance. The picture clearly shows the tall walls used for imprisoning Falun Gong practitioners.
Dafa Practitioners from Mengyang Town in Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province Subjected to Torture
2007-06-19On October 2nd, 2002, Ms. Jiang Qunhua, over 60 years old, was detained at the town police station. Zeng Jun shocked her with electric batons, and Huang Guangyao used a club made out of metal wires to beat Ms. Jiang. Teng Jiahua scalded her with boiling water. In addition, Zeng Jun used a cigarette lighter to burn Ms. Jiang's hair and shouted at the same time, "I'll burn you to death, and then it will count as a self-immolation! I'll beat you to death and throw you into the Mengyang River!" This went on from 3:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. She started a hunger strike to protest the torture, but they force-fed her. During the force-feeding, the guards knocked out her front teeth.
My Son Is Being Cruelly Tortured and His Life is in Danger --Who is Responsible?
2007-06-19My son Liu Yongwang is 35 years old. In 2001, police officers and officials from the 610 Office arrested him. Subsequently, they detained him at the Baoding Forced Labour Camp, Tangshan Forced Labour Camp and Hebei Jidong Prison, and he has endured various kinds of inhumane tortures. Currently, he is paralysed in his lower body and is extremely weak. He has passed out several times when they force-fed him. His life is in danger and he could die at any moment. Seeing my dying son, my heart is pained with worry and anxiety! Therefore, I am writing this letter calling upon all levels of the government to investigate the misery of us ordinary citizens and to ensure that justice is served!
Disabled Practitioner Liu Zhigao's Life is in Danger in Police Custody in Heilongjiang Province
2007-06-18Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Zhigao is physically disabled, and lives in Heilongjiang Province. On May 21st, 2007, he was arrested by State Security agents and police officers. He is currently detained in the Daqing City Detention Centre, and his life is in danger due to being tortured. The reason given for his arrest is that he is suspected of distributing 1000 copies of the book, "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party." He was tortured, and police took him to the hospital to be revived on several occasions with intravenous injections. His life is in danger, but the police refuse to release him.
60-Year-Old Mr. Wang Tongwen from Hebei Province Dies as Result of an Unknown Drug Injection
2007-06-18In 2001, police officers injected an unknown drug into Mr. Wang Tongwen's brain, causing him to lose the ability to function in his daily life. Due to damage caused by this drug to his central nervous system, Mr. Wang felt very ill. By 2002, half of his body was paralysed, he could not talk coherently, and he could not take care of himself. By 2005, he was bedridden and had totally lost the ability to talk. By April 2007, Mr. Wang Tongwen's whole body was paralysed, and he completely lost consciousness. He died on May 29th, 2007, at the age of 60.
Persecution of Zhang Lifang from Sichuan Province: Five Years of Unjust Incarceration
2007-06-18I am Zhang Lifang, fifty years old. Because I distributed leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, I was detained at Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp. I suffered and witnessed personally the persecution of practitioners. The guards punched and kicked the practitioners, shocked them with electric batons, and forced them to remain standing in the same position for long stretches of time. They also subjected the practitioners to sleep deprivation and assaulted them.