Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Second Autopsy Reveals Only Three Internal Organs Left in Ms. Zhao Tingyun's Remains
2006-06-03On May 16th, 2006, 54-year-old practitioner Ms. Zhao Tingyun's family were informed that the police was going to conduct the second autopsy on Zhao Tingyun. When Ms. Zhao's family rushed to the funeral home, they saw more than ten police cars and many police officers. They followed and monitored the family. When the legal medical examiner removed the stitches from the previous autopsy, only three internal organs were left -- the intestines, the bladder, and the womb. All the others had disappeared. The left side of the chest cavity looked normal but the right side had congealed blood and adhesions.
"You Will Be Sent Somewhere, Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison, and Get Your Name Removed from Records"
2006-06-03Guo Tieying is in his forties. He is a member of the "Transformation Team" in charge of brainwashing Falun Gong practitioners at the Benxi Labour Camp under the Public Security Bureau in Liaoning Province. He once wickedly said to a practitioner at the Masanjia Labour Camp, "If you continue to behave like this ... you will be sent somewhere, sentenced to ten years in prison and get your name removed from records. You will be called a number instead." Several days before this practitioner was released on bail for medical treatment, a police officer said to her, "You are a lucky survivor."
Longkou 610 Office Arrests More than Thirty Falun Gong Practitioners During Former Chinese Dictator Jiang's Visit
2006-06-02Recently, Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese dictator who started the persecution of Falun Gong, visited Longkou City, Shandong Province. During his visit, 610 Office officials arrested over thirty Falun Dafa practitioners and sent them to a brainwashing centre. They have been detained there since April 30th. Several policemen broke into Xing Qifu's home. When Xing Qifu was trying to escape one official stepped on Xing Qifu's throat, nearly suffocating him. The police carried Xing Qifu, who was already near-death, and left him lying on the cold cement ground before taking him to the brainwashing centre.
Mr. Na Zhenxian Tortured to Death in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2006-06-02Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Na Zhenxian was tortured to death in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City. During the past few months his family members tried several times to file a lawsuit. The Daowai District Court of Harbin City refused to take the case, and the Harbin City Middle Court purposefully delayed the case by rejecting it, using the excuse of "insufficient evidence" and "more investigation and evidence needed."
Mr. Yu Xiaoru and Mr. Feng Chuanjia, Both Over 70, Were Sentenced and Have Been Missing for Two Years
2006-06-02Two 70-year-old practitioners, Mr. Yu Xiaoru and Mr. Feng Chuanjia, were sentenced with heavy punishment and have been missing for two years. During his visits to Taiwan, Yu Xiaoru participated in local Falun Dafa activities and brought back some Falun Dafa leaflets exposing the persecution. After he returned to China, he was arrested and sentenced to eleven years. Feng Chuanjia was arrested in October 2002. He was sentenced to ten years.
Four Falun Gong Practitioners Pass Away as a Result of Persecution
2006-06-02Ms. Zhu Zhi was a Falun Gong practitioner in Shandong Province. After the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, she went to Beijing three times to appeal. Each time she was arrested and detained. In October 2000, she was arrested at the rail station in Beijing. She was first taken to a detention centre, and then transferred to a labour camp. However, the labour camp refused to accept her due to her poor health. In 2001, she was sent to a brainwashing centre, where she was tortured for five months and became extremely weak. Within one month after her release, she passed away, in July 2001, at the age of 58.
Five Practitioners from Hunan Province Recently Arrested
2006-06-02At about 8:00 a.m. on May 17th, Zheng Fenglin (male) and Long Jiliang (male) led five State Security agents from the County Police Department to arrest Mr. Huang Qihua, a practitioner, and ransacked his residence. Mr. Huang, 33, was sentenced to forced labour in Xinkaipu Labour Camp in 2001. A few months into his forced labour term, he showed signs of illness and became unable to walk. He was later "released on probation for medical treatment."
Former "Top Ten National Heroine" Ms. Lu Yanfei Near Death from Persecution after Consecutive Labour Camp Terms
2006-06-01Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Lu Yanfei, 55, was elected as one of the "Top 10 National Heroines." After she was detained and persecuted in a forced labour camp for four years, she was sentenced to forced labour for another three years. In Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp, she was persecuted until she was almost dead. She was arrested by the National Security Bureau and is currently being persecuted in a mental hospital.
Mr. Feng Huang on the Verge of Death
2006-06-01Mr. Feng Huang, around 30 years old was arrested and taken to to Guangzhou City Brainwashing Centre. On the morning of April 30th, Mr. Feng's parents visited him at the brainwashing centre. They noticed that he was very weak and people had to hold him as he walked. He also needed help to sit down and stand up. He was so weak that he could hardly talk. He told his parents in an incoherent manner that he was forced to stand facing a wall from April 19th to 20th. He was not allowed to bend over until he went into convulsions. Doctors injected glucose and calcium but it didn't stop his convulsions. He was later injected with an unknown substance, which made him vomit whenever he tried to eat.
Supplemental Information about Dafa Practitioner Liu Zhirong's Persecution Death
2006-06-01Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Zhirong was a teacher in Gansu Province. On January 10th, 2006, Mr. Liu Zhirong was persecuted to death at the Tianshui City No. 3 Prison in Gansu Province. His body was cremated by police order on January 14th. When Liu Zhirong's family members went to view his corpse, the police told them the cause of his death was suicide. However, neither his quilt, nor his body had any visible blood on them. In regard to the reasons behind Liu Zhirong's death, there are conflicting explanations. One eye witness (a criminal) said, "He was beaten to death."
Chinese Communist Party Sentenced Cao Baoyu to Prison Just Before He Died of Persecution
2006-06-01Two days before practitioner Mr. Cao Baoyu died, officials went to the hospital where he was staying and read him his "sentence." At that time Mr. Cao was so thin he was mere skin and bone. His neck was infected in many places, his blood pressure was way below normal, and he was near death. On April 27th, Mr. Cao passed away. To avoid being held responsible for the murder they had committed, the authorities released a statement saying that Mr. Cao's death was due to natural causes. They then cremated the body on May 1st. They refused to allow the family members to see the body. The family members were paid 30,000 yuan as a settlement compensation for his death.
Ms. Li Huaiye Tortured with Electric Shocks in Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp
2006-06-01On February 15th, 2004, Dafa practitioner Li Huaiye was taken to Gaoyang labour camp. On the afternoon of June 7th in Gaoyang, the police took Li Huaiye to a torture room on the east side of the building. On the floor was a board with two handcuffs on it. They handcuffed Li Huaiye's hands so that she was totally immobilised. The policemen then used electric batons to shock her mouth. Because Li Huaiye closed her mouth tightly, the baton could not be inserted inside the mouth, and it shocked the teeth instead. Afterwards they took her socks off and stuffed them into her mouth. They put earphones on her to force her to listen to material slandering Dafa. Then they shocked her inner thighs and went on to shock the rest of her body.
The Cruel Force-Feeding I Endured In A Labour Camp
2006-05-31The head of the labour camp once told me, "I have a death quota here; thus it's quite normal for a few people to die here. No one can see what goes on in this forced labour camp! So, after your death, I could make prisoners give false testimony, saying that you committed suicide. It's very easy to do! As long as I reward them with a little bit of a favour, they will jump at it, like dogs. I could even choose a special day like your Teacher, Li Hongzhi's birthday to do it. Afterwards, we could invite TV reporters to come, telling them how a young college student became fanatical and sacrificed his life for his Teacher, with the hope to go to heaven by committing suicide...."
How Can Rao Chaoyuan's Parents Deal With the Mental Blow of One Son's Death and the Other Son's Disability from the Persecution?
2006-05-31Falun Dafa practitioner Rao Chaoyuan, 40 years old, is the older brother of practitioner Rao Zhuoyuan who died as a result of persecution. After being detained by the evildoers for over one year, he was sentenced to an eight-year prison term in January 2003. Now he is incarcerated at Sihui Prison in Guangdong Province, with one of his legs disabled from torture. With one son having died from gross abuse and another disabled, Rao Chaoyuan's parents are going through enormous misery and mental pressure.
Additional Information Regarding Dafa Practitioner Mr. Liu Zhirong's Death from Persecution
2006-05-31Mr. Liu Zhirong was a teacher at the Tuanjie Elementary School. He was persecuted to death on January 10th, 2006 by the guards of the No. 3 Prison in Tianshui City, Gansu Province. The prison guards cremated Mr. Liu Zhirong's body without his family's permission on January 14th, 2006, in Tianshui Cremation Facility, and his ashes were sent back to the Qingyang Cremation Facility. His wife held a simple memorial service for him on May 8th, 2006.