Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Exposing the Brainwashing Sessions in Hunan Provincial Women's Prison
2006-06-06In order to force Falun Gong practitioners to "transform," (give up practising Falun Dafa) the Hunan Provincial Women's Prison conducted brainwashing sessions many times inside the prison. The brainwashing sessions were designed to break down the steadfast practitioners, and thus the suffering of practitioners was intensified, both mentally and physically. They ordered practitioners to recite the prison regulations, and tried to brainwash practitioners with all sorts of deceit. Whoever refused to obey them, they punished at will by forcing her to stand, putting handcuffs on her, forcing her to "carry a sword in back" (a cruel form of handcuffing which causes severe bodily injury), putting her into solitary confinement and so on.
Liu Tianhou, a 73-year-old Practitioner Was Sentenced to Six Years in Prison
2006-06-06On April 15th, 2006, Yang Shaoliang, the head of the Security Brigade of Huili County, Sichuan Province, and other police arrested Liu Tianhou, a 73-year-old practitioner from Huili County. The police ransacked his home and also took away three other practitioners who were at the home. Mr. Liu was sentenced to six years in prison and is currently being detained in the Huili County Detention Centre, where he is suffering unspeakable persecution at the hands of the police and their agents.
Additional Information on the Torture Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Cao Baoyu
2006-06-05Mr. Cao Baoyu, a 56-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner was tortured until he was on the brink of death. The 610 Office agents sent him to hospital to continue tormenting him under the persecution. He died at the hospital on April 27th, 2006. Before Cao Baoyu's death a detention centre head slapped his face and hit his mouth until Cao Baoyu's teeth became loose and his eardrums ruptured. He later tied Cao Baoyu to a metal chair. Cao Baoyu went on a hunger strike to protest the gross abuse under the persecution. He nver properly recovered.
Mr. Hu Zhiming Detained in Beijing's No. 2 Detention Centre; on Hunger Strike for 40 Days and in Critical Condition
2006-06-05After an extensive search, the whereabouts of Mr. Hu Zhiming were discovered on May 24th, 2006. Mr. Hu Zhiming is currently held in Beijing's No. 2 Detention Centre. According to the information source, he has been on a hunger strike for almost 40 days, since April 25th, to protest the detention and is in critical condition. Later, Hu Zhiming was incarcerated and persecuted in the Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai for four years. Later, police department and National Security Bureau of Beijing agents arrested him in September 2005 for exposing the truth of the persecution, and his whereabouts were unknown since then until recently.
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners from Shandong and Hebei Provinces Persecuted to Death
2006-06-05Ms. Dong Guanfang was a 41-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. In August 2003, she and her husband were forced into a homeless situation due to the persecution. In February 2004, Ms. Dong and her husband were arrested and put into jail. In May 2004, Dong Guanfang was sentenced to six years and her husband was sentenced to nine years. On September 9th, 2005, it was discovered that Ms. Dong had acute sapraemia (a form of blood poisoning) and many other illnesses. On September 9th, the prison told her family to take her home. They found out that there was no cure for her illnesses. She died on November 27th, 2005.
Former Engineer from the Yunnan Province Design Institute Recounts the Persecution He Experienced in China's Forced Labour Camps
2006-06-05"Division 2 where I was persecuted owned some factories and farms, including a vegetable dehydrating processing factory. The vegetable factory was in very unsanitary condition, with mosquitoes, flies mice, and cockroaches everywhere. No one was allowed a hot water shower at any time during the year. Most people had scabies, big blisters, and other infectious skin diseases. When one touched the area with a finger, it bled or oozed pus. It was disgusting and terrible. After some time, even the fingers were infected and oozed pus, but we still had to work for more than 16 hours a day. No one asked whether the products met sanitary standards as long as the quota was met."
The Persecution of Mr. Wang Enhui in the Fuyu County Detention Centre
2006-06-05Wang Enhui was arrested and detained at the Fuyu County Detention Centre, where he was brutally tortured by the prison guards and criminals. As soon as he was sent to the detention centre, the police forced him to sit on the "tiger bench" for two days and nights. His hands were cuffed behind him. The handcuffs were so tight that they cut into his wrists. The police did not loosen the handcuffs even a little, and Mr. Wang's hands and shoulders became severely swollen. Mr. Wang went on a hunger strike to protest his treatment. After five or six days, the police incited criminals to force-feed him. They beat Mr. Wang and yelled at him while they force-fed him.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Missing after Meeting EU Vice President
2006-06-04After participating in the "Future of China" forum held on May 27th, 2006, in Hong Kong, the vice president of the European Parliament Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott called the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government to ensure that two Falun Gong practitioners return home safely, as contact was lost right after the meeting in China. One of the Falun Gong practitioners, Mr. Cao Dong, was missing right after their meeting, and it was reported that he had been arrested by the Chinese regime.
Officials from Tiantanghe Women's Labour Camp and Daxing District Court Try to Cover Up the Crime of Ms. Wu Junying's Death from Torture
2006-06-04On December 27th, 2005, Daxing District State Security agents arrested Ms. Wu Junying from her home. They took away a large amount of Falun Dafa leaflets exposing the persecution, books, and a computer. The authorities could not reach their goal after detaining her for more than three months, so they sent her to the Tiantanghe Women's Labour Camp on March 29th, 2006. Ms. Wu Junying was tortured to death within 48 hours after arriving at the camp. In order to cover up their crime, the camp administration sent her dead body to hospital. They lied and said to her family that she was very sick with a stroke.
Ms. Tan Pingyun from Shandong Province Tortured to Death (Photo)
2006-06-04On May 18th, 2006, Ms. Tan Pingyun's family received a phone call from the Second Women's Labour Camp informing them that she was dying and telling them to go to hospital to see her for the last time. When asked about the cause of her death they claimed that she drank some toilet bowl cleaner when asked to clean the toilet that morning. The police said they had sent her to a hospital after finding out what happened. The hospital treated her symptoms as high blood pressure. When the family requested to take Ms. Tan's body home the police refused. There are some suspicious circumstances surrounding Ms. Tan Pingyun's death.
Luo Gan's "Kill Without Pardon" Order for Practitioner Mr. Chen Minghui from Dalian City
2006-06-04Mr. Chen Minghui was arrested in Dalian City, on September 21st, 2005. During his detention, the police tried all kinds of ways to persuade him to spy for them in order to get to another practitioner. They promised Mr. Chen many benefits if he was willing to be a spy, such as 2,000 yuan per month in payments, arranging a stand for him to have a home appliance repair business, and other enticements. When Mr. Chen was tortured to near death they were afraid he would die in jail. They ordered him to call his wife to bail him out, demanding that she pay 10,000 yuan. Mr. Chen Minghui refused their request.
The Persecution I Experienced and Witnessed in the CCP's Detention Centres and Labour Camps
2006-06-04"When I was incarcerated in mental hospitals and labour camps for practising Falun Gong, my mental strength was extremely low due to the prolonged persecution. Six people I knew had died as a result of the persecution. Many of my friends were sentenced to labour camps and prisons. Countless numbers of my friends were fired from their workplaces, threatened by the police and sent to brainwashing sessions for practising Falun Gong."
Falun Dafa Practitioner Yang Jianpo is on the Verge of Death - Baoding Prison Authorities Change Their Story and Deny Imprisoning Him
2006-06-03Learning that Yang Jianpo, a Falun Dafa practitioner was locked up in the Baoding Prison, his family took action. They went there on May 23rd. They gave the entrance guard details of Mr. Yang's plight, who reported the information by telephone to Zhao Dongliang, chief of the Prison Politics Section. They told Zhao that three hospitals in Langfang already issued critically ill notices for Yang Jianpo and refused to accept him. Mr. Yang suffered from systemic shock and was dying. They also told Zhao that Cao Baoyu, a practitioner once locked up at the same place, had already died as a result of the persecution. They didn't want another tragedy to happen. Zhao stated there was no Yang Jianpo at his prison. His attitude was also very rude.
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Mudanjiang Prison, Heilongjiang Province
2006-06-03On March 16th, 2006, Dafa practitioner Wang Hai was locked in the solitary confinement room and was brutally persecuted. The prison police stripped Wang Hai and allowed him to wear only underwear. They pushed him down to a very cold board, stretched his body and fixed his hands and feet. Usually the solitary confinement room is extremely cold and people feel very cold. In the chilly early spring Wang Hai was stripped. Moreover, the prison police brutally tortured Wang Hai at least twice every day. Policeman Song Junlin used batons, fists and feet to pound Wang Hai, and caused him serious incontinence along with mental trauma. He could not stand or walk.
Seven Falun Gong Practitioners from Anhui, Shanxi, Heilongjiang and Other Provinces Die Due to Persecution
2006-06-03Ms. Li Jiyun, 69, started practising Falun Gong in 1994. After the persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999, as she was persistent in practising Falun Gong, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents detained her for a cumulative total of over two years. In December 2004, she was arrested and detained five times by the lawless local people, and was sent for one year of forced labour. Her mental endurance reached the extreme limit, and she was very much afraid of being persecuted again. She passed away on April 21st, 2006.