Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
My Experience is Consistent with the Existence of Concentration Camps
2006-05-25Since the secret concentration camps were exposed, I reflected on my own experience. I realized that practitioners riding on the same buses as me and held in various parts of Liaoning Province, were perhaps again transferred to concentration camps similar to Sujiatun and lost their lives to organ harvesting. I was arrested after appealing with other practitioners on Tiananmen Square. All practitioners refused to tell their names and addresses. We were transferred by buses to the border between Liaoning Province and Hebei Province and tortured in a dtention centre. Due to fear I eventually told my name and address and I was returned to my local area.
Practitioner Disabled From Torture at the Fushun Police Department Now at the Brink of Death
2006-05-25In the afternoon on March 28th, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Sun Hongchang was working in a building when officers from Fushun City Police Department arrested and took him to the Tianqiao Police Department. In the evening, officers savagely tortured Mr. Sun and continued for three days. Many people living close to the police department heard his screams the whole time. The police not only refused to release Mr. Sun but also said that no one would be held responsible if a Falun Gong practitioner was beaten to death. He said, "It would be a lot better if we just beat Sun Hongchang to death."
63-Year-Old Practitioner Ms. Wang Yuju Persecuted to Death in Shandong Province
2006-05-24Due to prolonged persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Ms. Wang Yuju, 63 years old, a Falun Dafa practitioner died on March 19th, 2006. Since 1999 she had been subjected to forced labour, torture and brainwashing. Ms. Wang suffered tremendously, both physically and mentally. Her health became worse and worse. In February 2005, her illnesses relapsed, turning into cerebral thrombosis, and treatment was ineffective. Ms. Wang passed away.
A Non-Practitioner Eye witnessed Atrocities in the Shuangcheng Detention Centre
2006-05-24I do not practise Falun Gong. Below I shall recount what I personally witnessed in the Shuangcheng Detention Centre. Friday, March 5th, 2004, was the most awful day and one that I will never forget. I witnessed the most frightful tragedy in the human world. The cruel torture and death of Falun Gong practitioners by the police left an indelible impression in the depths of my mind. Whenever I recall the extremely cruel scenes, I shudder uncontrollably and my heart aches to the breaking point.
Mr. Wu Zhanting in Life-threatening Condition in Nanshan Prison
2006-05-24Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wu Zhanting has been sentenced to four years in prison, and locked in Nanshan Prison in Jinzhou City. Recently, the prison administration called his family, saying that Mr. Wu is very sick and asked that his family bring some medicine without a doctor's prescription or checkup. In the past two years, guards in the prison have used all sorts of inhuman means to force practitioners to accept brainwashing, but in vain. After being tortured for more than two years, Mr. Wu suffered a stroke in Nanshan Prison at the end of May 2005. Mr. Wu's family is very worried about his health.
Falun Gong Practitioners Liang Sulan and Jia Shuqiu in Liaoning Province Died Under the Persecution
2006-05-2457-year-old Ms. Liang Sulan used to suffer from severe heart disease. After practising Falun Gong, Ms. Liang regained her health very quickly. In July 2001, when she was explaining the true situation about Falun Gong, the police arrested her together with her son and her daughter-in-law. They were severely persecuted. After being detained for several months, Ms. Liang's son could not withstand the tortures and suffered a mental collapse. Because her son was persecuted and because of the other pressures, Liang Sulan could not take it any longer. She suffered a brain hemorrhage and passed away on March 8th, 2006.
Wang Jianguo Killed; His Wife in Detention and Parents Threatened (Photo)
2006-05-23On March 2nd, 2006, Jilin City Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Wang Jianguo and his wife Ms. Zhao Qiumei were arrested by police. Subsequently, Ms. Zhao was sentenced to one year of forced labour. Mr. Wang was tortured during interrogation at the Nanjing Station and was later sent to the Jilin City Detention Centre. When he protested the unjust detention by means of a hunger strike, the police began force-feeding him. On April 10th Mr. Wang Jianguo died as a result of this persecution. He was 30.
Professor Xu Yin of Tsinghua University Sentenced to Forced Labour
2006-05-23Xu Yin, Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Tsinghua University, was arrested at his home by officers of the Public Security Bureau on March 14th, 2006. The police also confiscated Xu Yin's Falun Gong materials. On April 13th Xu was sentenced to two years in forced labour camp by the "Re-education" Committee of the People's Government in Beijing. Simply for possessing Falun Gong books and pamphlets Xu Yin was stripped of his freedom and rights. After the arrest, Xu Yin's fourteen-year-old son was left at home alone.
Mr Zheng Dejun Brutally Persecuted in the Shayang Forced Labour Camp in Hubei Province
2006-05-23Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zheng Dejun was imprisoned and persecuted in Shayang Labour Camp in Hubei Province. Since July 2005, he was inhumanely tortured by the wardens and inmates, and was beaten in a small room, deprived of sleep, etc. His older parents travelled a long distance to visit him, but the guards would not allow them to see him. The guards even threatened to detain his parents in the camp. In July 2005, Shayang Labour Camp added six months to his term because Zheng Dejun did not announce his name, did not report his number, and did not sing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) anthem.
Ms. Sun Li in Shijiazhuang City Is Extremely Weak Due to a Hunger Strike; Her Family Urgently Calling for Her Release
2006-05-23Ms. Sun Li is 50 years old. On September 6th, 2005, she was arrested because they found the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" and other Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. She was sentenced to prison for five years and six months at the beginning of March 2006. Ms. Sun was detained in the Second Detention Centre in Shijiazhuang City. The police in the detention centre constrained her in handcuffs and leg shackles. Ms. Sun believes herself to be innocent and has filed a lawsuit at the Intermediate Court in Shijiazhuang City. She has been on a hunger strike for about 20 days to protest and is very weak.
Concerning the Collusion of the 610 Office in Linyi City with the Irrigation Technical School to Further Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-05-23The brainwashing centre in Linyi City, Shandong Province, publicly known as the "Law System Education Centre," has been viciously persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. Practitioners held there have been tortured with brutal methods including sleep deprivation, severe beatings, force-feeding with salt water (applied to those who went on hunger strikes to resist the persecution), and constant torture by several people at the same time. All of the practitioners were arrested and their families were fined anywhere between three thousand to five thousand yuan.
The Persecution I Experienced at Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2006-05-22Due to my practising Faun Gong, the authorities arrested me in May 2002 and sentenced me to 11 years in prison. On June 6th 2005 I conducted a hunger strike to protest the extension of my term. On June 9th the police conducted force-feeding on me. The prison doctor inserted a stomach tube into me and had a major part of the tube inside the stomach, which caused me stomachaches and gastrectasia. In the mean time, she also used a metal mouth opener to force open my mouth, which caused injuries to my teeth, upper jaw and tongue. The same tube was used on four to five practitioners in a short period of time. There was no disinfection process, but it was merely rinsed with running water.
Torture Methods Used in the Shayang Forced Labour Camp in Hubei Province
2006-05-22The torture methods used in Shayang Forced Labour Camp include the guards stomping on practitioners who were pushed down to the ground. They used several high-voltage electric batons at the same time to shock the practitioners and gagged their mouths with filthy pieces of cloth in order to prevent them from crying out; they also tied practitioners' whole bodies tightly with ropes, pinched their pressure points, viciously beat and kicked them, and shocked them with several electric batons at the same time.
65-Year-Old Practitioner Ms. Sun Nianrong From Hebei Province Died from Persecution
2006-05-22In 2001, 65-year-old Ms. Sun Nianrong was sentenced to a year of "reeducation through forced labour" and taken to the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp, where she suffered tremendously. In March 2003 the police extorted 3,000 yuan of her salary through her company. Later, Ms. Sun was taken to the brainwashing centre to be persecuted again. She suffered extremely both mentally and physically and passed away on April 7th, 2006.
Three Practitioners from Sichuan, Anhui and Jilin Died as a Result of Persecution
2006-05-22Mr. Li Jinzhao was 63 years old. Since 1999, when Jiang Zemin's regime started persecuting Falun Gong, Li Jinzhao was sent to a labour camp and was subjected to brainwashing classes. He also suffered much physical hardship. In July 2005, the police arrested and sent Mr. Li to a detention centre. There they tortured him physically on many occasions. Then, he was sent to brainwashing classes for further persecution. By that time Mr. Li's body was already swollen from his injuries, and his life was in danger. A few days after he was released for treatment, Li Jinzhao passed away on October 3rd, 2005.