Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Four Practitioners from Hebei, Liaoning and Hubei Provinces Who Died from Persecution
2005-09-27Mr. Hao Chengshuan was a 51-year-old villager from a village near Wuhan City, Hebei Province. Before practising Falun Dafa he had many illnesses. Since he started practising Falun Dafa his entire body was healed. Beginning July 20th 1999, the 610 Office from the village went to his house and harassed him numerous times. He was extremely stressed and passed away on September 21st 2000.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Jia Junxi From Henan Province Tortured to Death at a Detention Centre
2005-09-26Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Jia Junxi, 58 years old, was arrested on August 18th 2005 when telling people the truth about Falun Dafa and exposing the persecution. According to witnesses, he was held in solitary confinement on August 28th, where on orders from the guards, four inmates beat him savagely. The solitary confinement cell door remained locked for the following 24 hours; and no one checked on Jia Junxi during this period. Mr. Jia was tortured to death around August 29th at the county detention centre. On August 30th the perpetrators sent his stiff body to the hospital in an attempt to cover up the crime of torture that killed him.
Practitioner from Guangdong Province Tortured to Near Death, Almost Cremated Alive
2005-09-26"In March 2002, police officers arrested me. They kicked and punched me 65 times. Even though I am elderly, they still tortured me like that! I was sent to a forced labour camp, where I was shocked by an electric baton until I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I found I was in a small room with horrible odours. I found out that it was the mortuary. Later, I learned that I had been unconscious in that small room for three and a half days. They were preparing to cremate me but stopped when they discovered that I was still breathing."
Seven Elderly People in Inner Mongolia, Henan, Heilongjiang and Jilin Provinces Died as a Result of Persecution
2005-09-2655-year-old Ms. Ou Xiangyuan, lived in Heilongjiang Province. At the end of 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. When she was passing through Shanhaiguan City, Ms. Ou was arrested and persecuted by police officers who snarled at her, saying, "Look, killing you is the same as killing a warehouse mouse!" Ms. Ou was detained and sent to the Harbin Provincial Hospital, where her personal freedom was limited under the guise of "treatment." She died on April 23rd 2001.
Practitioner Couple Xin Changnian and Chen Jing Died Due to Persecution, Their Son was Given a Heavy Sentence
2005-09-26Two Falun Dafa practitioners from Jilin Province, 75-year-old Mr. Xin Changnian and his 68-year-old wife, Ms. Chen Jing, died on June 5th 2004, and July 8th 2005, respectively from relentless persecution. In 2002, their son, Mr. Xin Wei, was sentenced to nine years in prison. He has suffered severe mental and physical torture in Jilin Prison.
Police Arrest Dafa Practitioners from Xiadingjia Town, Break into Their Homes and Confiscate Their Belongings
2005-09-25Village officials broke into 76-year-old Dafa practitioner, Ms. Guo Fuxiang's house, ransacked it, arrested and brutally beat her. One official smashed a Falun Dafa book hard over her head and she fell unconscious to the floor. Her body was covered with dark purple bruises, and she suffered unbearable pain. After six hours of torture, she was finally released.
The Jilin Province Yitong County Construction Bank is Still Persecuting Practitioner Mr. Wang Jinbo
2005-09-25Mr. Wang Jinbo is the former credit department manager of the Yitong County Construction Bank in Jilin Province. Why "former"? Because he persists in practising Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. For the past several years his workplace and the directors of the Siping City Construction Bank have persecuted him. Mr. Wang was detained in a forced labour camp, where he became critically ill. The Siping City Construction Bank has now stopped paying Mr. Wang's wages and all benefits. They use every excuse not to let him resume his job.
Seven Practitioners in Jilin, Liaoning and Hebei Provinces Who Died as a Result of Persecution
2005-09-25In March 2002, when 63-year-old Mr. Li Shuyou went to a practitioner's house and knocked on the door, the police, who were waiting in ambush there, arrested him. They tortured him for four days and nights and then sentenced him to a forced labour camp for one year. In August of 2004, he and his wife went to Beijing and stayed in his relative's home. They were followed because they posted out some leaflets exposing the persecution. His wife was arrested, but Mr. Li escaped. Mr. Li was forced to leave home and was severely traumatised by the constant persecution and died in August of 2005.
Two Elderly Practitioners in Daqing City Died as a Result of the Persecution
2005-09-2566-year-old Ms. Wang Chengyuan was imprisoned many times because she refused to give up practising Falun Dafa. As a result of torture she received both her legs were in extreme pain and no longer functioned. In early July 2005, Ms. Wang's leg and foot were terribly swollen, and a few days later her vision and hearing started to decline. Her mental state also deteriorated. She died early in the morning on August 6th.
74-Year-Old Mr. Wu Botong from Guizhou Province Persecuted to Death
2005-09-24Because seveny four year old Mr. Wu Botong told people about the goodness of Falun Dafa and exposed the persecution, he was illegally sentenced to a seven-year jail term where he was subjected to brutal persecution. On September 11th 2005, Mr. Wu Botong was persecuted to death at Dujun Prison. His body was cremated without his family's permission that very day. Information concerning the details of Mr. Wu's death is still under investigation.
The Persecution Suffered By Peng Dong Before His Death
2005-09-24Dafa practitioner Mr. Peng Dong, in his 20s, was from Shaanxi Province. Wherever Peng Dong went, he would tell people the facts about Falun Dafa. He refused to be "transformed" and was sentenced to a two and half year term in the labour camp. When his body became extremely weak, the personnel in the labour camp forced him to shoulder a sandbag over 100 Jin (lb.), which made him nearly go into shock. Having suffered the persecution for a long time, Peng Dong's body and spirit were seriously devastated. He died on June 28th 2005.
Death and Torture in Lanzhou City Pingantai Forced Labour Camp
2005-09-24Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Hou Youfang was a 48-year-old teacher in Jinchang City's Xipo Middle School. She was sent to the Pingantai Forced Labour Camp because she practised Falun Gong. She was subjected to all kinds of torture, including brutal beatings and being hung up by handcuffs fastened behind her back. When she died, many of the bones in her body were fractured.
Practitioners Persecuted to Death in Hubei, Heilongjiang, Hebei, and Guangxi Provinces
2005-09-24Mr. Zhang Gongmei, aged 73, had for a few years spent a lot of money on medical expenses. He then started practising Falun Dafa and his health quickly recovered. He went to Beijing to appeal for the restoration of the right to practise Falun Dafa. The police considered Mr. Zhang's case as a typical "Falun Dafa case." They ransacked his house, confiscated his property, and later took him away to be brainwashed. Mr. Zhang died of torture on July 23rd 2005.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yao Fengjie Dies After Being Tortured at Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-09-23During the time she was detained at the labour camp, Yao Fengjie refused to write repentance statements and was tortured with the "big hang up." As a result of savage torture she received in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, Ms. Yao Fengjie was a pitiful sight when she was released. She could not withstand the continuous harassment and passed away on September 5th 2005.
58-Year-Old Mr. Na Zhenxian Tortured to Death in Changlinzi Men's Forced Labour Camp
2005-09-23At 2:00 p.m. on September 16th 2005, the Changlinzi Men's Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province notified 58-year-old Mr. Na Zhenxian's family that Mr. Na was very sick, and to visit him immediately. His family went right away, but found he had been tortured to death, and had many wounds on his body. Details on how he died still need to be investigated.