Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Mr An Senbiao Suffers Kidney Failure in Forced Labour Camp - His Wife's Appeal Letter
2005-07-13An Senbiao was first imprisoned in the Daqing City Longfeng Detention Centre. Wearing foot shackles, he was held in a small cell to be persecuted for more than a month. He was moved to the Daqing Forced Labour Camp at the beginning of March. An Senbiao started a hunger strike to protest his illegal imprisonment. He was punitively force fed twice a day, which seriously damaged him physically. On March 15, An Senbiao was then sent to the Suihua Forced Labour Camp, where his mistreatment was intensified. Now he is emaciated. He is unable to move even a little bit while lying on a bed, and he has experienced kidney failure.
Ms. Jiang Meilan from Hunan Province Has Been Persecuted to the Brink of Death in Zhuzhou City's Baimacheng Forced Labour Camp
2005-07-12On March 24, 2005, Ms. Jiang Meilan was abducted by police. She was sentenced to one year of forced labour and was sent to Baimacheng Forced Labour Camp. She has been on a hunger strike ever since she was abducted in March, more than three months. She has received injections and been force-fed in the Baimacheng Forced Labour Camp. She is now very weak and cannot walk by herself. She can only walk with the assistance of two inmates, who have been assigned as monitors. Right now, Ms. Jiang Meilan is on the verge of death.
Brutal Persecution in Guangzhou's Tianhe District Detention Centre
2005-07-12Since the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, all cells in Tianhe Detention Centre have been equipped with surveillance devices to monitor the inmates. Each cell, which should only house a maximum of 16 people, now holds over 30. The sanitary conditions inside are horrible. The inmates are forced to work 13-14 hours daily. Practitioners are subjected to extreme physical abuse. For instance, shackled practitioners are also chained to a fixed iron ring on the floor. Their hands are placed on the sides of their legs and handcuffed under their legs. No matter how one positions oneself, one has to lower the back at a sharp angle.
Details on How Mr. Zhang Zhagen Died in the Kaifeng City Forced Labour Camp
2005-07-12Mr. Zhang Zhagen was a fifty-two-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. On April 7, the authorities sentenced him to two years of forced labour in Kaifeng Forced Labour Camp. Mr. Zhang refused to follow the authority's order to denounce Falun Dafa. As a result, they tortured him with various means. Mr. Zhang was declared dead on the morning of June 28, 2005. Medical analysis indicates the following facts: 1) Zhang Zhagen apparently suffered severe suffocation at the labour camp and the best chance to save his life was missed; 2) his brain and internal organs had suffered severe damage; 3) Zhang Zhagen was injected with unknown medicines;
Re-enactment of Torture Methods Used at No. 1 Detention Centre and Xigemu Forced Labour Camp in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province
2005-07-12This photo shows a reenactment of the police in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province torturing practitioner Ms. Du Jiahua with hanging. She also suffered handcuffing from behind, tying with ropes, and shocking with an electric baton.
A Tribute to the Memory of Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Jia Cuiying from Hunan Province
2005-07-11"When I heard the news of Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Jia Cuiying's death from lung cancer on October 20, 2004, as a result of the persecution in the Hunan Provincial Women's Prison, I was upset for a long time. In grief and indignation, I reflected on the knowledge that the healthy and optimistic Ms. Jia would never have died so prematurely if it weren't for the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners perpetrated by Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). If the Hunan Provincial Women's Prison authorities hadn't tormented her physically and mentally, she would still be alive."
Ms Cao Yanzhuo and Other Practitioners On Hunger Strike to Protest Persecution at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-07-11Since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, the local police have constantly harassed forty-three year old Ms. Cao Yanzhuo because she refuses to give up her belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." Ms. Cao was forced into a homeless situation, but she kept appealing for Dafa. On July 10, 2002, Cao Yanzhuo was reported to the police when she was exposing the persecution about Dafa. She was arrested and sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Re-education Camp, where she has been detained ever since.
Chengdu City Dafa Practitioner Tao Naihua Tortured to Mental Disability at a Brainwashing Centre
2005-07-11Ms. Tao Naihua, a Falun Dafa practitioner in her 60s was abducted and taken to a brainwashing centre for more than 20 days. When released on June 22, she appeared mentally disabled. It is apparent that during detention, Ms. Tao was injected with unknown drugs, causing her to become mental disabled in just 20 days.
Nine Falun Gong Practitioners from Guizhou, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning and Jilin Provinces Die as a Result of Being Persecuted
2005-07-11Ms. Wang Xia, 36, lived in Guizhou Province. She had illnesses throughout her body before she learned Falun Gong, and became healthy after she began practising. After the persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999, policemen savagely beat Ms. Wang because she was steadfast in her Falun Gong practice. The beating broke her wrist and she was incarcerated for 15 days. After Ms. Wang returned home, her whole family regarded her as a bad person. People from the government monitored her, and personnel from her work unit went to talk with her and threaten her. Due to many forms of pressure, Ms. Wang's physical and mental state deteriorated. She died on March 29, 2003.
Practitioner Mr. Li Zhenzhong of Hebei Province Crippled by Police
2005-07-10After his arrest, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Zhenzhong was severely tortured by the police. The torture caused permanent damage to his hands. Even though he can no longer take care of himself, Mr. Li is still in detention. In addition, practitioner Gai Xinzhong was arrested by the police and died during a force-feeding torture session.
Sun Jihong's Daughter, Sun Yubo, Learns the Truth of Her Father's Death
2005-07-10Sun Jihong and his wife both practised Falun Gong. Both were tortured to death, Sun Jihong in 2002 and his wife, Yuan Hezhen in 2003. Until recently their daughter Sun Yubo did not know the details of these horrible murders. Under the threat of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), her grandparents and other relatives feared telling her the truth of her father's death.
More Details Surrounding the Death of Practitioner Mr Zhang Zhagen
2005-07-10Mr Zhang Zhagen was sent to the Kaifeng Medical College Hospital for emergency treatment. According to the doctors, Zhang Zhagen was nearly dead when he arrived at the hospital. The doctors did all they could. If he survived, they felt he would have remained in a vegetative state. The labour camp assigned a guard to police the entrance of the intensive care room 24 hours a day to prevent family members from visiting. On the night of June 27, 2005, he passed away.
Ten Practitioners from Hebei, Jilin and Liaoning Provinces Persecuted to Death
2005-07-10Mr. Li Xiaodong was around 30 years old. In 2002, officials from the Siping City Public Security Bureau arrested practitioners on a large scale. Mr. Li Xiaodong and his brother were arrested at their home and sentenced to forced labour. They were detained and tortured in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City. Because Mr. Li Xiaodong refused to renounce Falun Gong, the police ordered the inmates to beat him. An inmate hit him on the back of his neck so hard that he could no longer raise his head. His younger brother had to help him walk. His health deteriorated. The labour camp authorities feared to have to take responsibility for his death and released him. Mr. Li Xiaodong died one month later.
Practitioner Ms. Ren Shujie from Liaoning Province is at the Brink of Death from Torture
2005-07-09Ms. Ren Shujie was detained in forced labours camps for three years for cultivating Falun Dafa. She could not eat normally after returning home due to her mistreatment in the labour camps. She is now so weak that she is dying. She used to weight 80 kilograms (176 lbs.) but now weighs less than 40 (88 lbs.). Her life is ebbing away.
More Information on the Torture Death of Practitioner Mr Liu Baoyuan
2005-07-09Mr. Liu Baoyuan was thirty-three years old. During the end of August and early September in 1999, he was detained at the Gaoli Town Police Station. He was brutally beaten every day during the interrogation, leaving wounds all over his body. In 2000 he was detained again. Upon his release he was forced to leave home to avoid recapture and further persecution. In September of 2002, when trying to escape from the police, he accidentally fell from the third floor and died.