Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Older Practitioner Ms Li Shulan Passed Away in 2003 After Being Abducted Numerous Times by Jinzhou City Police
2005-05-2059 year old Li Shulan was abducted three times within seven months and was held for a long time. During her detention she was tortured physically and mentally. She started to have paranoia and thought every police officer on the street was after her. She returned to her hometown but still lived in fear. She suffered a relapse of the illness she had had prior to practising Falun Dafa and passed away on December 31, 2003.
Three Practitioners, Including a 16-Year-Old, Forced into Slave Labour
2005-05-20Shancheng County Police Station authorities sent three practitioners to the Henan Second Prison in Henan Province without any legal procedures or legal documents. 16 year old Yang Shuguang has since been forced to do rigorous hard labour, including working on a big furnace. The prisoners are divided into teams, and those who refuse to work are randomly beaten with thick wooden boards by the team supervisors. Prison staff and supervisors tie practitioners up and shock them with electric batons at will.
Two Teachers Recently Tortured to Death
2005-05-19In October 2004, to his class of English pupils, Mr. Wang Wenju explained the true nature of Falun Gong by talking about his wife's miraculous cure, achieved through practising. While talking, he was in tears and couldn't help but say loudly, "Falun Dafa is good!" Later, some of the students' parents reported the incident to the police. Soon after the police sent him to a detention centre followed by a 3 year prison sentence. He was tortured to death on April 25, 2005 in prison.
Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Hu Zhengxi from Hunan Province Tortured to Death
2005-05-19Ms. Hu Zhengxi was in her 60's. At the beginning of May 2005, she was tortured to death for practising Falun Dafa while confined in the Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province. On May 7, 2005, the labour camp officials sent a death notice to her family. They said Ms. Hu died of a hunger strike of more than twenty days. The real cause of death is uncertain and can't be determined because the labour camp had already cremated the body. The local people are well aware of her tragic death at the hands of the persecutors.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Shi Yulan from Liaozhong County Died From Persecution
2005-05-19Ms. Shi Yulan was a Falun Dafa practitioner from Liaozhong County, Liaoning Province. She was detained a forced labour camp and tortured brutally. The persecution of Falun Dafa hurt her terribly in her mind and body. After her release she continued to be harassed by police and developed tuberculosis. She died on April 17, 2005.
A High School Student Is Forcefully Expelled from School: Nie Yingchao's Personal Account
2005-05-19"My name is Nie Yingchao. I am a 10th grade student. I used to be in the class of Literature and Arts at the Yinan County 2nd High School in Shandong Province. Near the end of 2004, I was in my 10th grade class, one evening during self-study period, when my teacher who was heavily misguided by the lies and propaganda against Falun Gong, suddenly became furious and flew into a rage. He wanted me to leave school. My teacher then slapped my face once, and announced to the class that nobody was allowed to discuss Falun Gong. Anyone doing so would be subject to expulsion from school. Against my will I was abducted from school by "610 Office" agents and expelled, just because I believe in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance."
Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Ren Conghuai Died under Persecution
2005-05-1862 year old Ms. Ren Conghuai from Chongqing City was steadfast in her practice of Falun Dafa. She was mistreated by the authorities on multiple occasions. When her life was in danger, she was still sentenced to five years in prison, and police and State Security Agents were still come to harass her, monitor her. She was deeply frightened, and died on April 6, 2005.
Ms. Gui Lifang Dies From Persecution in Detention Centre in Hunan Province
2005-05-18Ms. Guo Lifang, a 54-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner, was detained and cruelly tortured her in a detention centre. Ms. Guo used the only option left to her after all her human rights were taken away by going on a hunger strike. Even this last resort of a person's right to protest unfair treatment was taken away from her when she was force-fed. On April 17 cellmates found Ms. Guo dead in the cell.
"610 Office" Collaborates With Police to Persecute Practitioners, Terrorising an Elderly Grandmother and Her Grandson in Jiamusi City
2005-05-18In April 2002, "610 Office" officials in Jiamusi City came up with a sinister plan to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. Five of them ended up arresting a group of practitioners, including an elderly lady of 80 and a child of just 2 years old. The child was panic-stricken when he saw so many policemen shouting demands at his grandmother. He hugged his grandmother's neck and buried his head deeply, not daring to look up again. The policemen struggled to prise the child away from his grandmother and eventually they were separated, with the poor child howling and crying.
Teacher Arrested by "610 Office" Personnel for Showing a Falun Gong Video in Class
2005-05-18According to reliable sources, the District Court of Maojian District in Hubei Province will soon put Ms. He Jiao on trial. She is a young teacher at the Shiyan City Experimental High School. The court officials admitted that the case has already been decided by "upper level authorities" and that the court and the government lawyers will "merely follow the routine procedure." Her crime? On January 4, 2005, He Jiao showed the Falun Gong video, "Walk Forward in the Wind and Rain," to a class of junior high school students where she was employed.
70-Year-Old Practitioner Shi Zhimin Holds Hunger Strike to Protest Persecution in Meng County Detention Centre
2005-05-17Falun Dafa practitioner Shi Zhimin, a retired textile plant manager in his 70s, was arrested by police as he was returning to his hometown in Henan Province in December 2004. He is currently in a detention centre and has been on a hunger strike for months protesting his detention. Mr. Shi is extremely weak now. Each day he is taken to a hospital and given injections, and then taken back to the detention centre at night.
Elderly Sichuan Province Practitioner Mr. Tang Wenwu Mentally Traumatised by Persecution
2005-05-17Mr. Tang Wenwu is retired from the Sichuan Province Aerospace Administration. Because he is a determined Falun Gong practitioner, he was brutally persecuted. Since 2001, under orders from the police and his former employer, he has been under house arrest and his salary suspended. Eight people were assigned to guard his house day and night. As a result of this long-term persecution, he suffered a mental collapse and is now receiving treatment in hospital.
New Photos Expose the Mistreatment of Practitioner Lei Jingxiong from Hunan Province
2005-05-17During the time Lei Jingxiong was imprisoned, he was beaten unconscious by police and received many injuries to his head and face. He was found to have blood accumulation under his skull from the beating, the left side of his face was paralysed, and his left ear and left eye were seriously injured. He couldn't eat, and he suffered from memory loss. The following photo shows Lei Jingxiong after two month's treatment in the hospital. The damage to his face is still clearly evident.
Seventeen Practitioners from Beijing, Jiangxi Province, and Inner Mongolia Who Died After Being Persecuted
2005-05-17Mr. Deng Ziwen, 76, suffered from angina, heart attack, and various other diseases. He often carried medicine with him, and needed emergency assistance on several occasions. Soon after he started practising Falun Gong in 1995 he discarded all of his medicines, as his health improved. He was persecuted for a long time. The CCP officials ordered his neighbours to watch him closely, and local police repeatedly went to his home to harass and threaten him. The pressure was too much for him and it caused his previous diseases to return. He passed away in June 2004.
Elderly Mr. Cheng Xueshan Beaten to Death by Police, His Family Not Allowed to Collect His Body
2005-05-16Mr. Cheng Xueshan was a 64-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner from Tongjiang City, Heilongjiang Province. On April 9, 2005, while distributing exposing the persecution was arrested by policemen from the Political Security Division of the Fuyuan Police Department. Three days later, Mr. Cheng died due to the brutal torture he experienced at their hands. The police tightly guarded the hospital mortuary, and did not allow Cheng Xueshan's family members to see or pick up his body.