Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Announcement by China Mental Health Watch: Investigating Mental Torture and Misuse of Mental Institutions in the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2004-04-03Ever since the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners began on July 20, 1999, the media and human rights organisations around the world continuously reported on the Chinese Government's cruelty towards Falun Gong practitioners, including psychiatric abuse. According to incomplete data, about 1,000 healthy Falun Gong practitioners were forcibly sent to mental institutions, and many were forcibly injected with psychotropic drugs. They received forced electro-shock and some were tied up and force-fed for long periods of time. At least 10 practitioners died from this type of maltreatment. Many of these practitioners were held in hospitals for as long as two and a half years. At least ninety mental institutions in China participated in this particular part of the persecution.
Practitioner Xin Minduo's Personal Account of Being Severely Persecuted (Photo)
2004-04-03It is very risky for me to write this letter, and I am not writing for my personal gain. I wish to let you understand the truth about the persecution. After this tribulation of being in the labour camp, I went back to my workplace. I saw the fear of my supervisors of being implicated. Also, my colleagues cursed me, which hurt me deeply. I see the twisted hearts of the people who are deceived by the lies. These lies only hurt those who believe in them. There are also many people who know the evil of this persecution. They appear to be very apathetic. Nowadays, some Chinese really do not understand people who insist on defending the truth with their lives.
Practitioners Forced to Wear Heavy Shackles at the Pingxiang City Second Detention Centre (Illustration)
2004-04-03The Pingxiang City Second Detention Centre in Jiangxi Province defies regulations and forcibly compels detained persons and Dafa practitioners to do manual labour every day from 5 a.m. to midnight, even to 1 or 2 a.m. If anyone does not work, he is put in shackles that weigh 15 to 30 kilograms. Liu Yuan, a doctor known for cruelty, also stamps his feet on the shackles. The shackles press on the bone, which is extremely painful, but the policemen just roar with laughter.
Crimes Committed by Policemen Cai Jiang and Cai Qingzhu from Nongan County, Jilin Province
2004-04-03Wang's parents cried on each other's shoulder when seeing their son on the verge of death and covered in bruises. Their neighbours also burst into tears at the scene. Wang's elderly parents, wounded wife and young child took care of him the whole night without sleep. The next day, Wang's father couldn't stand it any longer seeing his son still constantly vomiting. He dashed to the police station and questioned the police, "What crime has my son committed that made you beat him like that?!" Cai Jiang went so far as to deny the responsibility, "We had nothing to do with it.
Ill-Gotten Gains of Bai Wenyou from Chaoyang City Police
2004-04-03He has also taken advantage of this persecution to act in a self-serving manner under the protection of Jiang's commands. He not only ransacks practitioners' homes, but also brutally steals Falun Gong practitioners' valuables and belongings. He has also threatened practitioners' relatives and blackmailed them for hundreds of and even thousands of Yuan [Chinese currency, the average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is about 500 Yuan] with the threat of sending practitioners to forced-labour camps or prisons if he did not get the money he demanded.
How Mr. Wu Baowang, a Dafa Practitioner from Shuangcheng City Was Persecuted to Death
2004-04-02On the funeral day, Shuangcheng city deployed a lot of policemen to strictly control the people and their movement at the crematorium and forced Wu Baowang's mother, wife and two elder sisters into a vehicle and then took them to the Police Department. When the family asked for Wu Baowang's ashes, they were charged one thousand Yuan by the police [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.]
Non-Practitioner Witness: Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Shumin Dies As a Result of Persecution
2004-04-02The Dafa practitioners that I know are all kind and wise. I have seen the persecution against practitioners. You could say that it was brutal murder. I think there must be a lot of practitioners being detained across the country, and there must be a lot of people like me being sentenced to forced labour, jailed or detained together with Dafa practitioners, and there must be a lot of policemen or judges who have handled cases dealing with practitioners. We are all witnesses to this persecution against Dafa practitioners. No matter how the persecutors have been beautified on TV or in the newspaper, with their crimes being covered up, and no matter how they deceive with lies people who don't know the facts, and defame the founder of Falun Gong and his practitioners, everything will one day be exposed and the facts will be revealed.
Jiang Zemin's Persecution Against an Entire Family of Dafa Practitioners: Father and Son are Tortured to Death in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp
2004-04-02After March 5, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioners from Changchun City successfully tapped into a cable TV system to broadcast the truth about the abuses occurring throughout China. The police conducted large-scale arrests throughout the Province. More than 5,000 practitioners were arrested in Changchun City alone. A perpetrator of the persecution, Wang Yunkun, went to the Chaoyanggou Labour Camp on April 6 to arrange for the purchase of large quantities of electric batons, torture devices, monitoring equipment and electrified wire nets. The Financial Bureau also went to the labour camp and allotted more funds to build buildings and to give bonuses to the police. Ever since then, the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp has become a concentration camp specializing in the persecution of Falun Gong.
136 Shaanxi Province Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Jiang Zemin's Political Gang -- Part 1
2004-04-02Police captain Zhao Xiaoyang (age 40), said with hypocrisy, "At each meeting we'd like to know about Dafa practitioners' opinion. So everybody can write out your thoughts. You can also talk to me." However, when practitioners truly wrote out their righteous understanding of Dafa and expressed their determination to continue practising, Zhao revealed his true nature. He raised the police club (except for the first meeting, he always carried a police club with him) saying, "Carrying people out from the labour camp is the same as carrying people out from the hospital!" (Meaning deaths at the labour camp are not different from deaths at the hospital, both are treated as deaths from natural causes).
Belated Report: Two Falun Dafa Practitioners Tortured to Death in Gongyi City, Henan Province
2004-04-01In November 1999, Mr. Chang Baoli, only 20 years old, went to Beijing to validate the Fa. He was arrested in Beijing, and sent back to the Gongyi City Police Station where police beat him to death on the very first day.
Police Chief Lu Hongyan Severely Tortures Elderly Women in Lushuihe Town, Jilin Province
2004-04-01Since Lu Hongyan, deputy chief of Lushuihe Town Police Department, took office, he has been the major culprit responsible for persecuting local Falun Dafa practitioners. He has extorted money from Falun Gong practitioners and cruelly beaten them, often leaving their entire bodies bruised, not even sparing elderly women of sixty to seventy years of age. He beats them up the same way as he does criminals.
Details Surrounding the Torture and Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Jihua from Shandong Province (Photo)
2004-03-31Lin Lianghua hurried to the hospital, and found Wang was very pale with clumps of blood in his hair, and wounds on his head. There were several big scars on his head, and there were several purple coloured bruises on his forehead. He was only skin and bones, he had urinary and fecal incontinence, and was mentally a vegetable. She questioned medical employees and plain-clothes police around her, as to why her husband was dying, when he was perfectly fine before they arrested him? They could not answer her. Lin Lianghua had to arrange to take her husband home on April 20.
Death of Chongqing City Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liao Furong as a Result of Torture in the Pengshui County Detention Centre
2004-03-31Currently only scanty details are known about the death of Ms. Liao Furong,due to the information blockade from the Chinese authorities. On November 19, 2000, Liao Furong went to Tiananmen Square with another local practitioner to unfurl a "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance" banner. Ms. Liao was arrested and suffered severe torture at the Pengshui County Detention Centre. Later she was sentenced to four and a half years of forced labour. However, the Yongchuan Female Prison refused to accept her because of her severe injuries from the beatings. Her death is tragically yet one more senseless fatality due to firmly adhering to her peaceful belief.
Sichuan Province Dafa Practitioner Ms. Luo Junling Died after Having Been Tortured at Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp
2004-03-31Ms. Luo Junling was respectful of her elders. She had lived a happy family life and a harmonious life with her husband. Because of clarifying the truth about Falun Gong, she was unlawfully detained at Nanmusi Female Forced Labour Camp for one year, where she suffered cruel tortures. She, who clarified the truth to awaken Chinese People from the authorities' lies and propaganda, was persecuted and cruelly beaten to death by the depraved and inhuman people of her county.
Jilin Province Dafa Practitioner Mr. Cui Jianbo Dies of Torture-Induced Illness
2004-03-31After his release, Cui recovered a bit. But he was still very weak. His wife was sentenced to a labour camp for her belief in Dafa, which also caused a great mental burden for him. He also needed to take care of the heavy housework with his emaciated body. In late 2003, his condition worsened. He was twice rushed to the hospital. The doctors said his lungs were rotten. After he came back from the hospital, he struggled for another 6 months. On February 14, 2004, he passed away with his illness not cured. He was only 41 years old.