Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Under Pressure from School Authorities, a Young Teacher's Father Resorts to Violence to Force Her to Renounce Falun Gong
2005-05-27On February 18, 2004, Ms. Yuan Ming, a young teacher in Guangdong Province, returned home from class. Her father, under the influence of the Chinese Communist regime's propaganda and persecution, pulled the cord out of the telephone, came up behind Ms. Yuan, and suddenly wrapped it around her neck. After she struggled and got away, her father caught her again, wrapped the cord tightly around her neck, and almost strangled her.
An Analysis of the Heavy Sentences Imposed by a Court in Beijing Against Ms. Chu Tong, Mr. Yu Chao and Mr. Wang Weiyu
2005-05-27The entire process used by the Chaoyang District Court of Beijing to try and deliver heavy sentences against Chu Tong, Yu Chao and Wang Weiyu was seriously flawed. Their arrest, prolonged detention, public prosecution and trial were based on unlawful applications of the law. None of the definitions of the nature of the "crimes", the investigation, the evidence, and the application of the laws followed proper procedures. This is a typical example of the Chinese Communist Party illegally manipulating the legal system in the persecution Falun Gong.
Ms. Liu Yunxiang Suffers Two Miscarriages After Beatings by Local Authorities
2005-05-27Led by the former township Secretary of Politics and Law, the authorities in Weifang City arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Yunxiang in the winter of 1999. They imprisoned, beat, and tortured her until she had a miscarriage. In the summer of 2001, the local authorities once again arrested Ms. Liu and beat her until she suffered a second miscarriage.
Arrested and Mercilessly Beaten by Multiple Policemen for Upholding My Belief in Falun Dafa
2005-05-27"I was arrested by the police when I went door to door to give out leaflets exposing the persecution. One policeman told me during the interrogation, "We are the machines of the CCP. If the CCP has us beat you then we will beat you." They also said that if the CCP orders them kill people, they would do it, because the CCP will give them money. They had no trouble getting my mouth to bleed during the beatings. As I used my hand to wipe the blood away, they forced my hand away from my mouth. They beat me to the point where I became dizzy and lost my eyesight."
One Hundred Days of Persecution at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-05-26"A police officer searched my home, found Falun Dafa books and leaflets exposing the persecution. I was arrested and sentenced me to two years in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. The police officer threatened, "The guards at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp are reincarnated ghosts from hell!" In Masanjia I had to endure intensive brainwashing. There were many consecutive groups, one after the other, who tried to brainwash me. I was forced to get up early and come to the classroom, where collaborators surrounded me and tried to confuse me with distorted ideas. Each day from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m., except for meal times, they approached me in groups and tried to brainwash me, yet they could not "reform" me."
"I Am Still Alive!" -- Told By a Practitioner Recently Released From Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-05-26"My name is Xu Qingyan. I was recently released from the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. The Mansanjia Forced Labour Camp is just one of the concentration camps where Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted. I am still alive, although I was near death. I want to solemnly declare here that I am innocent, and not guilty of any charges levelled against me. I have been persecuted for my beliefs. I'd like to tell everyone all that I experienced in the forced labour camp during the past year."
Practitioner Ms. He Xiuping from Hebei Province Suffers a Mental Collapse as a Result of Persecution
2005-05-2649 year old Ms. He Xiuping was sent to Liyuzhuang Brainwashing Centre for persecution in July 2003. The police burned her leg with a piece of heated charcoal, and she lost consciousness on the spot from the pain. The police poured cold water on her and brought her back to consciousness. Then they continued to torture her. As a result, she fell into a stupor within a month and lost control of her bowels and bladder. Currently she is still unable to take care of herself and remains in a stupor.
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners from Liaoning Province Died as a Result of the Persecution
2005-05-26In July 1999, 75 year old Mr. Li Zongzheng went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Dafa. He was arrested by the police when he returned home. The police ordered Mr. Li to slander Falun Dafa in front of a television camera. The police threatened to extend his detention, ransack his home, and extort money if he did not comply with their demands. He complied with their demands. Mr. Li's mind and body were severely affected by the persecution. Finally the police extorted money from his family members and released him from detention. Mr. Li's mind and body were severely affected by the persecution. Finally the police extorted money from his family members and released him from detention.
I Witnessed Wu Baowang's Death Due to Torture at the Shuangcheng City Detention Centre
2005-05-25"I witnessed the murder of practitioner Mr. Wu Baowang at the hands of guards in the Shuangcheng Detention Centre. I was arrested and sent to the Shuangcheng City Detention Centre, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. Wu Baowang was also detained there. In fact, there was only one cell between his and mine. His cell number was 6 and mine was 8. On May 15, 2002, I heard continuous, heart-breaking screams coming from Wu Baowang's cell. At the beginning the sound was loud, but later it became weaker and weaker. I heard him say, "You are doing this to kill me! You don't want me to live!" Later, it was completely quiet."
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Fengying from Hebei Province Disappeared after Being Arrested
2005-05-25On March 1, 2005, the police arrested Ms Zhang Fengying. They detained her and later sent her to a forced brainwashing centre. Four policemen monitored her in turn and tortured her. She became extremely weak as a result of the abuse. For a while she was in a critical condition and sent to a hospital for emergency treatment. Several days later, the police told her husband that on March 23, she jumped from the second floor and escaped. Her husband found it hard to believe as Ms Zhang was constantly monitored by so many policemen. Currently we do not know her whereabouts.
Police Brutality Causes Paralysis of Shandong Province Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Meng Qingying
2005-05-25After being severely tortured, practitioner Ms. Meng Qingying was paralysed. The police arrested another practitioner, Mr. Zhao Qingliang, and extorted 20,000 Yuan from his family. They had earlier arrested Ms. Meng's husband Mr. Ren Bingyu and sentenced him to three years of forced labour. Their son Ren Junpeng was expelled from school.
Seventeen Practitioners from Jilin, Hebei, Heilongjiang, and Other Provinces Die as a Result of Persecution
2005-05-25Ms. Liu Fang, 53, went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong in December 1999 and was detained there. Policemen poured cold water on her head, one basin after another, on a cold winter day. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong again in October 2000, and was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp. She was very weak and had high blood pressure when she was jailed in Changchun City's Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp. Nonetheless, policemen still beat her with electric batons. After the continuous persecution she suffered, Liu Fang was severely injured both physically and mentally. She suffered from a mental collapse in 2003, and in March 2004, she had bleeding in her brain and lapsed into a coma. She passed away on April 13, 2005.
Eighteen Falun Dafa Practitioners in Shandong, Liaoning and Guangdong Provinces and Inner Mongolia Die from Persecution
2005-05-24Ms. Zhang Xihui, 54, was a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shandong Province. She had appealed for Falun Dafa twice since the persecution began in 1999, and had been arrested many times. When she was released from her last detention, she showed symptoms of mental trauma. It was reported that she may have been injected with nerve-damaging drugs. Since then she had not been clear-minded. She suffered massive oedema and died on April 27, 2005.
Fourteen Practitioners in Several Regions of China Died from the Persecution
2005-05-24Ms. Wang Shuyua, 74, lived in a village in Liaoning Province. After starting Falun Gong practice in July 1997, she was healthy and full of energy. For practising Falun Gong outdoors on August 13, 2000, she was detained by police, put in a metal cage for three days and later sent to a detention centre. Deciding she was too old to keep in detention, the police released her after forcing her to pay a fine of 200 yuan. Her three daughters, however, were arrested, detained and fined many times, causing her intense and prolonged stress. Ms. Wang passed away on August 6, 2004.
Ten Falun Dafa Practitioners Die from Persecution in Sichuan, Heilongjiang, Gansu and Shandong Provinces
2005-05-2461 year old Ms. Zhu Yunfeng, lived in Sichuan Province. She suffered from diabetes and other conditions of the heart and blood vessels, but quickly recovered full health after she started practising Falun Dafa in 1995. In November 2000 in order to ask for justice for Dafa, she went to Tiananmen Square to appeal and the police abducted her. She was tortured for a long time at a custody centre. Officers in Chengdu City set up a solitary confinement cell where they tortured and interrogated her. They also forced her to stand for long periods of time. She passed away in early July 2001.