Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Hunan Provincial Women's Prison Tortured Ms Tao Fangzhi, Who Became a Practitioner While in Prison
2005-03-24Ms. Tao Fangzhi, 46, who was serving a sentence for manslaughter, became a Falun Dafa practitioner, after she learned the practice from a fellow inmate practitioner. After she became a practitioner, Ms. Tao recognized from her heart the previous mistakes that she had made, and truly realized the purpose of life. She was tortured in the prison because she continued practising Falun Dafa and telling the facts about Dafa to other inmates.
Disabled Elderly Female Practitioner Faces Sham Trial in Shenyang City
2005-03-24On January 31, 2005, the Tiexi District Court of Shenyang City conducted a sham trial of 65 year old Ms. Shi Shengying. She attempted to explain how she had benefited from Falun Dafa and she was being inhumanly persecuted for her belief, when the judge interrupted her, "Do not talk about these things. Just say whether you spread propaganda about Falun Gong in the park." He quickly announced, "That is the end of the hearing. A sentence will be announced on a selected date after a court discussion."
Elderly Mr. Cheng Huizhong from Hebei Province Dies as a Result of Persecution
2005-03-23Mr. Cheng Huizhong was 71 years old from Hebei Province. His illnesses were cured since starting to practise Falun Dafa. He was arrested and subsequently tortured by the police. He eventually suffered a mental collapse and could no longer take care of himself. Mr. Cheng never recovered and died in February 2005.
Re-Enactments of How the Police Cruelly Torture Falun Gong Practitioners in Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province - Part 2
2005-03-23This photo shows a torture re-enactment "Pricking the Finger Tips". Police officers use un-wound paper clips to prick the practitioners' fingertips until they bleed. They also break a plastic ruler in half and use the sharp edge to cut practitioners' fingers. Some police use toothpicks to puncture the area under the fingernails until they draw blood.
The Tragedy of Ms. Jia Xueyun from Hebei Province
2005-03-23Ms. Jia Xueyun is in her 40's. Ms. Jia's friends and family knew that she was perfectly healthy before she was incarcerated in Kaiping Forced Labour Camp. In just three months, her weight dropped from 143 lbs to 66 lbs. Every friend and relative that came to see her could not help bursting into tears and felt indignant at the injustice perpetrated against her. Ms. Jia Xueyun was nothing but skin and bones when she was finally brought home. In fact, she was hardly breathing.
50 Year Old Mr. Zheng Nianjie from Hebei Province Died in 2002
2005-03-2250 year old Mr. Zheng Nianjie used to be very weak and suffered from many illnesses. After practising Falun Dafa, he fully recovered. He was always very nice, honest, and had a kind heart. He was famous in the village for his good temperament. However, because he firmly kept his faith, he was persecuted many times and suffered numerous internal injuries. He died in October 2002 from torture in a labour camp.
Thirteen More Falun Dafa Practitioners from China Are Known to Have Died Amidst the Persecution
2005-03-22Out of 13 more reported deaths as a result of persecution, 10 practitioners were over 50 years old and 3 were over 70, including an 83 year old lady. Through the practice of Falun Dafa all of these people experienced good health and curing of their illnesses. However once they were threatened, monitored and harassed constantly by local officials and police they were no longer allowed to practise the Falun Gong exercises or study the teachings and they lived in a state of fear and anxiety. As a result old illnesses resurfaced and they passed away.
Re-Enactments of How the Police Cruelly Torture Falun Gong Practitioners in Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province - Part 1
2005-03-22This photo shows a torture re-enactment: "Knocking the Head Against the Wall". Police officers knock female practitioners' heads against the wall. This type of torture causes a big lump on the head, dizziness and blurred vision. Some practitioners bleed while others pass out.
Family of Practitioner Mr. Wang Bingwen Demand His Release from Qingdao City Forced Labour Camp
2005-03-22Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Bingwen has been persecuted in Qingdao City Forced Labour Camp for a long time. After discussion, Mr. Wang's family members decided to go to the forced labour camp to firmly request his release. On February 3, 2005, eleven of his family members went there. Not only did they request to see their relative, but they also demanded his release. Although the police tried to arrest the family, they managed to escape.
Facts That Should Never Be Forgotten (Part 1)
2005-03-21Ms Xu Fayue's right foot suffered third degree frostbite, with the first, third and fifth toes completely dead and emitting a foul odour, as a result of being locked up in temperatures of below minus 10 degree C. After nearly one month, most of her big toe, all of the third toe and part of the fifth toe of her right foot were amputated.
70 Year Old Mr. Li Wenming from Hunan Province Was Persecuted to Death in 2002
2005-03-21Mr. Li Wenming, age 70, was a Falun Gong practitioner in Xiangtan City, Hunan Province. He and his wife, Mrs. Quan Huiping, continued to practise Falun Gong despite the persecution. For this, they suffered frequent abuse. On February 9, 2002, several corrupt policemen abducted Mr. Li from his home. Li Wenming died shortly thereafter. His wife, Mrs. Quan Huiping continued to be harassed by local policemen.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Ma Baosheng Dies as a Result of Torture at the Daqing Forced Labour Camp
2005-03-21Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Ma Baosheng from Heilongjiang Province went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa in 2000. He was held at the Zhaozhou County Detention Centre and the Daqing Forced Labour Camp, where he was terribly abused, both physically and mentally. One of the tortures he underwent was "Tying the Rope," which disabled his arms. The police constantly harassed him at home after he was released. He passed away on January 4, 2005.
Tibetan Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zha Sang, in Her Fifties, Died as a Result of Persecution in 2002
2005-03-21Ms. Zha Sang was a Tibetan. After she started cultivating Falun Dafa in 1996, her breast cancer totally disappeared. In November 2001, she was abducted from her home and sentenced to three years in prison. Due to the severe living conditions, her old illness came back. Ms. Zha was released on medical parole, but died in October 2002 at her home in Lhasa City.
The Persecution Related Deaths of 81 More Falun Gong Practitioners Were Confirmed in February 2005
2005-03-20Pan Xingfu was released home from the Mudanjiang Prison in July 2004 after he was tortured to the verge of death. He never recovered and in January 2005, his physical condition suddenly deteriorated. Pan Xingfu died on January 31, 2005.
Nine More Falun Dafa Practitioners in China Known to Have Died from Persecution
2005-03-20Out of 9 more reported deaths as a result of persecution, 7 were 60 years or above. Mr. Xue Fengqi, 72, lived in Yushu City, Jilin Province. In October 2001, he went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested.The Yushu Municipal Public Security Bureau ordered his family members to pay 400 yuan for his release. In total, his family members were blackmailed for over ten thousand yuan. After coming back, he was hounded constantly. While under tremendous pressure, Mr. Xue died from bladder cancer some time shortly before October 1, 2004.