Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
How The Heilongjiang Provincial Drug Treatment Institute Tortured Ms. Jiang Rongzhen to Death
2005-04-05In November 2002, the Heilongjiang Provincial Drug Treatment Institute in Harbin tortured 42 year old Ms. Jiang Rongzhen until she died. Her body was cut and bruised all over and had scars from apparent electrocution. There was a hole in the front of her head and a swollen lump on the back of her head. When prison officials saw that she had died, so they hurried to find a doctor. They then wrapped her body in a blanket and sent her to the hospital to be "rescued."
Elderly Farmer Ms. Li Hongjin from Liaoning Province Died under the Persecution
2005-04-05Ms. Li Hongjin was determined to practise Falun Dafa. She went to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Dafa and was persecuted. She was held at a detention centre and was so brutally persecuted that she was at the brink of death. Even when she was released the police continued to monitor her closely and prevent her from practising Falun Dafa. She passed away on June 6, 2004. Before she died, she was still telling her family that Falun Dafa is great.
61 year old Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Hao Zhimei from Heilongjiang Province Tortured to Death
2005-04-04Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Hao Zhimei , 61 years old, was a retired teacher from Qiqihar City. She was abducted on the evening of March 16, 2005, by police and detained at the City First Detention Centre. She was tortured to death on March 24, 2005 yet the police claimed she died of a "heart attack". The police told the family that no cameras or mobile phones were allowed when preparing her body for the funeral and during the funeral. They were no doubt afraid that criminal evidence would be recorded.
Sichuan Province Falun Gong Practitioner Xiang Changyin Dies from Torture
2005-04-04Mr. Xiang Changyin had already been persecuted in a forced labour camp prior to his arrest in June 2004 while he was distributing leaflets about Falun Gong and the persecution to people. He was tortured, unlawfully sent to forced labour for four years. Although Xiang Changyin was sent back home, his life was in danger and died on March 11, 2005 as a result of torture.
More Details of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Gu Xiuhua's Death Due to Persecution in Harbin City
2005-04-04Because she did not give up practising Falun Dafa, 40 year old Ms Gu Xiuhua was imprisoned in a brainwashing class where she was brutally persecuted. Ms Gu's body and mind were seriously injured due to torture and abuse. Sometimes, she was not able to eat, drink water, or sleep for more than ten days at a time. Her abdomen was often in pain. After leaving prison, the local police intensified their persecution against her and her family was extorted for money on four different occasions, for amounts totalling 25,000 yuan. She was forced to become homeless in order to avoid being persecuted. In November 2004, Ms. Gu Xiuhua passed away.
Mr. Zhao Guangsheng Badly Injured and Deformed after Police and Criminal Inmates Cruelly Torture Him
2005-04-04Mr. Zhao Guangsheng was arrested by police from the "610 Office". They cruelly beat him with a leather-thonged whip for 3 hours. On another occasion guards ordered several criminal inmates to put some toilet paper between Mr. Zhao's toes and then set the paper on fire to burn him. His agonising screams broke the silence of the night until he passed out from the pain. When Mr. Zhao's wife went to the prison to see him and saw how hideously deformed her husband was, she couldn't stop crying and borrowed money from her friends to pay for his release.
Elderly Ms. Yue Shunjiao, a Falun Dafa Practitioner from Hubei Province, Dies as a Result of Police Harassment
2005-04-0364 year old Ms. Yue Shunjiao was held several times in detention centres because she appealed for Falun Gong. Officials operating outside the law had placed her under surveillance and continually harassed her because she steadfastly believed in Falun Dafa. On November 19, 2004, Ms. Yue died as a result of this persecution.
How the Perpetrators at Police Stations, Forced Labour Camps and the Party Committee Devastate the Conscience and Murder the Spirit
2005-04-03Ms. Wang Zhijun, who endured savage, ruthless persecution, then went on to betray her conscience and change from being an honest and good person to assisting her persecutors in slandering Falun Gong and persecuting practitioners. She doesn't have the courage to admit to the tortures she suffered because of the coercion and pressure asserted on her by her tormentors.
Practitioner Zhou Bin's Genitals Were Seriously Injured in Shanghai Prison
2005-04-03On February 24, 2005, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhou, who was in a small cell wearing handcuffs, was brutally beaten by the inmate in-charge at the orders of prison guards. Zhou Bin's genitals were badly injured. When the prison guard saw that he might die, they sent him to the hospital. After committing such a brutal crime, these policemen tried to cover up the truth and told the other prisoners to lie.
Secret Trial for Six Falun Gong Practitioners in Jilin Province
2005-04-03On March 16, 2005, the Jilin Province Yanji City Court held a secret court session trying Falun Gong practitioners. During the session, five of the practitioners requested their immediate, unconditional release while defending themselves in an upright way. The judge panicked, and feeling guilty, forced the practitioners to stop reading their defence documents. In the end, the court officials hurriedly ended the session without any verdict.
Medical Technologist Ms Zhan Ye'an of Guizhou Province Tortured to Death in 2003
2005-04-0257 year old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhan Ye'an was arrested in Shanghai for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution in August 2002, and sentenced to forced labour in Zhongba Women's Labour Camp. She went on a hunger strike immediately at the camp to protest her innocence. She was so steadfast in her belief that they tortured her viciously, until she was paralysed. She survived on intravenous fluids for a while, but died at the end of June 2003. The officials were very scared of their crimes being revealed so they withheld the news of her death for a long time.
Practitioner Liu Jingxin Tortured and Subjected to Brainwashing for 40 Days in Jilin Prison (Re-enactment Photos)
2005-04-02The "Stretch Bed" is an extremely vicious torture technique. Step 1: A person's four limbs are bound to the four corners of a hard bed. Step 2: Once the arms and legs are bound to the bed, the body is lifted high in the air and stretched in all four directions, causing severe pain.
The Women's Jail in Inner Mongolia is a Dark Den Used for the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-04-02Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Yazhi was thrown in the Baoanzhao Jail because she went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to appeal against the persecution. She was not allowed to use the toilet or get in touch with anyone. Under the instigation of the guards, the prisoners used a quilt to cover her head and beat her mercilessly, nearly killing her. After several months of brutal torture, the once healthy and strong Liu Yazhi became paraplegic.
A Practitioner in Jilin Province Speaks About the Brutal Persecution
2005-04-02"I was dismissed from my position as a public official and unlawfully arrested and threatened many times, because I wanted to become a good person. I fainted four times from police beatings, was charged with phony crimes, secretly sentenced to over eight years in prison, and had 20,000 yuan illegally seized from me. I was devastated by the brutal treatment while in prison and developed cirrhosis of the liver. They sent me home when I became critically ill. The persecution has robbed me of everything. They left me with a mortal body full of illnesses related to cirrhosis, and I am at the end of my rope."
Two Practitioners in Hebei Province Who Died As a Result of Persecution
2005-04-0157 year old Ms. Li Shuzhen was harassed, threatened, arrested, and detained by local police many times because she was a steadfast practitioner of Falun Dafa. Once she was kept in a small dark room at a police station for nine days. Due to persecution, her health deteriorated such that a labour camp would not take her. As a result of the persecution she endured, Ms. Li Shuzhen died on May 24, 2004.