Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Middle School Teacher Mr. Wang Xulin from Jiangxi Province Died in 2002 After Suffering Longstanding Persecution
2005-01-2253 year old Mr. Wang Xulin from Jiangxi Province was forced to take early retirement because he steadfastly practised Falun Dafa. He was constantly harassed by local police, who ransacked his home. In 2001 he was arrested and taken to a brainwashing class. The persecution was more than he could bear and in July 2002 he died from a stroke.
The Experiences of 55 Year Old Dafa Practitioner Ms Liu Xing from Hebei Province, Who Died in 2004 as a Result of Persecution
2005-01-22Ms. Liu Xing went to Beijing three times to explain to the authorities the truth about Falun Gong and was detained four times. In 2000, she was illegally sentenced to 3 years of reeducation through labour. She was tortured so severely that she developed a serious liver illness. After she went home in October 2001, she was kept under constant surveillance and harassment. Ms. Liu passed away on January 26, 2004, uncleared of a false charge
70-Something Practitioner Mr Feng Zuoshan Died as a Result of Police Threats and Harassment in 2000
2005-01-22Henan Province Falun Gong practitioner and retired teacher Mr. Feng Zuoshan was over 70 years old. Mr. Feng started practising Falun Gong in 1997, and his various illnesses disappeared without any medical treatment. Since July 1999, local police went to Mr. Feng's home many times to threaten and harass him. Also, his youngest daughter was arrested for telling people the facts about Falun Dafa. All of these things brought physical and mental harm upon Mr. Feng and triggered his old illnesses. He died in November 2000 as a result.
Elementary School Teacher Mr. Wu Qinghai from Beijing, Died as the Result of Persecution in 2003
2005-01-21Mr. Wu Qinghai, a senior-level elementary School teacher from Beijing, who was also the director of a school-owned factory, was sentenced to four years in prison for practising Falun Dafa. While he was in prison, his health was seriously weakened by torture, and he was released on medical parole. On orders from the Jiang Zemin regime, Mr. Wu's wife refused to help him. Mr. Wu had lost his job, had no resources, and could not even buy his own food. He barely survived with his friend's help. Police constantly harassed him, and as a result of all the persecution he went through, Mr. Wu died on December 6, 2003.
Ms. Wang Hongxia in Anhui Province Passed Away in 2002 as a result of Torture
2005-01-21Ms. Wang Hongxia was an employee of Huaibei City Power Plant in Anhui Province. In October 2001, she was arrested by police while clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa and was thrown into the Second Detention Centre. After five months of torture, she had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. One week after she was hospitalized, she passed away at the age of 44.
Cruel Torture at Shenyang City's Dabei Prison Leads to the Death of Ms. Li Ling
2005-01-21In May 2002, Ms. Li Ling was captured because she delivered Falun Dafa material to the Jinzhou City's Political and Judiciary Committee and imprisoned in Shenyang City's Dabei Prison. She was subjected to brainwashing and torture. At 3:00 a.m. on November 17, 2004, Ms. Li Ling called out loudly talking about the situation of Falun Gong. Criminal prisoners assigned to watch her in her cell tied her arms behind her back and covered her mouth. Ms. Li Ling died at about 4:00 a.m.
Practitioners Mr Jia Fengxiang from Henan Province and Mr Tian Tingfu from Liaoning Province Died as a Result of Persecution-Induced Illness in 2003 and 2002
2005-01-2160 year old Mr. Jia Fengxiang was from Henan Province and an official in the town government. Because he wrote a letter to the secretary of the Lushan County Party Committee to clarify the truth of Falun Dafa, he was taken to the county detention centre. He was released only because he was ill. He had no money for medical treatment, and he passed away on May 19, 2003. Mr. Tian Tingfu, 66, was from Liaoning Province. He had to leave home to avoid police arrest. Under the long-term threats and tremendous pressure from police, Tian Tingfu suffered a heart attack and passed away on November 14, 2002.
Ms Li Aiyun Died in 2001 from the Effects of Torture in Beijing's Xin'an Forced Labour Camp
2005-01-20Ms. Li Aiyun, 38, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Beijing. In October 2000, she was watching a Falun Gong video-tape at home. Someone reported this to the police and she was arrested and sentenced to one year of forced labour. She was detained in Beijing's Xin'an Forced Labour Camp where she was severely tortured. She later developed symptoms of TB and was sent to a TB hospital. In January 2001, she was released on medical parole. However she never fully recovered and on October 14, 2002 she passed away.
Practitioner Li Guang, a TV Reporter in Shandong Province, Beaten to Death
2005-01-20Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Guang was a TV reporter and presenter in Shandong Province. He was arrested, imprisoned in Weifang City and cruelly tortured for being steadfast in his belief in Falun Dafa. On December 3, 2004, Li Guang was beaten to death by prison guard Xu Haiming and others. The Weibei Prison held a series of meetings to order all the prison guards to tell the identical lie that Li Guang hanged himself. They stonewalled all requests for information and threatened that whoever disclosed the truth would be fired immediately, once verified
Falun Dafa Practitioner Yan Shanzhu, Dies as a Result of Persecution
2005-01-20In 2001 Mr. Yan Shanzhu and his wife were kidnapped on their way to appeal for Falun Dafa in Beijing. He was sentenced to one year in Changlin Forced Labour Camp, where he endured severe hardships. The officials tortured him by brutal force-feeding, shocking with electric baton, whipping, and solitary confinement. His health deteriorated drastically and he was covered with scabies. After he was released, officials continued to harass him constantly. His health never recovered and he passed away on October 3, 2004.
Ms. Wu Yuqin of Inner Mongolia Died as a Result of Persecution in 2003
2005-01-20On the night of December 25, 2003, police arrested Ms. Wu Yuqin, a 49-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Inner Mongolia, at her home. She was killed during that night. The next morning, Ms. Wu was found dead outside the Public Security Bureau. The police claimed that Ms. Mu committed suicide and made up a bizarre story to mislead the public. They told spectators that Ms. Wu was an accountant from some town and had embezzled government funds. They alleged that she had jumped out of the window before they could interrogate her.
Mr. Wu Junyang Tortured to Death at Benxi City Detention Centre
2005-01-19Falun Dafa practitioner Wu Junyang was cruelly tortured in a detention centre until he was blind in both eyes, covered in wounds and bruises, incontinent and his penis was black. 70 days after his arrest, on November 27, 2004, he passed away.
Mrs. Wang Shanling, a 68-Year-Old Falun Gong Practitioner from Jilin Province, Persecuted to Death
2005-01-1968 year old practitioner Mrs. Wang Shanling lived in Jilin Province. Because she practised Falun Gong local police, ransacked her house arrested and interrogated her, then extorted 2000 yuan from her. Thereafter, the police frequently threatened Mrs. Wang. Under intense persecution, she passed away on January 3, 2005.
Hebei Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Yu Zhanyang Persecuted to Death in 1999
2005-01-1947 year old Mr. Yu Zhanyang lived in a village in Hebei Province. In 1998, he was diagnosed with a severe case of lung cancer. The lung cancer could have taken Mr. Yu's life had he not discovered Falun Dafa. By reading "Zhuan Falun" [the main text in Falun Dafa] and doing the exercises, Mr. Yu miraculously recovered. Since the onslaught of the persecution against Falun Dafa in July 1999, the local police frequently harassed Mr. Yu and inflicted much physical and mental distress on him. As a result, Mr. Yu's lung cancer recurred, and took his life on October 10, 1999.
Persecution of Falun Gong Leads to Six Deaths in Hubei Province: Mr. Wang Xisong Passed Away in 2000, Five Other Practitioners Also Lost their Lives
2005-01-19Mr. Wang Xisong was a Falun Dafa practitioner who worked at Huanggang City's Pharmaceutical Factory in Hubei Province. He went to Beijing to peacefully appeal for a stop to the persecution against Falun Dafa where he was arrested, sent back home and then held at a Detention Centre where he suffered extensive physical abuse. He never recovered from the injuries inflicted at the detention centre at the time he passed away around September 12th, 2000.