Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Hellish Treatment of Falun Gong Practitioners in Hebei Province
2004-02-05Zhang was firm in her belief, so she was sent to a so-called "strict discipline class," specifically set up to monitor Falun Gong practitioners....The prison doctor even used a knife to poke her mouth while saying, "Don't you dare to go on hunger strike! I'll teach you a lesson." She was left with half-inch long wounds on her tongue, and two patches of the flesh on her cheeks were dug away by the knife.
The Cruel Treatment Ms. Fan Wenfang Suffered before Being Carried into the Courtroom on a Stretcher
2004-02-04In September 2002, Ms. Fan Wenfang was unlawfully sent to Funan Detention Centre, and while she was there, the guards tortured her with force-feedings, leaving her in an emaciated and pitiful condition. She suffered low blood glucose level and electrolyte disorder at the same time. She was not sent home until she was on the verge of death. Yet she was subjected to more relentless brutal treatment only one day after being sent home.
Female Practitioners Are Sadistically Tortured In the Dalian Detention Centre
2004-02-04Li Yumei and I had been deprived of sleep for nine days straight. Later we were only allowed to sleep for two or three hours a day. One time I asked the prisoner assigned to watch me: "Do you have parents, brothers and sisters? How do you feel when you see that they brutally torture practitioners?" She said: "Everyone is selfish. Although we know that practitioners are good people, we still have to do what they order us to do. Otherwise they will extend our term."
Falun Gong Practitioners Endure Endless, Intensive Forced Labour at Langfang City Detention Centre
2004-02-04Whoever is sent to Langfang City Detention Centre learns that the forced labour there is extremely intensive and unendurable. There are always countless beans waiting to be picked and chopsticks waiting to be wrapped up. The person in charge assigns daily jobs to every detainee. Detainees who are unable to finish their assignments, are punished by either not being allowed to sleep or by being given evening duty. They are forced to work more than 10 hours every day.
Chongqing City Police Chief Illegally Detains and Extorts Money from Over a Hundred Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-02-04Zhang and his accomplices continuously extort substantial amounts of money from practitioners. Zhang pries out the financial status of arrested practitioners, and threatens to send them to labour camps. In his original words: "I can send a person to hell (meaning 'sending to a labour camp') or to heaven (meaning 'not sending to a labour camp.')" By doing this, Zhang and his accomplices have illegally extorted over 350,000 Yuan from practitioners and families via bonds, fines, confiscations, etc. In a county like Tongnan that is known for its poverty, Zhang uses persecuting Falun Gong to help obtain promotions and make a fortune out of it.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Gao Shiping Dies After Tremendous Physical and Mental Torture
2004-02-03Ms. Gao Shiping, aged 58, was a resident of the surrounding area of Zhangjiakou City. In April 2001, while Ms. Gao was farming in the field, she was arrested by local police and sent to the Gaoyang Labour Camp for forced brainwashing. When she returned home in the spring of 2003, her health had seriously deteriorated from the physical and mental torture she had endured in the labour camp. She died on December 19, 2003.
Witnessing the Horrors of Tumuji Forced Labour Camp: "If You Refuse to Submit, You Will Be Cremated" -
2004-02-03"Seeing that she refused to submit, they tied her to the back of a van and pulled her along to a broken down shed, where she was made to stand and not allowed to sleep unless she gave up her practice. They tied her arms to the back and hung her up, with her toes barely touching the ground. Adding to her agony, they shocked her with an electric baton. Ma collapsed four times, and she suffered from cardiac problems from the damage done by the high voltage electric baton. For six months afterwards, she was unable to lift up her arms."
Policewoman in Dalian Labour Camp Subjects Female Dafa Practitioners to Horrendous Torture
2004-02-03Policewoman Yuan Lingyue is the captain of Team Three in the Women's Division of Dalian City Labour Camp, in Liaoning Province. Team Three is specifically used for detaining and torturing female Falun Gong practitioners. Yuan is thirty-three years old and lives in the Lubo Residential Area of the Shahekou District in Dalian City. She is known to be vicious and deceitful. Yuan was so cruel that the guards were even terrified of her. They would say behind her back, "She's just too vicious."
Atrocities at the Tangshan City Forced Labour Camp - Using the "Deadly Strings" that Cut into Flesh
2004-02-03One day in December of 2003, a prison guard at the Hehuakeng Labour Camp in Tangshan City had a "heart-to-heart talk" with the Falun Gong practitioners incarcerated there. When talking about how other labour camps "transformed" Falun Gong practitioners, he said, "We are more moderate. We only use 300,000-volt electric batons, wooden clubs, deadly strings, and bind you to the bed. We have never buried you alive like they did."
Delayed News: Hebei Province Practitioner Mr. Xie Wenping Inhumanly Tortured to Death by Police
2004-02-02Mr. Xie was an employee of Dingxing County Glass Tube Factory, Hebei province. In 2002, the police abducted Mr. Xie from his home and sent him to the Liyuzhuang Township Brainwashing Centre, where he was inhumanly tortured. His family was not informed until his life was in danger. Mr. Xie died soon after returning home. Before Mr. Xie's death, about 90 Falun Gong practitioners in Hebei province had already died as a result of the persecution in the past four years.
Canadian Citizen Recalls Months of Persecution by National Security Officers While Working in Tianjin
2004-02-02For a whole 24 hours, a dozen perpetrators took turns interrogating me. They threatened me and also enticed me and used various methods in an attempt to make me reveal personal information about some Falun Gong practitioners inside and outside of China, as well as my relationship with them. They were ruthless and said, "Although you are a Canadian citizen, we are afraid of no one. If you don't give us what we want, we'll fix you."
Dafa Practitioners Held Unlawfully at the Jilin Women's Prison on Group Strike
2004-02-02The Chinese prisons and labour camps keep detainees in virtual slavery, forcing them to work for exhaustive long hours and earning vast profits for the authorities. The international community has already condemned the slave labour practices that exist in China's forced labour camp system. Falun Dafa practitioners are being persecuted and held in prisons and labour camps simply because they live as upright and virtuous people and for following the principle of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance in their daily lives.
Family Members of Australian Citizen Deprived of the Right to Travel Abroad
2004-02-02During the three years of imprisonment, Yiwen Tang was subjected to painful torture. Her parents are over 70 years old, and she has a sister Lisa, who went to live in Australia more than ten years ago. The sisters have not seen each other for years. Recently Lisa invited Yiwen Tang to visit her in Australia, but the Guangzhou Police Station has refused to issue her a passport. The reason was that the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department has an order to stop Falun Gong practitioners from going abroad.
The Crimes of National Security Brigade Captain Gong Chuanxing against Dafa Practitioners in Chifeng City
2004-02-01Policemen from the National Security Brigade left nothing in the Suns' home untouched, and the floor was strewn with objects the police had thrown around. These policemen kept cursing and uttering nothing but profanities while they ransacked the Sun's house, and they then knocked down the wardrobe. Finally, the police abducted Mr. and Mrs. Sun, and left their 13-year-old daughter and 11-year-old son alone at home with no one to care for them.
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Shuli Dies as a Result of Torture at the Tangshan City Labour Camp
2004-02-01Each session of "Tightening Rope" lasts ten to twenty minutes. After the rope is loosened, the victim has lost the feeling in his arms, and it takes a long time to regain it. For those who have experienced this torture, their arms are often disabled in severe cases, or they cannot raise their arms or they lose some function in the arms. The marks left on the arms by the rope usually don't disappear for one or two years.