Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Shandong Province "610 Office" Conspires To Spread More Lies About Falun Gong
2004-02-12The activity targets students in elementary and middle schools, and farmers. The plan of attack is to adopt a face-to-face approach in villages to display pictures and VCD's based on fabrications in order to slander Falun Gong. Farmers and students will be forced to watch slanderous videos and to view the exhibition. Afterwards, the students are asked to enter a contest by writing articles and speeches that slander Falun Dafa.
17 Year Old Girl Arrested for Answering Exam Question Truthfully in Heilongjiang Province
2004-02-12In July of 2002, Wang Lin attended a joint entrance exam for a provincial high school. In the politics section of the paper there was a question defaming Falun Gong. Wang Lin answered the question truthfully stating: Falun Dafa is good, and Falun Dafa is righteous. Later on officials from the Political and Judiciary Committee, Police Department and Provincial Education Committee came looking for her. Wang was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution
Rescue Charles Li and Bring Prime Culprit Jiang Zemin to Justice
2004-02-12Miss Fu, Li's fiancée, has said that she can feel the pain Li is suffering in the brainwashing class even though she is in the US. The pain comes from being forced to do things you never want to do and from having your basic human nature altered. Li is a truthful person. He never tells lies and wants to be a good, compassionate person with great tolerance. They torture him and attempt to transform him. That is a pain no words can describe.
Belated News: Yinchun City Government Deputy Chief , Mr. Song Gang, Tortured to Death
2004-02-11Due to torture, his health worsened. After he was released home, Fenghua authorities informed Yinchun City Government to take him back to Yinchun City to work when in fact he was being monitored there. While in Yinchun, Song's health deteriorated rapidly. Yinchun authorities then sent him back to Zhejiang. On the same day of his return (at the end of January 2000), he passed away.
Two Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioners Tortured to Death by Police in Shandong and Gansu Province
2004-02-11On April 22, Zhang Youqing was issued a release warrant. Police officer Song Jianhua said, "No, you can't go home." He claimed he'd hold Zhang Youqing and his wife until they died in prison...Song Jianhua interrogated him when he was extremely weak and asked if he would continue to practise Dafa. Mr. Zhang Youqing firmly answered he would and said, "I got a release warrant and you still won't let me go. You are persecuting us Falun Gong practitioners!" Song Jianhua grew furious and beat Zhang Youqing until the practitioner's face turned white as a sheet and he couldn't stand up.
Authorities at Jiamusi City Xigemu Labour Camp Responsible for Painful Deaths of Dafa Practitioner's Brother and Sister
2004-02-11In order to resist the persecution, we all went on a hunger strike. As a result, six people held us down and force-fed us. They taped the process. Guo Shujun said, "We do not fear you all dying. Our superiors gave us a quota of 20 deaths. It is more than enough even if all of you die." ...Zhen Wenshan said, "Jiang Zemin has issued the order. He does not let us take a break, you cannot take a break either."
Continuing to Expose Various Tortures in Harbin Women's Drug Rehabilitation Centre
2004-02-11In order to make money, the drug rehabilitation centre asked Dafa practitioners to select production of either toothpicks or chopsticks. At 6:00 a.m., they had to get up and start work after washing. Other than having meals, they had to work continuously until 9:00 p.m. Sometimes they worked until midnight, and still needed to continue on the following day. Each day they only had five minutes for washing. During these five minutes, the police guards yelled, "Hurry up, hurry up!"
The Last Photo of Her Life (Photo)
2004-02-10One day in July, I went to visit the family again. Ms. Wu was happy but her condition had deteriorated. Pus formation had spread throughout her calves, and a copious exudate oozed from her legs below the knees; her abdomen had distended to the bottom of her sternum. A foul odour permeated the whole room. I asked her if we could take a photo of her to send to, and she agreed. Thus she left behind the last, a sad and evocative, photo in her life.
The Horrors in the Jiaozhou City Psychology Rehabilitation Hospital
2004-02-10The hospital is perhaps among the top centres used for the persecution of Falun Gong, when compared to other similar mental hospitals. Falun Gong practitioners detained there are strictly isolated, not allowed to be visited by families, and are forcibly drugged with toxic substances that detrimentally affect the central nervous system, until their so called "transformation" is achieved. Only then will the Assistant Secretary in charge of politics and law work and the Politics and Law Commission authorize the release.
Falun Gong Practitioners Used as Slave Labour in Shuanghe Female Forced Labour Camp
2004-02-10Sixty-year old women also had to do this work if they refused to give up practising Falun Gong. On purpose, the camp forced the practitioners to do the "pouring pesticide" job, which was the dirtiest and most hazardous one. We could hardly see each other through the haze of pesticide dust in the shop, where practitioners' eyes were frequently scorched. With no water to drink in the hot summer, in addition to hunger and fatigue, some practitioners fainted.
16-year-old Boy Beaten Unconscious for Clarifying the Truth of the Persecution of Falun Dafa in Beijing
2004-02-10In December 2000, five Falun Dafa practitioners, Li Yueming, Zhang Jian and Zhang Jian's 16-year-old son among others from Xiangheng County, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, travelled to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. They opened a banner reading, "Falun Dafa is great," at the Tiananmen Gate Tower. Li Yueming and the 16-year-old practitioner raised the banner together and shouted, "Falun Dafa is great!" and "Return Teacher's good name!" Later, police tried to savagely snatch the banner away. The boy rolled the banner around his body to avoid having the police seize it.
Hebei Province Panicked Authorities Indiscriminately Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners in Retaliation for TV Tapping Incident
2004-02-09Certain lawless authorities were very panicked after Falun Dafa practitioners in Xingtai City and Shahe City, Hubei Province successfully inserted signals clarifying the truth about Falun Gong into a local TV programme around the Chinese New Year. The Hebei Province Party Committee ordered Xingtai City to "solve the case" by a deadline; otherwise the mayor would be fired. In the meantime, some officers from Hebei Province Police Department stationed in the Yongnian area have arrested several practitioners.
Two Hebei Province Falun Gong Practitioners Pass Away after Suffering Severe Abuse in Labour Camps
2004-02-09It was recently confirmed in Hebei Province that Falun Gong practitioners Gao Shiping and Li Shuli died in December of 2003 due to the abuses they suffered in Baoding City Gaoyang Labour Camp and Tangshan City Hehuakeng Labour Camp. Currently there are as many as 89 confirmed deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in Hebei Province due to the persecution.
Labour Camp in Qiqihar City Responsible for Death of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Xuelian
2004-02-09People who knew the inside story said that ever since July 20, 1999, Li Jianfei had many times led his thugs to ransack Falun Gong practitioners' homes. He claimed that whoever practised at home would also be sent to labour camps. When a reporter called Li Jianfei at 86-455-8258869 verifying the death of Li Xuelian, he hung up immediately upon hearing her name. The reporter called again and Li Jianfei hung up again without saying anything.
Exposing Those Responsible for the Murder of Meng Jincheng in the Tangshan City Forced Labour Camp
2004-02-09In fact, Mr. Meng had already been killed by the beatings and torture. To cover up the truth behind his death, the police in the squad had Chen Fu read the following concocted story, "Meng Jincheng, a hard-core Falun Gong practitioner, suddenly became sick while serving his term in the labour camp. He was quickly taken to the hospital for treatment." Chen Fu, Chang Fuhai, and Lu Jiang were all rewarded as a result of their false testimony.