Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Healthy Falun Gong Practitioner Mr Li Jingdong Tortured to Death in Three to Four Days
2004-02-01Mr. Li was brought back to the Yuanshan Police Station dead. Before the funeral, when his family members tried to change his clothes, they found that his clothes were stuck to his body with blood and could not be taken off. Mr. Li Jingdong died from gross injustice. His elderly mother cried, and there is now no one to care for his young child. A family was torn apart.
Horrific Treatment Meted out to Dafa Practitioners in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp and Hospital
2004-02-01The group leader of the inmate guards, Wang Xiaohong, was sentenced to three years of forced labour for drug trafficking. Prison guard Yu Fangli has taken a 400 yuan bribe from Wang Xiaohong. Wang is used for torturing Falun Gong practitioners. In exchange for her services and for the bribe, Wang Xiaohong can even use her mobile phone to organise drug trafficking from the forced labour camp hospital.
The Shameless Behaviour of the Daqing City Police who Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
2004-02-01Gao You then insulted me and the other practitioners. He said to me, "I will send for the two retarded guys in Xiangyang Village to rape you." He also said, "Never mind being a good person according to truthfulness, compassion and tolerance, why don't you sell your body?" He even said, "Raping someone's wife is a good skill -- I don't care, do whatever you want to do as long as you don't practise Falun Gong."
Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp Claims to Be the "Palace for the King of Hell"
2004-02-01The police tied one female practitioner 14 times--until her shoulders were bleeding. They also said, "If you don't transform, we'll drive you insane!" In the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp, practitioners are routinely beaten and shocked. One female police officer told the Falun Gong practitioners, "When you come here, you come to the Palace of the King of Hell."
Torture Instrument Used to Inflict Maximum Pain to Falun Dafa Practitioners in Dalian City Detention Centre
2004-01-31Zhang Shuquan, Ju Wenyang and Gao Qian were among the most vicious persecutors. Other policemen whose names we never learned were also involved. Wang Wenqi, the deputy director of the centre was responsible for issuing the orders. In addition to the use of the rubber batons, another torture instrument called "running" was also used. It consisted of a square metal frame about 1 x 1 foot in dimension, with 4 handcuffs made of heavy steel at the four corners.
Harrowing Account of Dafa Practitioner's Experience in Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp
2004-01-31My name is Wang Liren. I am 52 years old, and I am a Falun Dafa practitioner who started practising in 1995. On January 31, 2003, I was arrested when distributing truth-clarification materials telling about the persecution of Falun Dafa. In the police station, they cuffed my hands and feet to a metal chair and punched my head with their fists. The police van driver used an electric heater to scorch my face. After being tortured for one day and one night, I was sent to the Administrative Detention Centre in the Shenyang City Police Department, where I was kept for 37 days.
Exposing the Inner Workings of the "610 Office" Weifang City Brainwashing Class
2004-01-31For the resolute Dafa practitioners, the centre thugs came up with another means of threatening and stirring discord. They instigated Dafa practitioners' family members to come to the centre to pressure practitioners to give up their belief in Dafa. When practitioner Mr. Zhang Liang still did not yield to their brutal torture of many days, they made Zhang Liang's father, grandma and aunt come to the centre to put pressure on him. Even more cruel, the thugs gave no thought to human ethics and forced Zhang Liang's 70-80 year old grandma to kneel down to him.
Practitioners Tortured With Homemade Drill Causing Gaping Wounds and Exposing Bones in Jiutai Labour Camp
2004-01-31"They stuffed a dirty towel into my mouth then started to drill into my armpits and behind my knees with a homemade drill that consisted of a hard plastic tube with four cuts at the end. They kept drilling this hard plastic tube into me for more than ten minutes while I was screaming with pain. When the policeman became tired he called in another assistant to keep drilling. The assistant thought I was dead, I heard him saying he could see the white bone through a hole they drilled under my arm."
Details on the Persecution and Death of Hefei City Falun Dafa Practitioner Li Jun
2004-01-30Dafa Practitioner Li Jun was sentenced to seven years imprisonment solely for producing information revealing the true situation of the persecution of Falun Dafa. He felt he had a responsibility to raise the awareness of the Chinese people, to show how they have been duped and lied to by the vicious state propaganda. For this act of courage he lost his life.
The Ceaseless Torture of Dafa Practitioners In the Dalian Labour Camp
2004-01-30At the Dalian Labour Camp in Liaoning Province, Falun Gong practitioners are brutally tortured. However, because information from inside is tightly blocked, outsiders barely know anything about the true situation.The police force practitioners to do hard labour twelve to sixteen hours a day and forbid them from talking to each other. Police direct inmates to persecute those very determined practitioners. If they refuse to be "brainwashed," then they are forced to stand for extended periods of time without moving. Some were forced to stand for six days straight.
Ms Chen Xiaojuan Stripped of All Human Rights and In Very Weakened State
2004-01-30Ms Chen Xiaojuan, is a 39 year old Falun Dafa practitioner from Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. In January 2001, she was illegally sentenced to three years of imprisonment for distributing truth-clarifying materials.Because she was on hunger strike for more than 40 days, she was sent to Jiangxi Changzhen prison hospital, where she was brutally force fed, causing her to vomit a large amount of blood. The hospital says she is in critical condition, but the prison police made a public statement, "Chen Xiaojuan has not been 'transformed,' so we will not release her.
Dafa Practitioners Persecuted by Wuhan City's Central China Normal University
2004-01-30Many people in Wuhan City's Central China Normal University practise Falun Gong and have been persecuted very severely since July 20, 1999. Dafa practitioner Wang Haoyun was tortured to death in the school of arts and sciences filing room. So far we have information concerning four people who were sentenced to forced labour camps. Fourteen other practitioners were thrown into detention centres, and about 23 more were forced into brainwashing centres.
Cruel Persecution of Inner Mongolian Dafa Practitioner Ms. Ding Liyan
2004-01-29The brainwashing centre was so brutal it was truly a Hell on earth. The centre's mission is to transform good people into bad people. A Falun Gong Practitioner is considered 'transformed' [having renounced their belief] only when he or she beats or scolds a fellow practitioner or says dirty words. In the beginning, as a way to deceive practitioners into renouncing their belief, they pretend to be friendly by caring for practitioners and being considerate to them.
Party Officials Liu Songhua and Luo Xun Relentlessly Persecute Guiyang City Dafa Practitioners
2004-01-29The factory was on the verge of bankruptcy and was not even able to pay the factory workers' regular salaries. The brainwashing class charged the factory 2000 Yuan per person each month [500 yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.]. In addition, for every practitioner, the factory was ordered to send another person to guard the practitioner, and each factory guard cost the factory 2000 Yuan each. So a total of 12 people went to the brainwashing centre at a total cost of 24,000 Yuan.
A Middle School Student is Detained in Beijing for Clarifying the Truth About Falun Gong
2004-01-29During the detention period, authorities extorted 500 yuan from Li Dan's family. The authorities demanded 1,000 yuan; however, because her family is impoverished, her relatives only gave them 500 yuan. The policemen also threatened Li Dan's baby sister and asked her who had taught Li Dan to practise Falun Gong. Because Li Dan's sister is so young, she told the officers that Dafa practitioner Huang Wenshu had taught Li Dan. The policemen asked the sister to lead them to arrest Huang Wenshu, and Huang Wenshu subsequently was sentenced to two years of forced labour.