Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Longkou City, Shandong Province: Over a Dozen Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested
2012-09-20The New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts' company promotes traditional Chinese culture. The Shen Yun artists have toured the world for the past six years and the performances are highly praised by people from all walks of lives. However, the Chinese authorities prohibited the group from performing in China, because the programmes contradict the ideology promoted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). When practitioners distribute DVDs of Shen Yun's performances in China, they are being threatened, arrested, imprisoned, taken to forced labour camps and more often than not face torture. On April 11th, the police arrested 13 practitioners involved in ordering cases for Shen Yun DVDs.
Practitioner Ms. Yu Guirong Sentenced to Prison, Ms. Lan Bo Arrested
2012-09-20Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yu Guirong was recently sentenced to six years in prison by the local court, which is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. She was taken to Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. Ms. Yu was arrested by police on August 26th, 2011 and her home was ransacked. She was held in Harbin City's Second Detention Centre, where the authorities deny any family visitation. Her family was not notified about her trial or that she had been taken to Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison.
Shandong Pingdu Court Postpones Trial of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Guangwei to Avoid Public Scrutiny
2012-09-20On July 21st, the Pingdu Court informed the family of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Guangwei that the trial of Mr. Wang would commence on July 27th. However, four days later, on July 25th, the Pingdu Court postponed the hearing. It is believed that they feared that Beijing lawyers defence of Wang Guangwei would show the illegality of their actions. Mr. Wang Guangwei was falsely accused on March 14th, 2012 and his home was ransacked. On the night of the arrest, police officer Liu Jie tortured Mr. Wang. He pushed him to the ground, stomped on his head, kicked him in the thigh and hit him in the face for about an hour.
Mr. Sun Jianfeng Repeatedly Persecuted, Faces Unjust Trial
2012-09-11Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Jianfeng has been repeatedly persecuted and mistreated by authorities. Mr. Sun now faces a trial. On March 30th, 2012, police officers arrested Mr. Sun and two other practitioners, Ms. Chang Xiu'e and Ms. Huang Yuxia, in Ms. Chang's house. This was the fifth time that Mr. Sun has been arrested. The police tapped Mr. Sun's phone in 1999, after the the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched its persecution of Falun Gong. Mr. Sun made a phone call to a practitioner in Beijing and the police arrested him. He was taken to a detention centre where he was tortured. Mr. Sun went to Beijing in October 2000 to appeal to the central government. He was arrested on Tiananmen Square and put in a forced labour camp.
Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Zhao Mei and Ms. Huang Wanping Arrested in Songzi City, Hubei Province
2012-09-11Police officers broke into the homes of Ms. Zhao Mei and Ms. Huang Wanping on August 27th. They took both practitioners straight to the Wuhan Women's Forced Labour Camp. The camp officials refused to accept Ms. Huang as a physical examination disqualified her. She returned home on August 28th. Ms. Zhao's whereabouts are unknown.
Daqing Police Arrest Practitioners and Confiscate Personal Belongings to Prevent Them from Installing a Satellite Dish to Receive NTD TV
2012-09-11Police broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Zenghai August 7th. They ransacked his home and confiscated Mr. Zhang's and his wife's life savings an other personal items. The police suddenly came to their home, intending to block the installation of a satellite dish to receive New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television, a New York-based independent Chinese television.
Lawyers Admonish the Judge in Court: Do Not Support the Communist Regime's Illegal Acts
2012-09-11On August 10th, the Zhengzhuangzi Central Court put four Falun Gong practitioners on trial. In court, lawyer Xie Yanyi pointed out that the police arrested Li Wendong first and then searched for evidence afterwards. Due to Li Wendong's personal belief, he has been detained for nearly six months. The lawyer asserted that the law must not be twisted around and used as a tool by a handful of officials to achieve their personal goals. The lives of innocent people can not be ruined in exchange for political power or to satisfy personal interests! ...and the judges should think rationally and not support the regime's illegal acts and the monumental debt it is accumulating.
Shanghai Computer Engineer Mr. Hou Junjie Tried, His Younger Brother Arrested for Hiring a Lawyer
2012-09-07Qingpu Court officials tried computer engineer Mr. Hou Junjie on August 20th, 2012. Mr. Hou's younger brother Mr. Hou Mengqiang was arrested for hiring a lawyer for his brother. Shanghai police made the arrest on August 23rd in Zhengzhou City. The court officials intended to hold a second court session, and told Mr. Hou Junjie's lawyer not to defend Mr. Hou in court.
Defence Attorney Stops Judge from Humiliating Falun Gong Practitioner in Court—The Real Story of Yang Guoguang's Trial in Tangshan City
2012-08-31The trial of Falun Gong practitioner Yang Guoguang was on August 6th, 2012, at the Eighth Court of Fengrun District, in Tangshan City, Hebei Province. During the trial, Judge Xu Tianpeng viciously teased and humiliated Mr. Yang. This behaviour was soon stopped by the defence attorney. On February 25th, 2012, police from Fengrun District of Tangshan forced Mr. Yang's family to call him under false pretences to bring him home. Mr. Yang was then arrested when he returned home. After being detained for nearly six months, Mr. Yang was brought to trial. He hired an attorney to defend him.
Engineer Mr. Liu Wensheng from Chengdu Airplane Construction Company Arrested Again
2012-08-28Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Yongsheng, an engineer at the Chengdu Airplane Construction Company in Sichuan Province, was taken away on July 12th, 2012 at the gate of the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre by unidentified personnel. Witnesses to the arrest (family members, attorneys and supporters of Falun Gong practitioners being held inside the brainwashing centre) dialled the emergency number to report the abduction. When the Huaqiao police arrived and realized that the abduction had taken place at the brainwashing centre, they said that the issue was out of their jurisdiction and left. Mr. Liu's whereabouts are currently unknown, but it is believed that he may currently be detained at the Xinjin Detention Centre.
Eight Practitioners from Jilin City Recently Arrested and Detained
2012-08-28Jilin City Police Department officers arrested eight Falun Gong practitioners and took them into custody on July 31st, 2012. The police ransacked their homes and confiscated personal valuables and cash. The four practitioners are currently in the Jilin City Detention Centre. Mr. Chang Shi, in his 50s, was previously arrested on April 16th, 2002 by officers from the Jilin City Police Department. The police tortured him with various methods. One of the torture methods was to roll a metal rod over his legs, causing his flesh to separate from his bones.
“Bad people are taking a good man away!”
2012-08-28On June 21st, 2012, residents of Dawali Village in Hebei Province, heard someone shouting, “Bad people are taking a good man away!” Police were trying to arrest Mr. Jia Zhanmin. With the help of his family and local residents, the officers did not succeed. While police officers were dragging Mr. Jia into a police car, his grandson began screaming and crying. His wife, second son Fei, and pregnant daughter-in-law tried to stop the police. Policeman Ma Tiezhu forcefully grabbed and pulled on Fei's hair and the rest of them pushed Mr. Jia's wife and daughter-in-law.
Eight Falun Gong Practitioners Tried at Dongning County Court in Heilongjiang Province
2012-08-21A trial hearing was held at Dongning County Court in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province on June 27th, 2012 for eight Falun Gong practitioners. Five lawyers appeared in court to defend the practitioners and pleaded not guilty. The court has yet to announce the verdict. On the night of January 9th, the practitioners were arrested and taken to the Dongning Detention Centre.
Wang Yaowen, a Former Middle School Teacher in Shanxi Province, Arrested Again
2012-08-14On July 10th, 2012, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Yaowen went to distribute Falun Gong informational brochures in Jiang Village. He was reported to the village police department by someone who did not know the facts about Falun Gong. Police from the domestic security team arrested him and he was taken to Xinzhou Detention Centre.
Police from the Shenbei New District in Shenyang City Continue to Arrest Many Falun Gong Practitioners
2012-08-14On the evening of June 7th, 2012, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials and police arrested eight Falun Gong practitioners at their homes. Right now, there are still six practitioners being detained. Mr. Wang Huadi was taken to the Domestic Security Department in Xinchengzi District. While in detention, police officers turned on the air conditioning in the room, poured cold water onto his body, and then shocked him with electric batons. They didn't stop until the batons ran out of power.