Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Many Practitioners Recently Arrested In and Around Shijiazhuang City
2011-04-13According to a police insider, after the recent National People's Congress (NPC) and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (the two meetings are held at the same time and serve as the annual political convention for the Chinese Communist Party), the district and county police departments in and around Shijiazhuang City in China's Hebei Province received orders from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP): Every police station was to arrest at least one Falun Gong practitioner. Officers from 7 police departments harassed at least 24 families. At least 23 practitioners were arrested at home; nearly 20 of them are detained.
Jiamusi Prison Personnel and Police Seize Practitioners' Family Members
2011-04-12In order to achieve a “transformation” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] rate of 85 per cent, Jiamusi Prison set up the “Strict Management Ward” to escalate the persecution in February 2011. Three Falun Gong practitioners—Mr. Qin Yueming, Mr. Yu Yungang, and Mr. Liu Chuanjiang—were tortured to death within two weeks. The families of detained practitioners are worried about their loved ones and have been asking for family visits. Jiamusi Prison authorities are afraid that their crimes will become public knowledge and are even more afraid of being held responsible. They are taking every measure necessary to cover up their crimes. Four incidents have occurred recently in which family members were either beaten or taken away.
Ms. Huang Xiangling Detained by the Chengdu City 610 Office After Being Falsely Imprisoned for Three Years
2011-04-12Practitioner Ms. Huang Xiangling has been imprisoned for three years in Jianyang Women's Prison. On November 13th, 2010, the day she was released from prison, police took Ms. Huang Xiangling to the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre for further persecution. On March 22nd, 2011, she was transferred again, and her whereabouts are currently unknown. When Ms. Huang arrived at the Jianyang Women's Prison, she was subjected to torture, including being cuffed to a window with her hands behind her back during the day, sleeping while handcuffed at night, being hung up in the air suspended by her handcuffed wrists, being forced to stand until midnight or 2:00 a.m. for “study”. If she did not finish her work quota, she had to clean the toilets, stand under the sun in military poses, or do calisthenics.
Wang Suping Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison and Her Family Repeatedly Harassed
2011-04-11After being homeless for several years in order to avoid persecution, practitioner Wang Suping was arrested by police at Hanting Coal Market on March 18th, 2010. She was then sentenced to nine years in prison and was taken to Jinan Prison on January 10th, 2011. the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) attempted to coerce her youngest daughter. Police went to Ms. Wang's eldest daughter's workplace to find out which school her younger sister attended. They were not successful in getting the information, so they went to her husband's workplace to try and get the information. In April, the police eventually found the youngest daughter and said to her: “Do you know where your mother is?"
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Li Hongzhen Is Arrested Again, Her Ailing Husband's Illness Worsens and He Passes Away
2011-04-11Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Hongzhen from Shanghai is about 55 years old. On February 18th, 2011, Ms. Li went to a supermarket and was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. Someone began talking very loudly about what she was doing and reported her. She left and went back home. Policemen searched her home and arrested her. Her ailing husband could no longer overcome this huge mental pressure and passed away.
Two Vietnamese Practitioners to Stand Trial for Broadcasts Into China
2011-04-09On Friday, two Vietnamese Falun Gong practitioners will go on trial in Hanoi because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) objected to short wave radio broadcasts they were beaming into China. Vietnamese practitioners see these arrests as the most dramatic instance of a campaign inspired by the CCP to suppress Falun Gong in Vietnam.
Jilin Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Members Arrest and Steal from Citizens During the “Two Conferences” Period
2011-04-08Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members in Jilin escalated their persecution of Falun Gong practitioners during the “Two Conferences” (The National People's Congress Conference and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference). The increased persecution targeted practitioners following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Authorities set out to deliberately create an atmosphere of terror. CCP members from the street committees, police stations, and other offices in Jilin broke into practitioners’ homes. They harassed, threatened, and arrested practitioners, then ransacked their homes.
Mr. Zhou Xiangyang Arrested Again after Six Years of Imprisonment
2011-04-07Mr. Zhou Xiangyang was sentenced to nine years in prison on May 31st, 2003. He was tortured until he was in critical condition in Gangbei Prison in Tianjin. As a result, he was released early on July 28th, 2009. On March 5th, 2011, police arrested Mr. Zhou at home. Mr. Zhou was taken to Gangbei Prison. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, Mr. Zhou has been detained and tortured in various facilities in Tianjin: the Railway Detention Centre, Qingpowa Forced Labour Camp, Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp, Yushan Forced Labour Camp, Hexi Detention Centre, Liyuantou Prison, and Gangbei Prison. He was shocked with high-voltage electric batons, deprived of sleep for 30 consecutive days, locked in solitary confinement, tied up, beaten, and force-fed.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Song Xu Tortured While Serving an 11-Year Prison Sentence
2011-04-07Mr. Song Xu was arrested and sentenced to 11 years in prison. While imprisoned in Zhengzhou Municipal Prison, he has been beaten and brutally tortured. On October 13th, 2008, Mr. Song Xu was taken by officer Wang Shuwei to the basement of the prison and tortured for saying “Falun Gong is good” and refusing to be “transformed” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. He was brutally beaten as part of the torture. His intestine ruptured during the beating, and he was taken to Xinmi Hospital. The prison does not allow outside communication, so it isn't clear whether Mr. Song was able to recover, or if he is even still alive.
Luohe City Court in Henan Province Intimidates Defence Lawyer and Secretly Sentences Practitioner
2011-04-06On May 19th, 2010, practitioner Mr. Zhao Xiang was arrested by police and was detained at the Xiping Detention Centre. When Mr. Zhao was taken to the detention centre, the guards tortured him for ten days and nights. He was handcuffed, his feet were shackled, and he was tied to a cross made of metal poles. In the ten months since, guards have not let his family visit him even once. In October the Luohe Court, notified Mr. Zhao's family that the trial date would be October 15th. Accordingly, his family hired a lawyer to defend Mr. Zhao. However, right before the trial date, the lawyer said that he could not defend Mr. Zhao, saying that the court would not allow a non-guilty appeal for Falun Gong practitioners. His family members had no choice but to cancel their contract with the lawyer.
Seventeen Falun Gong Practitioners from Deyang City Tricked and Arrested by 610 Office Personnel in Sichuan Province
2011-04-06The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) of Deyang City ordered the cancellation of the March 7th Luojiang County Court trial for four Falun Gong practitioners. Many Falun Gong practitioners did not know this, and went to the court as visitors to attend the trial. Seventeen of them were arrested. The arrested practitioners were taken to Guanghan City Detention Centre that night. Meanwhile, the police ransacked their homes.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Jia Shuxiang and Four Others Tried in Hebei Province
2011-04-05On December 10th, 2010, when Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Zhang Yalin, Ms. Jia Shuxiang, Ms. Liu Xiuyun, Ms. Zheng Derong and Ms. Li Xiufeng appealed against the persecution of Falun Gong in Yuhuzhai Township, Qianxi County, they were reported to the police by villagers who were brainwashed by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) lies and arrested by police. On December 15th, except for Ms. Li Xiufeng, the other four practitioners were transferred to the Qianxi Detention Centre. Ms. Li Xiufeng was sent back home because of high blood pressure. Her family members were extorted out of three thousand yuan. In March 2011, the Qianxi County Procuratorate tried all five practitioners.
Mr. Ni Zhenxuan, Owner of Shijiazhuang Sofa Factory, Sent to Forced Labour Camp
2011-04-05On March 4th, 2011, five Falun Gong practitioners from the same village went to Mr. Ni Zhenxuan's home to help take care of his mother. The practitioners and his mother studied the Falun Gong teachings together. Suddenly, several policemen rushed into Mr. Ni's home and dragged the five practitioners into police vehicles and drove away. The police also tried to arrest Mr. Ni's wife, but were not successful. on March 13th, Mr. Ni's family received a forced labour notification from police which required their signature. None of them signed the document. The police threatened his family: “It is illegal to have an assembly and read scriptures.” Currently, Mr. Ni's whereabouts are unknown.
Four of Nine Detained Falun Gong Practitioners From Lidi City, Hunan Province Secretly Sent to Wangling Prison
2011-04-04On March 12th, 2010, nine practitioners were put on a trial in Lixing District Court in Lidi City. All of the practitioners denied the charges against them and stated their innocence. Lawyers from Beijing representing them requested their immediate release. However, on August 3rd, 2010, the practitioners were sentenced to jail. By law, the judgement should have been handed down within one-and-a-half months after the trial. Instead, it was given more than four months later. The practitioners were sentenced to up to ten years in jail.
Sentenced to 14 Years, Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Dong Limin Is Persecuted in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2011-04-04In March 2002, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Dong Limin was taken to the Jiusan Detention Centre and forcibly injected with unknown substances. She was sentenced to 14 years in prison on July 18th, 2002. On July 29th, 2002, she was taken to Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. Ms. Dong has been imprisoned for eight years and suffers from a serious heart problem; her limbs are weak, and she is emaciated. Now she is being persecuted in Ward 5.