Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Mr. Deng Chengkai and Ms. Liu Tao Subjected to Heavy Sentencing
2010-06-12Police arrested four practitioners including Mr. Deng Chengkai, Mr. Zhong Shikai, Ms. Liu Tao and Ms. Xiao Shifeng in June 2009. Recently, Deng Chengkai and Liu Tao were sentenced to eight years and six years of imprisonment, respectively. Before this arrest, Mr. Deng Chengkai had already been subjected to imprisonment twice. While being detained in Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Jinyang City, he was subjected to brainwashing, corporal punishment and various forms of torture. In order to "transform" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] him, the guards once forced him to squat down on the ground for two days straight without allowing him to go to the toilet.
After Eight Years of Unjust Imprisonment, Mr. Pang You Is Again Wrongly Sentenced to a Further Four Years in Prison
2010-06-11Mr. Pang You was sentenced to four years in prison by the Beijing Chaoyang District Court. This is the second time Mr. Pang has been sentenced. The convicting evidence included 75 Falun Gong DVDs, 70 flyers, and 167 one-yuan bills with positive messages about Falun Gong written on them. Mr. Pang had been recently released from Beijing Qianjin Prison after serving an eight-year term. He was arrested again in August 2009. His wife, Ms. Guo, was also tortured for over a month in the Beijing Chaoyang District Detention Centre and is now being monitored at home.
Decorated Police Officer Sentenced to Four Years in Prison for Practising Falun Gong
2010-06-11On April 28th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lu Zhiyong, once named the "Best Police Officer" of Heishui County, Sichuan Province, was sentenced to four years in prison after being detained for more than two months. The Heishui County Court announced the sentence without the presence of a lawyer and without any evidence, or legal basis. On September 19th, 2009, Lu Zhiyong visited his mother. On his way home, he was arrested by policemen who had been following him. Lu Zhiyong was so seriously beaten that he passed out. He regained consciousness after two days.
610 Office in Xichang City, Sichuan Province Blocks the Public from Attending Trial of Falun Gong Practitioners
2010-06-10The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Xichang City, Sichuan Province ordered the Xichang City Court to try four Falun Gong practitioners on May 13th, 2010. A few days before the May 13th trial, the 610 Office notified top officials at work sites and communities where practitioners are known to live and work to prevent people from going to the proceedings. The entrances into the court were monitored. Officials from various workplaces and communities were posted at the door, responsible for preventing people that they knew from their areas from entering.
Zhang Xingcai from Yanbian, Jilin Province Arrested and Detained
2010-06-0661-year-old Mr. Zhang Xingcai was arrested by officers from the National Security Team on January 16th, 2010, while visiting the home of Falun Gong practitioner Yin Fengqin, who later died under highly suspicious circumstances during an attempted arrest. Zhang was sent to a brainwashing centre the same day, and later sentenced to forced labour at the Jiutai Forced Labour Camp. When the labour camp refused him for not passing the physical exam, he was sent to the Changchun Public Security Hospital in Jilin Province, where he has gone on a hunger strike and is being severely persecuted. Mr. Zhang has been arrested several times since the start of the persecution by the Chinese Communist Party on July 20th, 1999.
Ms. Song Fenzhen Sent to Forced Labour Camp Ten Days after Being Arrested
2010-06-06On May 3rd, 2010, Ms. Song Fenzhen, from Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, was arrested while shopping. Afterwards, her family received a notification saying she would be detained for fifteen days and released on May 18th. On May 15th, Ms. Song's family received a shocking message saying she had been sent to a forced labour camp for a one-year term. However, her family had no knowledge regarding when she was sent away or why she was sent to a forced labour camp. Ms. Song Fenzhen had previously gone to Tiananmen Square to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Her son was young at the time and her husband divorced her because he could not bear such huge persecutory pressure from the authorities.
Falun Gong Practitioners' Righteous Demeanour in Court Touches People's Hearts
2010-06-05Ms. Zhang Meilan, Ms. Peng Sufen, and Ms. Liu Rong put up three banners on the bridge of an intersection reading, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is Good!" "Falun Gong is Great!" and "The World Needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance!" Their righteous action put fear in the hearts of the Communist Party officials. In the face of Communist Party members who brutally persecute and defame Falun Gong, these three ladies stood up bravely in court on May 24th, 2010, in defence of their faith. They calmly answered questions and cross examined their accusers with their own questions that flowed like water.
610 Office Document Exposed as Police Arrest Ms. Chen Hongli for the Sixth Time
2010-06-05On May 3rd, 2010 about a dozen police officers suddenly barged into Ms. Chen Hongli's home. They arrested her and confiscated her belongings, including her computer. This was the sixth time that Ms. Chen has been arrested since the persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999. In late April, after uncovered a 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong] document instigating an attack on Falun Gong practitioners citing the Shanghai World Expo as an excuse, the documents disseminated in some districts were urgently recalled overnight.
A Prosecutor's Shameful Conduct and a Falun Gong Practitioner's Compassion
2010-06-03On April 27th, 2010, Hebei District Court in Tianjin held a trial for Ms. Jia Wenguang. During the trial, the prosecutor, Meng Xiangmei, presented two witnesses who accused Ms. Jia of forcing them to accept Falun Gong fliers. Ms. Jia explained that she has never forced materials on anyone. On the day she was arrested, she was only talking to the undercover agent when she was forced into a police car. During the trial, prosecutor Meng became belligerent and resorted to making personal attacks on the defence lawyer. Ms. Jia said to everyone in the court, "You are not my enemies. I hope you remember that Falun Gong is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good."
Middle School Teacher Mr. Liu Xia Again Faces Unjust Sentencing
2010-06-03The Shihe District 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Xinyang City directed police to arrest Ms. Liu Xia while teaching at her school on November 10th, 2009. Five police officers dragged Ms. Liu into a car without giving a reason for the arrest. When Ms. Liu called out that the police were abducting her, she was charged with "viciously attacking the Party and government." She was tried in court in January 2010. Ms. Liu is being held in the First Detention Centre of Xinyang City, awaiting sentencing.
Four Women Practitioners Arrested in Court for Appealing
2010-06-02On April 30th, 2010, four female Falun Gong practitioners, including Song Wenxiu, went to court to appeal for the release of Song's daughter, Li Shihong, and explain the facts about Falun Gong to judges Wu Shanrong and Ye Li, who were involved in her arrest and trial. Police then arrested the four practitioners and sent them to the Jiangan District Brainwashing Centre.
Ms. Liang Meihua, 62, Defends Herself at Trial Held in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province
2010-06-02On April 30th, 2009, while Ms. Liang Meihua, 62, and seven other practitioners were studying the Falun Gong teachings they were reported. Over ten police officers came and arrested them and held then in custody. On April 20th, 2010, Ms. Liang was tried in Xihu Court, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province and defended herself. She stated that the police showed no ID when they arrested her and and stole many of her personal items. She also said she had been held in detention for nearly a year and that it is illegal to hold anyone over such a long period of time without trial and they had no evidence of her committing a crime. No records were signed at the time of the arrest, making them invalid. The presiding judge was angry and adjourned the proceeding.
Human Rights Attorney Defends Falun Gong Practitioners on Trial in Xichang City
2010-06-01The court in Xichang City, Sichuan Province held a trial of Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Lu Yuancui and Ms. Xia Huiqiong on April 28th, 2010. During the evidence stage of the trial, Jiang Hua and Jin Kebin from the City Procuratorate showed six CDs as "evidence" in order to frame Lu Yuancui and Xia Huiqiong. A policeman even took away the case files that the attorney was reading. The attorney pointed out that there was no witness and no signature on the confession, and according to the law, the witness testimony is void. The trial ended in a hurry after a strong defence from a human rights attorney.
Ms. Zhang Zhenmin Sent to Brainwashing Centre after Serving an Eight-year Sentence
2010-06-01Ms. Zhang Zhenmin is a 47-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. She was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment and should have been released on May 2nd, 2010. Instead, she was sent to the Gongjiawan Brainwashing Centre in Lanzhou. In prison she was subjected to beatings, electric shocks, hanging up by the handcuffs, and other forms of torture. In July 2004, Ms. Zhang was beaten by police because she took down a board that defamed Falun Gong. The police hung her by her handcuffed wrists, and subjected her to electric shocks and other tortures in the toilet for seven to eight days.
Medical Doctor and Her Mother Arrested, Their Homes Ransacked
2010-05-31On May 5th, Ms. Li, Junying, a medical doctor from Handan City, Hebei Province, was reported to the police while she was explaining the facts about Falun Gong. She was arrested and her home was ransacked. On the same night at around midnight, Ms. Li's mother, Ms. Wang Xiumei, was also arrested and her home ransacked without cause. Both mother and daughter are now detained at the Wei County Police Bureau.