Family Broken Up and Impoverished Due to Unlawful Persecution
2003-06-06Beginning in October 2001, I went to the district police department, the "610 Office," prosecutor and national security team to ask for my husband's release. Why didn't they release him? What crime had he committed? They blamed each other and gave me the run-around, taking over one month of negotiating back and forth. After several twists and turns the problem had not been resolved. On November 19, my father-in-law and I went to enquire about my husband's status at the National Security Team. The police even detained my father-in-law and me for one day just because of our enquiries.
Mafia-Style Henan Province Police Extort Money From Falun Gong Practitioner For His Peaceful Appeal
2003-04-10The detention centre forced us to lie about our conditions to the inspector that came to check on us. We were forced to work long hours every day. After we were released, the Political and Security Section Chief illegally ordered us to pay a 6,000 Yuan [Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan] as a "fine."
Female Practitioner is Beaten and Abused in Long Term Detention
2003-04-05According to rough calculation, since the start of the persecution, greedy police extorted 10,490 Yuan from my family, who wished to rescue me from detention! This was a huge financial burden to us: My single mother is jobless and the only income was a little retirement money from my grandmother.
Reign of Terror Denies Human Rights in Hebei Province
2003-03-07Liu Chunye is a 36-year-old lady. After July 20, 1999, her family suffered great hardship after being fined 2000 Yuan. At the township office she was hung up with ropes and tortured, then further tortured at the Xuanhua Detention Centre. Her husband and children were terrified. She was forced to report to the village office three times per day.
Female Practitioner Arrested: Her Elderly Mother Suffers Severe Harassment by Police
2003-02-21After learning that Lili went to Beijing to appeal, her older sister said with emotion, "Aren't people practising Falun Gong trying to become better people? Aren't people simply seeking justice when they appeal in Beijing? I hope she will succeed and come back soon." The fact that Lili was persecuted for her appeal made her family further realise the irrationality of Jiang's regime in persecuting Dafa practitioners.
Thug-Like Officials Wantonly Persecute and Rob Practitioners in Shandong Province
2003-02-19The official tried to force the couple to say where they got Falun Dafa materials. When they refused, he brutally twisted their arms behind their backs and then he punched and kicked them. As a result, their arms were hurt so badly that the couple could not work for several months. At last the thugs forced the practitioner's husband to pay 4,000 dollars for the release of his wife.
Macheng City Officials Beat Practitioners and Demolish Their Houses
2003-01-25Because Li Xueqin refused to pay the illegally imposed fine, the lawless thugs demolished Li Xueqin's house on March 8, 2001. Li Zhengquan ordered all the officials from the village to participate in the demolition he asked Li Zhengquan for the reason why they demolished the house. Li Zhengquan said, "I tore it down for no other reason than because I wanted to."
Thieves Become Police, Police Become Thieves - Persecuting Good People by Looting and Plundering
2002-12-12While arresting Dafa practitioners, wherever they found money or bank deposit books, regardless of whether a practitioner was carrying it with him or had it in their residence, whichever police officer found the money would hide the money in his waist pouch as quickly as possible. Not only would he not leave a receipt, he will also not report his find to the rest of the police who were doing evil deeds with him. The amount of money ranged from hundreds of Yuan to tens of thousands of Yuan.
Kidnapping and Extortion of Dafa Practitioners by Dafangshen Village Police
2002-10-24Authorities from the Dafangshen village police station arrested Dafa practitioners at will, ransacked their homes and extorted large sums of money from them. Over the last three years, they have extorted practitioners of amounts up to 50,000 to 60,000 Yuan [Approximately a 10 year salary of an average urban worker].
Facts about the Persecution Against Dafa Practitioners in Xinjin County of Sichuan Province
2002-10-23One practitioner was illegally detained for going to appeal in Beijing. As soon as he was arrested, dozens of people from the local police station and town government rushed into his home, took away everything they could remove, including the doors and windows, and smashed everything else. They even took the clothes of the practitioner's grandson, who was less than one year old, and threw them into the river. The police threatened other local citizens, "We can do whatever we want, and we will handcuff anyone who disagrees." A lot of similar incidents have happened in Xinjin County.
2002-07-23Guo Hongtao has directly participated in and organized illegal activities to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. These activities include: kidnapping, detaining, arresting, beating, and brutally torturing practitioners at mental wards, forced labour camps and brainwashing classes. He has also participated in numerous illegal break-ins of Falun Gong practitioner's homes and has stolen their personal property in the process.
Benxi City Police Break into Falun Dafa Practitioners' Homes to Partake in Robbery, Kidnap and Extortion
2002-07-05 -
Kidnapping and Robbery of Over Twenty Dafa Practitioners in Shandong Province, China
2002-06-20 -
Shihe Police Profit from Persecution
2002-05-22These corrupt policemen illegally search the homes of practitioners and confiscate their belongings at will. One time when a practitioner refused to cooperate with their directives, they forcefully took the practitioner to the police station and viciously beat him without mercy.
Policemen Beat, Kidnap and Extort Money from Dafa Practitioners in Hebei Province