TV and Radio
ABC News : Beijing Mayor served lawsuit over Falun Gong torture claims
2002-02-10Beijing Mayor Liu Qi, has been slapped with a lawsuit by six Falungong members, including an Australian, claiming they were physically abused during a protest in the Chinese capital.
Ukranian TV Station Interviews Torture Victim And Artist Cuiying Zhang
2002-02-07 -
Excerpt from FGM TV news
2001-12-22"For the first few years after Falun Gong was introduced to the public, the government of China used its vast propaganda machine to encourage everyone to practice Falun Gong. Amongst the many benefits, practitioners were saving the country billions of dollars in health care. When a government survey concluded in 1998 that the number of practitioners exceeded membership in the Communist Party, President Jiang Zemin instituted the current crackdown."
German TV Station Channel One Reports on Falun Gong
2001-12-14When the reporter interviewed Mr. Ma, the Chinese Embassy's spokesman, about the Chinese Government's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, the spokesman explained that the forced labour education is only for education and alteration. The reporter then asked: "Then do you agree with the cruel torture?" The spokesman absolutely denied that torture had been applied to Falun Gong practitioners. What a pity that the spokesman of such a great country could openly tell such a bare-faced lie to the German public in the face of so much irrefutable evidence!
Special report on Falun Dafa from German TV
2001-12-06 -
Swedish TV Station Makes On-the-spot Report of the Eight Swedish Falun Practitioners Returning From Beijing
2001-11-25 -
Frankfurter Allgemeine [German newspaper]: "German Members of Falun Gong Arrested"
2001-11-22"Group members gathered in the center of the Chinese capital with banners bearing the Falun Gong motto -- "Truth,Benevolence and Forbearance" -- to protest China's persecution of their movement."
Swedish Foreign Minister Criticizes Arrests on Swedish Radio
2001-11-21 -
Zhao Mings Case is Broadcast to Millions in Asia through TV interview
2001-11-15 -
BBC Radio Scotland interviews Practitioners on Live Breakfast Programme
2001-11-05 -
Radio Gothenburg [Sweden] interviews Practitioners Outside Chinese consulate
2001-10-22I can only say from my heart how it feels... it really hurts, in my heart. Previously, I have always been proud of the fact that I am Chinese, and that we Chinese have such a wonderful culture and everything, but now when I think about what they are doing to people... to practitioners there in China many innocent people are dying as a result of their faith. They believe in Truth, Compassion, Forbearance. I just feel pain in my heart. I am ashamed of the regime.
Radio France Internationale (RFI) Report: Calling on the European People to Rescue Practitioners Persecuted in China
2001-10-21 -
Italian radio reports Chinese embassy's refusal to accept letter from Falun Gong
2001-10-12 -
Iceland Radio Wishes SOS Walk Success
2001-10-10"We wish them [the Falun Gong practitioners] good luck, and hope that their many steps through the world will lead to the immediate end of the persecution of practitioners of physical exercises and meditation."
French Television Reports on Falun Gong