AP: Japanese Falun Gong Members Expelled From China
2002-05-28 -
Wall Street Journal: Howard [Australia's Prime Minister] Bows to Beijing
2002-05-28 -
ANSA: Li Lanqing's Visit to Florence Encounters Appeal from Falun Gong
2002-05-27 -
AFP: Two Japanese among three Falun Gong practitioners arrested in China
2002-05-27 -
Epoch Times: Breakthrough in UK "Minghui Incident;" Little Minghui has Successfully Obtained Her Chinese Passport
2002-05-26 -
Daily Yomiuri (Japan): Forbidden practice - Falun Gong continues to challenge Chinese ban
2002-05-26For most, though, Falun Gong's greatest strength lies in its ability to bring about positive changes in one's character.
Indonesian Media: Islamic Scripture Learning Institution Develops Program for Learning Falun Gong
2002-05-26Mohammad Lsdandar, Sq., is a chief figure of Islam and also a congressman of Indonesia. He said it would be a blessing to the common people if they could achieve mental and physical health improvements through practising Falun Gong, so the practice should be supported.
Salzburg News: China denies entry to young Salzburg man
2002-05-24The Chinese consulate said that Mr. Lumpi's visa has been denied for "technical reasons." In all probability it is because he, like Mr. Hamrle in China, distributed flyers in Salzburg containing Falun Gong information...
Far Eastern Economic Review: Soft on China
2002-05-23Critics say that Beijing is succeeding in its efforts to influence the Hong Kong media
PRNewswire : Falun Gong Practitioners Sue New York City Chinese-Language Newspapers For Defamation in State Supreme Court
2002-05-23Residents of New York City, together with the non-profit organization Friends of Falun Gong, have filed a lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court seeking an end to the hate and slander put forth byNew York-area Chinese language newspapers
AFP: Falungong slaps fifth top Chinese official with lawsuit
2002-05-23"As propaganda minister of China, Ding is directly responsible for the deadly propaganda, fabrication and lies to grossly distort Falungong's teachings and slander its founder and students with the purpose of bending public opinion to support the government's persecution of Falungong,"
Taipei Times: On Hong Kong's self-censorship
2002-05-22"Foreign reporters are under constant surveillance and risk compromising their contacts. That means one begins to avoid tough subjects, like the repression of Falun Gong and its followers."
Toronto Sun:1,700 marchers protest Falun Gong persecution
2002-05-22 -
AP: Falun Gong [practitioners] sentenced to 7-16 years for breaking into cable TV in China
2002-05-21BEIJING - A Chinese court has sentenced four Falun Gong [practitioners] to prison terms ranging from seven to 16 years for [using] a cable television network and broadcasting information about the banned group, state media said.
The Age: Four Falun Gong adherents jailed for illegal broadcast
2002-05-18"Another person implicated in the incident had died in police custody since the group was arrested in January, the report said without detailing the circumstances of the death."