Article from Irish Times: China Accused of Organ Harvesting
2007-03-01"A US human rights lawyer has today accused the Chinese military of harvesting the organs of imprisoned Falun Gong members to sell to foreign customers. The report claims that Falun Gong prisoners, jailed for membership of the outlawed spiritual group, are singled out for the transplants during which many of them die. It says Falun Gong prisoners are given systematic blood tests and medical tests, while some hospitals have admitted they have Falun Gong organs for sale."
Italian Newspaper Reports on NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular
2007-02-25On February 20th 2007, Italy’s largest daily newspaper Corriere della Sera carried a half-page article about the NTDTV Chinese New Year spectacular. The article reported that the spectacular, with a live orchestra of forty five musicians and over one hundred and fifty dancers, singers and actors, is magnificent. The show displays China’s five thousand year old history and civilization.
France: Mainstream Media Support Chinese New Year Spectacular in Paris
2007-02-24The report introduced the beauty of the Chinese culture, the dazzling costumes and the legendary fight between the good and the evil staged by the Chinese New Year Spectacular. It quoted the director of the band Mr. Chen Rutang who said his mission was to revive the spirit of the five-thousand year old Chinese culture destroyed by the CCP.
Article from German Newspaper Kurier (NÖ West): Chinese Artists Protest Against the Brutal Regime
2007-02-23The Amstetten Town Hall is showing shockingly real and, at the same time, colourful and symbolic artworks, depicting human rights violations in China. Followers of the peaceful spiritual practice Falun Gong are persecuted with a brutality that is beyond belief. Artists who have often fallen victim to the military regime themselves, use their art to talk about the cruelties they suffered or which they observed others suffering.
Article from Turkish Newspaper: Falun Gong is the Latest Fad for Turkish People to Keep Fit
2007-02-21On February 6th 2007, Turkish newspaper Takvim published a news article saying that Falun Gong has become a latest fad for Turkish people to keep fit. It reported that with the increasing popularity of Falun Gong among Turkish people, it has become a fad to practise Falun Gong exercises in Turkish parks. It added that Falun Gong’s principles and exercises have spread widely all over the world.
Article from Lower Austria News: Pictures That Strike a Chord in People
2007-02-20The majority of the artists who are from Mainland China have personally experienced how human rights can be spurned. As practitioners of the cultivation school Falun Gong they live by the principles Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. This is the reason why they are persecuted in China.
The Epoch Times: Organ Harvesting Cannot Be Tolerated, Says French Justice Minister
2007-02-17At the recent 3rd World Conference Against the Death Penalty, current French Minister of Justice Pascal Clement and Minister of Justice during the Mitterrand government Robert Badinter said that the Chinese Communist regime's organ harvesting cannot be condoned and must be stopped. The Falun Gong group was invited to report on and display photos of the persecution of its members.
Report from Norwegian Newspaper Harstad Tidende Daily: “Practise Falun Gong for Peace”
2007-02-16"It is important to inform people about the atrocities practitioners are subjected to," says Norwegian Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Terese Eriksen in an article in the Harstad Tidende Daily published on the 9th of January 2007. The article brings up the many inhumanities, including torture and organ harvesting, that Falun Gong practitioners are suffering in a persecution which started in 1999 in China. The article also mentions Falun Gong's positive effect on practitioners' health.
Article from German Newspaper Chamer Zeitung: Film Series about China on World Human Rights Day
2007-02-14"In mid-November, human rights activist Min Teng-Schwägerl, resident of Cham, went to Prague to draw attention to this topic. Issuing a press release, she explained that she met with former Canadian Member of Parliament and secretary of state David Kilgour in the capital of the Czech Republic. Together with local human rights organisations, they were protesting against the removal of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners by the Communist Regime."
Chamer Journal (Germany): Film about the persecution in China
2007-01-24The Falun Gong task force opened International Human Rights Day on Sunday December 10th, 2006 with the showing of a movie. First, Dr. Reinhold Kiehl, a member of the “World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong” talked in detail about human rights violations in China. He also spoke of the suppression, persecution and genocide of Tibetans, the persecution of Christians, as well as of the suppression and persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party.
Bayerwald Echo (Germany): Human Rights Day Report
2007-01-22Cham: A movie was shown as part of the Falun Gong workshop to commemorate International Human Rights Day on Sunday. Dr. Reinhold Kiehl talked about human rights violations in China. Dr. Kiehl, a member of the “Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong” talked about repression, persecution and genocide of the Tibetan people, as well as the persecution of Christians and Falun Gong practitioners by the Communist party of China.
The Standard Austria: Lawsuit against the Olympic chairman in China
2007-01-05A lawsuit was filed against the chairman of the 2008 Olympic Committee in Beijing at the Vienna state prosecutor’s office. The Austrian Falun Gong Association accuses him and three other top officials of “... crimes against humanity”.
Austrian Newspaper Reports a Lawsuit against the Perpetrators of the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-01-01On December 16th, an Austrian newspaper carried a report from the Austrian Press Agency. The report said that a lawsuit against several chief perpetrators of the persecution of Falun Gong had been recently filed in Vienna. The report said that a lawsuit against Liu Qi has been filed to the Vienna Procuratorate. Liu is the president of the Beijing Olympic Games Organising Committee. The Austrian Falun Gong Association charged Liu and three other high ranking Chinese Communist Party officials with “Genocide and Crimes against Humanity.”
Bremer Tageszeitung (Germany): Highlighting the brutal organ harvesting and protesting against the horror of the Chinese camps
2006-12-31"Vegesack: A German-Chinese human rights group attracted lots of attention last Saturday in the local outdoor shopping district. Activists were protesting against the forced removal of organs from political prisoners in China. The group had erected a cage surrounding Rosa Jansohn of Ritterhude in the vicinity of the former Kramer’s department store. They explained that similar cages are used in Chinese labour camps, where enclosed inmates are partially immersed in water for hours on end. If the prisoners get too sleepy, they are likely to drown."
The Nordland Daily (Norway): Travelling all over Europe to rescue my imprisoned younger sister
2006-12-17In March, Falun Gong practitioner Liu Jin was illegally arrested by the CCP and sentenced to three years imprisonment for “interfering with the execution of the law of the state”. Kind-hearted people helped her sister Liu Ying, who lives in Norway, to contact a local newspaper, which subsequently interviewed Liu Ying.