Publications, Press Releases
WALL STREET JOURNAL: Holding China to Account
2002-04-04"There is still time to hold China to account for its international human rights obligations during this year's session of the commission but only if those governments anxious to court Beijing's support in the war against terror don't abandon their commitment to basic human rights principles."
WASHINGTON POST: Falun Gong Followers In the U.S. Sue China
2002-04-04 -
Press Release: Urgent Rescue Efforts to Stop the Atrocities in Changchun
2002-04-04 -
Friends of Zhao Ming Press Release
2002-04-02I am very grateful to the people of Ireland, the government and the media for helping me to return to Ireland said Zhao Ming on his return from China from detention in Tuan-He Labour Camp in the Chinese capital Beijing. It is a great feeling to have regained my freedom continued Ming, and I am very happy to see my friends and colleagues again".
Trinity College Student Union Welcomes Zhao Ming
2002-04-02"Mings release and joyful return to Ireland should be beacon to all those who campaign against oppression and injustice. The tireless and ultimately successful work done by all of Mings supporters shows that no matter what the odds, if the cause is worth fighting for then you should never give up."
Geneva Home Informations (Newspaper): Paintings of freedom
2002-04-02"These works of art, exhibited several days ago in Geneva, reflect above all the serenity of spirit that their author admits to having rediscovered after so much suffering, and by this means she wants to bring her support to all those who suffer oppression from the Chinese authorities who refuse to allow them to practise their ideal method."
World Journal Daily: Falun Gong Calls for Support of Changchun Practitioners
2002-04-02 -
AP: Hong Kong Falun Gong follower released from detention in mainland China
2002-03-31 -
U.S. Man and Canadian Woman Seized Outside Marketplace in Beijing
2002-03-30 -
San Francisco Chronicle: True meaning of Falun Gong
2002-03-29 -
South China Morning Post: Breathing space to heal old wounds
2002-03-28Despite obtaining police permission, the marchers found their way blocked and consent suddenly withdrawn after Indonesian authorities were contacted by the Chinese Embassy.
AP: Falun Gong Urges UN to Stop Persecution in China
2002-03-28 -
Washington Post: Europe and Human Rights
2002-03-26"...this year will be a reflection of how seriously the Europeans are willing to press human rights on governments that are capable of fighting back. [...] now European governments have six weeks to show what their values are."
Time: Falun Gong Finds Free Cable
2002-03-26 -
AFP: Falungong claims 5,000 members detained in northeast China sweep