Publications, Press Releases
The Epoch Times: World Should Shun China, Says EU Vice President
2006-06-21Vice-President of the European Parliament, Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, visited China last month and has declared that, if what he was told there is true, "the civilized world should shun China." In an official statement to The Epoch Times, Mr. McMillan-Scott said he visited Beijing to investigate allegations that Falun Gong practitioners were being used as live donors to service China's massive organ trade.
Associated Press Report on Falun Gong Protest against CCP Organ Harvesting Outside the European Commission Headquarters in Belgium
2006-06-19Associated Press reported on Thursday June 15th, that outside the European Commission building in Brussels, Falun Gong practitioners called on heads of the EU member states attending the Commission meetings to help put an end to the Chinese Communist regime’s atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
Newspapers in Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro Report about the Horrific Crimes of Organ Harvesting
2006-06-15Croatian newspaper Novi List published a large article entitled "Concentration death camps spread across China: Chinese harvesting of human organs". In the subtitle, Novi List states: "Flourishing trade with human organs is the most profitable business in China and witnesses speak about extremely non-human treatment of the prisoners (mostly Falun Gong practitioners), whose organs are taken while they are still alive, with only minimal use of anaesthetics."
The Epoch Times: Almost Sent to a Concentration Camp--My Ordeal
2006-06-13On April 26, in solidarity with her fellow practitioners, she told the members of the Chinese Embassy in France about her experiences practicing Falun Gong in an effort to show them that the practice is a good one..."Everyone in the Ministry of Education and Chinese embassies came to know my name because of this incident, and it earned me the hatred of the education minister Chen Zhili. It was she who had my passport and French resident permit revoked."
Agence France-Presse: Spanish Falun Gong Case May Go Ahead
2006-06-10Spain's Supreme Court said today a lawsuit brought by the Chinese spiritual movement Falun gong accusing a top Chinese official of genocide could go ahead. That means Falun gong can now appeal against an earlier rejection of the lawsuit by the Audencia Nacional, Spain's highest criminal court...The spiritual movement, which is banned in China, accuses Jia of committing genocide when he was secretary of the Chinese Communist Party's local committee in Beijing between 1999 and 2002.
German Media Reports on Falun Gong Photo Exhibition
2006-06-03On May 10th, local media in Furth im Wald, a small city in Bavaria, reported a photographic exhibition depicting the phenomenon of Falun Gong.Koetzting Daily published a story entitled "Pictures make people think about the dark side of China. Falun Gong photo exhibition at municipal hall touches the people; Go see it."
EFGIC: European Leaders Herald the Winds of Change in China, Beijing Contacts in Life Danger
2006-06-02After meeting with Falun Gong practitioners during a three-day investigatory trip to Beijing, McMillan-Scott was convinced that, despite a huge increase of foreign trade relations, the human rights situation in China - and particularly the repression of religious and spiritual groups including Falun Gong, haven't changed in the least, and expressed his admiration for them. "Today in China religious movements demonstrate [...] courage, they are giving the lead [in the quest for freedom], they inspire those hundreds of millions enslaved by the CCP".
The “Tagesspiegel” (Germany): Death and Games
2006-06-02Berlin: An Olympic medallist participated recently in a hunger strike, because of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China. Martin Rubenis, who was awarded the bronze metal in Turin Italy for his figure skating performance, joined a protest event outside the Chinese Consulate in Riga Latvia three weeks ago. This was a short-term hunger strike by the spiritual group Falun Gong because their members are suffering cruel repression in China.
The Epoch Times: EU Vice-President Holds Meeting with Falun Gong in Beijing
2006-05-29A vice-president of the European Parliament returned last week from a three day investigation into human rights abuses in mainland China. He is the first high-level western official to personally meet with persecuted Falun Gong practitioners inside China. The facilitator of the gathering, a Boston businessman and Falun Gong practitioner himself, was arrested and deported for "hosting an illegal meeting."
EFGIC: EU Reaches Out to Chinese People
2006-05-27Brussels (EFGIC) - Following a three-day visit to Beijing, the Vice President of the European Parliament, Edward McMillan-Scott, called the Chinese Communist leadership a “brutal, arbitrary and paranoid system” at a press conference in Hong Kong on Wednesday, and said that the EU would keep putting pressure on China to improve human rights and religious freedom. After having met with various diplomats, nongovernmental organizations, and individuals including Falun Gong practitioners, who are ruthlessly persecuted by the CCP regime, McMillan-Scott concluded that, despite economic advancements, there hasn’t been any improvement for human rights and freedom in China.
Spanish Newspaper El Mundo Publishes an Article about Wenyi Wang’s Protest at the White House and Organ Removals in China
2006-05-27"My name is Wenyi Wang.. I was released from the Washington, DC District Court on Friday, April 21st; I will be back in court on May 3rd facing a potential penalty of $5000 and six months in prison. I think it is necessary for me to give to the public an explanation for my protest during Hu Jintao's remarks onThursday morning on the South Lawn of the White House during his visit with President Bush."
Belgian Newspaper De Standaard Reports on the CCP's Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners' Organs
2006-05-17According to a report by the Belgian newspaper, De Standaard, on the 20th of April, the British Organ Transplantation Society accused the Chinese Communist Party of violating human rights in a press release yesterday. Britain's top-notch surgeons emphasised the recent condemnation of the CCP organs trade. Not only the organs of those who on the death roll were taken away without the permission of the prisoners; what was worse, the prisoners were executed when organs were needed.
Austrian Federal Minister Asked to Raise Organ Harvesting Issues with her Chinese Counterpart
2006-05-16“Reliable sources report of secret Chinese death camps, where thousands of so-called “enemies” of the Chinese Communist regime, such as Falun Gong practitioners, are being held for one reason only: to steal their organs for international organ trade supply. The most dramatic happening in this is that the organs are taken from live and healthy people,” alleged the health official of the Grünen [Greens], Kurt Grünewald.
Belgian Newspaper De Standaard Reports on the CCP's Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners' Organs
2006-05-11According to a report by the Belgian newspaper, De Standaard, on the 20th of April, the British Organ Transplantation Society accused the Chinese Communist Party of violating human rights in a press release yesterday. Britain's top-notch surgeons emphasised the recent condemnation of the CCP organs trade. Not only the organs of those who on the death roll were taken away without the permission of the prisoners; what was worse, the prisoners were executed when organs were needed.
Belgium: Belgian Media Reports on the CCP's Illegal Organs Trade
2006-05-02Last month, the Chinese Communist Party promised to stop the practice of harvesting organs and the law to ban the organs trade will come into effect at the beginning of July. Nevertheless the organs trade is such a profitable business, that the British Transplant Association is worried that it will be very hard to end the illegal selling of organs. A spokesman for the CCP Foreign Ministry made a speech and admitted that organs have come from executed prisoners.