Publications, Press Releases
UK Newspaper: Protest Held Over Organ Harvesting in Chinese Camps
2006-04-27"Followers of the ancient Chinese practice of Falun Gong have gathered in Bath to stage a protest. Campaigners collected signatures in Bath city centre on Saturday to raise awareness about the illegal trade of organ harvesting in China. The campaigners claim that followers of the Falun Gong spiritual movement in China are being persecuted and used to meet an international demand for donor organs. Protesters handed out leaflets outside Bath Abbey and collected signatures for a petition which will be sent to Prime Minister Tony Blair urging the British Government to raise the issue with the United Nations."
EFGIC: International Team Poised to Enter China for “Broad and Rigorous” Investigation of Atrocities against Falun Gong
2006-04-19BRUSSELS (European Falun Gong Information Centre) – A newly-formed international coalition of organizations announced today that investigators from North America, Europe, and Australia will begin applying for visas today as part of a plan to enter China and conduct a “broad and rigorous” investigation of China’s concentration and labour camps. The coalition also plans to investigate medical facilities throughout China that conduct organ transplants in light of mounting evidence that thousands of Falun Gong practitioners are being killed for their organs there.
Danish Newspaper Christianity Daily Reports on Atrocities in China's Secret Concentration Camps
2006-04-18The Christianity Daily, a major newspaper in Denmark, published an article by Pastor Leif Bork Hansen on the 4th of April, 2006 entitled "It is everyone's responsibility to always fight a savage act." The article says that no matter where the secret savage acts were found, in China, Iraq or Cuba, as long as the savage acts takes place on the this earth where we live, we have a responsibility to expose it ... (a) recent report revealed that those organs were all removed from live bodies when people were still alive.
Reuters: U.N. Envoy Looks at Falun Gong Torture Allegations
2006-03-31"The United Nations torture investigator said on Thursday he was looking into allegations by the Falun Gong group that thousands of its followers were being held at a Chinese "concentration camp" and some had been killed. The banned spiritual movement alleged this month that up to 6,000 people at a time were kept at a state-run camp in the Sujiatun district of the northern city of Shenyang, where it said some had been killed and their organs sold."
EFGIC: Amidst the Evidence, Denying Sujiatun Organ Trafficking Must Not Stand
2006-03-30The timing of the CCP’s denial is also suspicious. Why did the regime wait for over two weeks to deny Sujiatun? And why did the CCP, after years of known illicit organ trafficking but just weeks after Sujiatun was revealed, also today suddenly announce a new law against organ trafficking? We call for a thorough and real investigation, not a show tour, by independent international organisations, allowing a WOIPFG researcher immediate and unrestricted access to the entire area. Anything short of complete access is a cover up.
Swedish Newspaper Reports on the Chinese Authorities Suppression of the Rising Human Rights Activists
2006-03-19Human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng said, "We have no basic human rights, we have no option but to engage in a hunger strike for a long time. This is a tragedy." Gao Zhisheng was the initiator of the hunger strike. He served as the legal representative for dissidents and Falun Gong practitioners in the past and was almost assassinated.
German Media Reports on a Chinese Lady from Cham Calling for Support for Human Rights
2006-03-18Two German newspapers, Chamer News and Chamland Aktuell reported about the call for support by a Chinese lady from Cham. Before the Secretary of State’s official visit to China, Mrs. Teng-Schwägerl sent him a letter, requesting that he bring up the issue of human rights whilst there. At the same time, she told him about the Chinese hunger strike movement in support of human rights and in protest against the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong.
Holland Media Exposes Atrocity of Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Shenyang
2006-03-13The article stated that information about the camp was relayed via audio recording from a former intelligence agent of the CCP regime. It is the first time news of the secret camp's existence was disclosed to outsiders. The camp is said to hold over 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners at any given time, and 'nobody has yet to come out' from it alive. According to the source, it contains a crematorium, and an unusually large number of doctors work there, reflecting the camp's practice of killing prisoners for their organs, which are then sold for profit.
Italian Newspaper Reports on Attorney Gao and the Relay Hunger Strike against the Persecution
2006-03-11On February 23rd 2006, Italian newspaper “Cronache” reported that some Italian Falun Gong practitioners and other non-governmental organisations participated in a Relay Hunger Strike against the persecution in China to support Chinese lawyer Gao Zhisheng. Lawyer Gao is under pressure because he supports Falun Gong practitioners.
EFGIC: Concentration Camp for Falun Gong Disclosed; Prisoners Killed for Organ Harvesting
2006-03-10BRUSSELS (EFGIC) — Since the Nuremberg Trials came to a close in 1946, condemning the Nazi officials responsible for the holocaust, it has been the common hope of the people in the world that concentration camps like Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Dachau, would never again emerge in the history of mankind. The horrifying fact is that a similar facility is at this very moment in operation in China. The European Falun Gong Information Centre received shocking, detailed information on Wednesday from a Chinese Communist Party insider documenting a concentration camp set up in Shenyang city, Liaoning province, expressly for Falun Gong practitioners.
Danish National Newspaper Reports on Relay Hunger Strike in China
2006-03-08"As a lawyer, Gao has defended in court hundreds of Falun Gong-members, democracy activists and farmers who have had their land confiscated by the state. As a private person he has sent letters to the leaders of the country and criticised their policies. He is even open about calling the Chinese Communist Party ‘evil’. Gao Zhisheng is playing with fire – and doing it even though he lives in Beijing, within the range of China’s regime, which so dreads criticism...From his apartment in the capital Gao has now started a hunger strike and he says that at least 70 other people from across the country have joined in."
Nordland Daily (Norway): Details of the Persecution
2006-02-28On February 24th, two reporters from the Nordland Daily, the largest newspaper in northern Norway, interviewed eleven Chinese practitioners who have been recently accepted by the Norwegian government as refugees. Eleven practitioners from four families recounted the benefits to mind and body that Falun Gong has brought to them, and the brutal persecution that they have experienced in China at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.
German Newspaper: Unfounded Inspection Is Illegal
2006-02-22German newspaper “Dresdner Neuesten Nachrichten” published an article on February 1st 2006 entitled “Unfounded Inspection is Illegal”. The article reports that Falun Gong practitioners’ lawsuit against German policemen’s violation of their human rights under the Chinese Communist Party’s pressure, which was handed in and dealt with by the Dresden City Administrative Court, was successful. The report says that the Dresden Administrative Court decided in their judgement that the police have no right at all to order an individual of any nationality belonging to any religious group to depart from a certain place.
French Newspaper: Lawyer who Defends Human Rights for Falun Gong Holds Hunger Strike
2006-02-21France’s largest newspaper Le monde published reports on 12th and 13th February 2006 entitled “Human Rights Activist in China Initiates Relay Hunger Strike”. The articles point out that China’s declining human rights situation and the Chinese Communist authorities’ escalating violence and persecution triggered off a relay hunger strike for human rights, with lawyers, journalists, law scholars and people of all levels of society taking part.
Newspaper Welt am Sonntag Interviews a German Falun Gong Practitioner
2006-02-17"Jing Wang is a follower of the Falun Gong movement that has been persecuted since 1999 in China and she is well informed about human rights violations including abductions, torture, forced labour camps and the death penalty. The penal code allows for arbitrary arrest and sentencing of unwanted individuals under the pretext that they are endangering public security or that they are counterrevolutionary or subversive. Ms. Wang said that the communists feel especially threatened by groups like Falun Gong that have a spiritual orientation and have been extremely popular during the last few years."