Publications, Press Releases
Article from Danish Newspaper: The Different Refugee
2005-10-25"While Xuezhi lived in China he did not have any problems practising his faith. But since Falun Gong was banned in China in 1999, the authorities have fiercely attacked many of the movements' members and Xuezhi is sure that he would be arrested if he were to return to China. Giving up his faith is out of the question. For Xuezhi his belief in Falun Gong is connected to the belief in a better world. Its main principles are Truth, Compassion and Tolerance and in Denmark he can meet freely with other Falun Gong practitioners to practise his faith. This is what nourishes his spiritual life while he is waiting to be able to start from scratch in Denmark."
A Letter to the Editor of The Goteborg Post (Sweden): The National Memorial Day for the Chinese People
2005-10-21"Before I came to Sweden, I celebrated the National Day because I was glad to have a holiday. However, today, I am deeply sad. On the face of the true history of the CCP, what are we celebrating? The victims in the persecution campaign (1950-1953), in the campaign against the right (1957), in the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), in the Tiananmen massacre, or in the persecution of Falun Gong, Tibetan Buddhists and underground churches?"
Slovak Magazine Publishes Two-Page Article about Falun Gong
2005-10-19"If you are interested in meditation exercises, enrich your knowledge with an ancient cultivation method for cultivation of mind, body and spirit, Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa, which helps to control negative emotions ... The goal is to learn to live a harmonious, unselfish and tolerant life, which is in line with the basic principles of the universe: truth, compassion and forbearance. Falun Gong helps to improve every aspect of human beings: body, mind and spirit."
Spanish Newspaper Publishes Three-Page Falun Gong Report
2005-10-18'Almost 2,800 people have been assassinated since 1999, more than 200,000 are currently locked up in extermination camps; and 100 million have been illegally denied freedom of belief. The reason? They believe in Falun Gong, a practice of meditation and exercises that is based on an oriental tradition that improves health and personal values, something that the Chinese Communist Party does not allow for its people.'
Italian Media Report: China is the Worst Human Rights Abuser in the World
2005-10-12This week, Federalism Weekly published twelve pages of articles detailing the human rights violations in China. Entitled “A Free Market and Freedom from Torture”, editor Ms Stefania Piazzo used five pages, including the whole front page, to report the Chinese Communist regime’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Italian Magazine Introduces Falun Gong's Good Effect on Health
2005-10-08Scholars at the University of Texas found that modern technology can be utilised to analyse thousands of genes at the same time. Those scholars studied one group of leucocyte of the Asian descendants who have practised Falun Gong for at least one year of and a group of persons who did not to make comparisons. They found that the leucocyte of the persons who practise Falun Gong is highly vigorous, and its immunity is very strong. And they can recover from infection with higher speed..."
Spanish Newspaper Exposes the Brutality of the Chinese Communist Party's Persecution Against Falun Gong
2005-10-05More than 2,600 people have been killed in China over the past six years for practising the meditation system Falun Gong, but it is estimated that over 10,000 people have been tortured to death, 200,000 jailed and over 1,000 forced into mental institutions. The abuse of human rights in this Asian country has reached the extreme limits with people being persecuted, tortured and thousands killed and forced into exile, making it border on the limits of genocide.
The Danish Newspaper Berlingske Tidende Reports on the "Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party"
2005-09-27“The majority of the Chinese people have no choice but to join the CCP if they want to achieve certain influence in the social and political system. It is a way to access public resources,” commented Nis Hoyrup Christensen of The Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS). “It is also a manifestation that this person is part of the system, not a potential threat.” However, not all of the Chinese people support the CCP. According to a report in the Epoch Times, a medium that holds an aggressive critical position against the CCP, the overall situation has been totally different.
Finnish Newspaper Reports on an Anti-Torture Exhibition Held in Lahti
2005-09-25"Many local people in Lahti paid attention to a badly beaten Chinese woman in a cage in Lanun square. The bruises were not real, but the message was: Falun Gong practitioners in China have been tortured, killed and arrested during the last six years. Falun Gong is a Chinese cultivation practice which includes the practice of exercises and meditation, like Tai Chi"
Article about Falun Gong Published in Roquetta, the English Magazine for the Balearic Island of Menorca
2005-09-20Stefan and Rosemary are impassioned about trying to help the dreadful situation in China, where innocent people are persecuted for practising Falun Gong, ...torn from their homes and taken away to be imprisoned and tortured, often leaving bewildered children not knowing where to turn. This terrifying situation has been condemned all over the world by governments and human rights organisations, but it is proving almost impossible to combat.
Finnish Newspaper Reports on how Falun Gong Brings Warmth and Peace of Mind
2005-09-19On the 5th and 6th of February, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners held a Falun Gong class in Joensuu. Ten people attended the introduction class and almost everyone asked for an introduction video and a book to understand more deeply about Falun Gong. A local reporter from Karjalan Heili interviewed participants and took photos for her article.
German Media: "People There Have No Rights"
2005-09-12On July 16th 2005, German newspaper Roding published an article entitled "People there have no rights". In the article, Falun Gong practitioner Min Teng-Schwaeger talked about the Chinese Communist Party’s human rights abuses against Falun Gong practitioners and Utz-Reiner Roemer discussed the autocracy of the Chinese Communist party.
Article from UK Newspaper: Peaceful Protest over Persecution by Chinese Government
2005-09-09'Followers of the eastern practice of Falun Gong protested against persecution in China yesterday. A group of practitioners handed out leaflets, demonstrated exercises and collected signatures on a petition in Abbey Church Yard. The petition, which calls for the release from labour camps of family members of Chinese Falun Gong practitioners who live abroad, will be sent to the British Government. It is hoped that the government will put diplomatic pressure on China to end the persecution which, according to campaigners, has led to more than 2,750 people being tortured to death.'
French Falun Gong Information Centre: Economic Trading and Human Rights
2005-09-08From September 5th to September 12th, Zhejiang Province held “Zhejiang Week” in Paris. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the French Falun Gong Information Centre sent out a declaration to the press, economic trading and human rights organisations, and relevant government divisions in the hope that French society might pay attention to the bloody persecution of Falun Gong and that the emphasis on morality and the respect for human rights are guarantees to normal business.
Article from Danish Newspaper Berlingske Tidende: China’s Procurator General Risks Lawsuit
2005-09-07The Danish Falun Gong Association intends to file a lawsuit against Jia Chunwang, the former minister of public security, for the systematic torture and killing of thousands of innocent practitioners of Falun Gong. And Denmark must not let this man go, explains the association’s spokesperson Marco Hsu. “Jia Chunwang is at the top of the so-called “6-10 Office”, which was set up with the sole purpose of eliminating Falun Gong. Therefore he is responsible for all that has happened and he will be brought to court.”