Publications, Press Releases
The Epoch Times: Spanish Judge Calls Top Chinese Officials to Account for Genocide
2009-11-17In a groundbreaking case, following a two-year investigation, a Spanish judge has accepted charges of genocide and torture in a case filed against five high-ranking CCP officials for their role in the persecution of Falun Gong. This is the first time that a court has recognised the campaign against the group as legally fitting the definition of genocide. If the defendants were in Spain, the Court could call them before the Judge for a hearing.
Epoch Times: Violin Virtuoso Showers Shen Yun with Praise
2009-10-06"It's absolutely magical," said Armène Stakian, a professional violinist, who obtained a Premier Prix de Virtuosité from the Geneva Conservatory of Music followed by a Premier Prix and Diplôme Supérieur, from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Brussels. She was full of praise for the New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts debut performance held Tuesday evening at the Théâtre du Léman in Geneva, September 29.
Epoch Times: Shen Yun Artists Are "First class," Says President of Grand Council of Geneva
2009-10-05Mr. Eric Leyvraz, president of the Grand Council of the Republic and Canton of Geneva, attended the performance of the New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts at Théâtre du Léman in Geneva on Tuesday along with his wife. Mr. Leyvraz said the show was so fantastic that they did not feel the passage of time. "The artists are first class, really it is fantastic," he said, adding that show is a "high quality" performance.
Swedish Media Covers Candlelight Vigil Commemorating Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-09-25On July 21st, 2009, Swedish Daily, the third largest newspaper in Sweden, carried an article entitled “The Meditation Against Suppression” to cover the candlelight vigil at the Chinese Embassy organised by Swedish Falun Gong practitioners to commemorate the thousands of Falun Gong practitioners killed by the communist regime in China.
Denmark: Car Tour Attracts Media Attention
2009-09-05Danish practitioners toured eight major cities to introduce Falun Gong to more people across the country. Wherever they went they received the support of local people and media. This article features a report from the newspaper Herning Folkeblad.
Article from Iceland's Morgunbladid: "Protesting the Persecution of Falun Gong"
2009-08-14"Falun Dafa Associations around the world have sent governments in 41 country an appeal to support "the most significant human rights issue of the 21st century”. The announcement from the Associations states that former Chinese state leader Jiang Zemin considered the large group of practitioners as a personal threat. Regardless of opposition from the Central Committee of the Communist Party, he decided to stop this large group of people."
Le Monde Denounces the Repression of Lawyers in China Who Defend Falun Gong
2009-08-12In an article dated August 1, 2009, the established French newspaper Le Monde denounced the increasingly violent repression of lawyers in China who dare to defend Falun Gong practitioners and other victims of the Chinese regime's blind violence.
Prague Post: Woman Tells of Life in Chinese Labour Camp
2009-08-09'Xiong Wei spent two years in a Chinese labour camp. In Prague for a July 20 exhibition and candlelight vigil commemorating the 10-year anniversary of the Chinese government's banning of Falun Gong, Xiong recounted her experiences that quickly took her from work in Germany to a daylight kidnapping on the streets of Beijing.'
Watford Observer (UK): Streatham Daughter Demands Action on Falun Gong Torture Anniversary
2009-08-03A Streatham Common woman whose parents fled China after they were tortured for their religious beliefs is fighting to raise the profile of their struggle and that of millions of others. Youyan Li and her parents practise Falun Gong – a Buddhist practice acclaimed for its healing powers – followed by an estimated 70 million people in China and millions others across the globe.
Netherlands: Practitioners Hold a Series of Activities Calling for an End to the Ten-Year-Long Persecution
2009-07-30In order to let more people know about the persecution and help stop the CCP's atrocities, Falun Gong practitioners in the Netherlands held a series of activities in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and The Hague. A popular newspaper published a large photo of Falun Gong practitioners doing the exercises at Dam Square.
Prague Daily Monitor: Exhibition on Falun Gong Chinese movement opens in Prague
2009-07-25An exhibition on the Falun Gong Chinese spiritual movement was opened in Prague centre on Wenceslas Square Saturday within a series of events marking the 10th anniversary of the Falun Gong persecution in China.
Irish Times: Chinese Embassy Protest over Falun Gong Ban
2009-07-24A PROTEST was held yesterday outside the Chinese embassy in Dublin by the Irish Falun Dafa Association to mark 10 years of a Chinese government ban on the Falun Gong spiritual movement... Yesterday's protest was preceded by a rally in Dublin city centre on Saturday and a candlelit vigil held outside the embassy on Sunday night.
Buzzle (UK): Daughter of Arrested Falun Gong Couple in Plea to Downing Street Over China's Persecution
2009-07-23Adherents are still being arrested, mistreated and sent to labour camps in large numbers. Ten years after China launched a brutal persecution of the Falun Gong religion, its followers are still being arrested, mistreated and sent to labour camps in large numbers.
UK Newspaper Reports on Persecution of UK Practitioners and Relatives in China
2009-07-22The men from China's national security brigades came for Natalie Qiao's parents at 10pm on 8 June. Five young men in plain clothes bundled the elderly couple into an unmarked car. Ten years after the prohibition on Falun Gong was ordered by China's former leader Jiang Zemin, commencing a brutal crackdown on its adherents, believers such as Qiao's parents are still being pursued, despite international protests.
Watford Observer (UK): Chinese woman's torture fear
2009-06-24A Chinese woman has spoken of her horror after learning of her parents' arrest and possible torture because of their religious beliefs. "Nathalie", who has lived in England for nine years and in Watford for the past three years, discovered her parents' terrifying fate last week. She says the Chinese authorities are persecuting them because their belief in the Falun Gong religion, which has been banned in China for the last ten years.