Publications, Press Releases
“La Tribune” (French Newspaper) Reports on Sichuan Earthquake: The CCP Receives Criticism from Civilians
2008-06-06The article pointed out the main difficulties the CCP are facing is how to show that it can deal with the situation of the disaster, especially how to respond to the severe criticism of the disaster-stricken people. Decisions to save those in the disaster were made very slowly and areas far from the city only were rescued three days after the earthquake, especially the school buildings of inferior quality, which received much criticism.
- (UK Website): "EU Parliament Vice President Wants Olympic Boycott"
2008-06-03China's "genocidal campaign of repression" against a popular religion should result in a boycott of the Beijing Olympic Games, a prominent European politician believes. Edward McMillan-Scott, a Conservative MEP, says he believed the Chinese government was carrying out organ harvesting against those in its prisoners. He cites research by UN for special rapporteur Manfred Novak that three-quarters of China's seven million detainees are Falun Gong followers.
Obzor (Ukraine) Newspaper: Report on World Falun Dafa Day
2008-05-31"Sixteen years ago, Mr Li Hongzhi spread Falun Gong in Changchun. Falun Gong is good for both body and mind and it is also named Falun Dafa. The Chinese Communist Party launched the large scale persecution of Falun Gong; it was afraid of the popularity of Falun Gong threatening its political power and feared the loss of control of the people’s thoughts and minds."
Stunned Magazine (France) Interviews a Falun Gong Practitioner
2008-05-03A French magazine called Stunned recently published a five page-long interview with a Falun Gong practitioner in its “Investigation” column. The Falun Gong practitioner interviewed was Ya June, who was tortured in China. Having escaped China on foot a year ago, she and her brother arrived in Paris and obtained asylum status with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). Her brother is now living in New York.
Danish National TV Report on CCP Pressure to Cancel the Chinese Spectacular Performances
2008-03-23The Royal Opera House of Denmark initially planned to stage during Easter a Chinese Spectacular, which is a traditional Chinese cultural show from the US. In December last year, however, under pressure from the Chinese Embassy to Denmark the Royal Opera House cancelled the show.On March 18th, 2008, the largest national TV Station in Denmark, DR, aired a four minute-long news piece at the peak hour of 9 pm entitled “Theatre under pressure from the CCP”, which took the news crew nearly a month to produce, interviewing over eighty people.
Epoch Times: Divine Performing Arts Plays to Full House in Paris
2008-03-04On March 1, Divine Performing Arts presented their second show at the grand Palais des Congrès in Paris. It seemed that the gloominess of the previous day had been cleared away by the first show the day before ... The performance elicited thunderous applause from the audience throughout the afternoon.
Austria Media Reports on Internet Attacks, Cites Falun Gong
2008-02-29Targeted attacks with Trojans through e-mail are an important method to spy on political rivals and commercial competitors. The O1-Magazine “Matrix” demonstrated on Sunday, citing Falun Gong as an example, how such attacks take place and how one can protect oneself against them. Maarten Van Horenbeeck is a security consultant with a large IT-firm information technology. He was especially interested in the residual risk that leaves a footprint, although the network has the optimum protection against such attackers.
Epoch Times: Famous Flautist: 'The most wonderful piece of counterpoint'
2008-02-26William Bennett specialises in Baroque music and the contrapuntal fugues of Bach. He drew a parallel between the interweaving patterns of dancers in the Spectacular, and the interwoven melodies of contrapuntal music. "I was very impressed earlier on when a whole lot of orange-robed monks came on slowly and the ladies came on at a completely different speed and they didn't seem to be moving. They were just gliding along, and it was the most wonderful piece of counterpoint."
Epoch Times: U.K. Chinese Says the Applause for the Spectacular was 'Incessant and as loud as thunder'
2008-02-24LONDON—Mr. Li expressed gratitude to the organisers of the Chinese Spectacular, saying he was very moved after attending the show on Saturday night. Mr. Li is originally from China and settled in the United Kingdom only two years ago."Normally the shows in China now are all commercialized and very low level. This show is overall very interesting and is very superior."
Epoch Times: Spectacular Opens to Sell-Out Audience in London
2008-02-23Roaring applause filled the halls of one of Britain's premier cultural venues as the Chinese Spectacular opened to a packed audience. Almost every seat in London's Royal Festival Hall was taken as the Divine Performing Arts dance company began its UK leg of their tour. The show [...] will continue till Sunday after a matinee and evening performance on Saturday.
Germany: Praise for the Spectacular from the Frankfurt Media
2008-02-23In Frankfurt, known as the European Manhattan, the local media Frankfurt Review, Bulici (Blitz) and Fulici (Frizz) all carried advertisements and detailed introductions in wide coverage about the Gala Spectacular three days before the opening of the performance by the touring company in Frankfurt. The report by Bulici says that the Spectacular leads the audience through the time and space of 5000 years of ancient Chinese culture.
Südwest Press (Germany): “Not adopting one's own standard”
2008-02-22The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is neglecting its responsibility. At least that’s what Dirk Pleiter, Amnesty International’s China Expert said. He asks that sports officials press China harder concerning adherence to human rights. "We could say that there were a few positive steps. But, overall, we have to say that the progress is very disappointing and still has to go a long way [...] Our concerns about China have barely changed over the past thirty years. Persecution due to political affiliation and religious reasons continues unabatedly. Unfair legal proceeding and the possibility that people face long term prison terms without any legal processes continue".
French Magazine Reports on Approaching Spectacular in Paris
2008-02-18A month before Shen Yun’s New Year Spectacular in Paris (February 29th, March 1st and 2nd), the largest magazine in France, Femme Actuelle (over 1 million copies per week) devoted a full page and a half to the Shen Yun Spectacular. Emphasising the high artistic quality of the show, the journalist compliments the “astounding” beauty of the choreography, costumes and scenery.
Reporters Without Borders Protest Hu Jia's Arrest in China
2008-02-10The Procuratorate of Beijing Municipality announced the official arrest of famous Chinese human rights activist Hu Jia for the crime of “inciting subversion of state power”. Hu's relatives received notice of his official arrest on January 30th, 2008. The headquarters of Reporters without Borders made a strong protest against the arrest.
Morgunbladid (Iceland): Human Rights Torch: Iceland Moves
2008-02-02In the run up to the Olympic games to be held this summer, the world nations are faced with the challenging question of how the Games can support the human rights situation in China. The Olympic Charter states that the goal of the Olympics is to place sports at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity. The Olympic committe´s justification for allotting the Peoples Republic of China the summer Olympics of 2008 was based on the conviction that doing so would be a way to press for a positive change in the country.