Publications, Press Releases
Wall Street Journal: China's Judicial Killing Machine
2002-10-23"Widespread recourse to the death penalty in China reflects a regime that has lost the ability to govern. The Chinese Communist Party came to power through violence (especially within its own ranks) and has maintained it in the same way..The party's continued failure to address society's needs rather than crush them -- seen most starkly in the crackdown on the Falun Gong [spiritual group] -- is creating resentment and alienation across the country."
South China Morning Post: Bishop takes the helm and asks for God's help
2002-10-23"Bishop Zen's succession has raised concerns over the sometimes stormy relationship between the Church and the SAR government. He has already clashed with the authorities on controversial issues such as the Falun Gong spiritual group, and right of abode. Last month the bishop criticised the proposed anti-subversion law."
Press Release: European Falun Gong Practitioners to Hold Large-Scale Activities During Jiang Zemin's Visit to the U.S
2002-10-21LONDON, October 20, 2002 (European Falun Gong Information Centre) During Jiang Zemin's personal visit to the United States, Falun Gong practitioners will hold large-scale appeal activities in Chicago and Houston. In support of these activities Falun Gong practitioners will also hold activities in front of Chinese Embassies and consulates throughout Europe. These appeals are being made because Jiang is the chief human rights criminal and instigator of the persecution of Falun Gong.
Tyler Morning Telegraph (Texas) : Falun Gong Members Bring Protest to Tyler (Excerpt)
2002-10-21"We know this is a very precious chance for Falun Gong participants in China," said Li Ding, a University of Maryland graduate student who emigrated from China five years ago. "We sincerely wish President Bush can directly raise the issue when he meets the president of China."
The Daily Herald: Support Falun Gong
2002-10-21"I hope that when Jiang Zemin visits the United States this month, President Bush and good-hearted Americans will raise their concerns over human rights violations in China."
Brock Press (Newspaper of Brock University, St. Catharines): Falun Gong is Good
2002-10-21It is because of my love for China and Chinese people that I want people to know the truth. More than one billion Chinese people are deceived into hating an innocent group of their fellow countrymen. The self-immolation is staged. Falun Gong is good. It is a practice that improves peoples health and teaches them to be good people, following the universal principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance. I want Chinese people to know the truth so that they will not be deceived into participating in or supporting this enormous injustice.
AP: Falun Gong [practitioner] Gets Death Penalty
2002-10-20A [practitioner] of the Falun Gong spiritual movement in northeastern China has been sentenced to death...a state-controlled newspaper reported Friday.
College Station Eagle: Falun Gong set to protest Jiang
2002-10-20"All we want is for the persecution to stop" - Dianne Roberts, a spokesperson for Falun Gong in Houston.
Press Release: Chinese Officials Attack on U.S. Officials, Citizens
2002-10-18"The Chinese government, not content with persecuting the Falun Gong in China, has [urged] local U.S. officials to shun or even persecute them right here in America. The approach... tends to combine gross disinformation with scare tactics and, in some cases, slyly implied diplomatic and commercial pressure." -- The Wall Street Journal, Feb. 21, 2002
Central News Agency: "U.S Government Officials Predict Religious Freedom to be Important Topic During Jiang-Bush Meeting"
2002-10-18"On October 8, 2002, a U.S. government official said that the issue of religious freedom will "almost certainly" be the main topic of the meeting between Party leader Jiang Zemin and President Bush later this month, and the U.S government will mention religious freedom and the "very serious problem" of many Falun Gong practitioners' deaths while in custody in Mainland China, making those probably the main topic."
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local Falun Gong followers have message for China leader
2002-10-18thousands of ...Falun Gong [practitioners will be] in Texas next week when Chinese President Jiang Zemin visits Bush...[they] plan to call attention to the Chinese government's three-year crackdown on the spiritual practice
The Daily Texan: Artist hopes to raise awareness
2002-10-18In 1996, Cuiying suffered from severe rheumatoid arthritis that inhibited her from painting. A year later, she was introduced to Falun Gong and her arthritis disappeared completely. She attributes it to the exercise and meditation..."Soon after I started practicing Falun Gong, [the arthritis] went away. I could paint again."
BBC Monitoring: Hong Kong grants permission for Falun Gong show
2002-10-17The government has granted permission for Falun Gong [practitioners] to hold a variety show at the Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun town halls despite repeated applications from the group being rejected since last year. They have also been allowed to hold a photo exhibition at one of the venues.
SCMP: Regina Ip slugs it out with critics at rowdy forum
2002-10-17Secretary for Security Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee was drawn into a [heated discussion] yesterday at a forum on the proposed anti-subversion law, during which she endured a 90-minute barrage of criticism.
The Standard: University Librarians In Subversion Law Plea
2002-10-17[If Article 23 were passed] police [would] be granted the power to enter and search libraries if they are suspected to have publications which are seen as seditious. Librarians fear this may infringe academic freedom and the freedom of information.