Publications, Press Releases
AFP: China arrests husband of Falungong [practitioner] who sued Jiang
2002-11-01"Given that my husband is not a Falungong practitioner, I can imagine no other reason for his arrest except for the purpose to keep him as a hostage to threaten me. I would like to ask: If this is not terrorism, what is?" Zeng said
SCMP: Japanese demands China free wife held as Falun Gong devotee
2002-11-01"Kaneko said he visited his wife, Yoko, in August in a Chinese labour camp where she is serving an 18-month term. "Not only has she lost weight, but I could see she was suffering mentally," he said..."She was slow and quiet, not even able to fix her eyes on me," Kaneko said. "I could not help wondering if she could survive the 18 months' labour camp life and come back to Japan alive.""
Daily Times: Letters to the Editor - Don't forget China as threat to U.S.
2002-10-31"Ever since Falun Gong has become popular in the U.S. for its positive effects to health and well being, there has been detailed documentation about how Jiang has interfered with all levels of government, through the long arm of his embassies and consulates. Defamatory letters and phone calls have been placed, or personal visits have been made, incorporating vicious propaganda. Scare tactics have implied diplomatic and economic pressure."
Fort Wayne News Sentinel: Protest greets Chinese leader in stopover
2002-10-31"About 100 people, mostly followers of the spiritual movement Falun Gong, protested at the airport with banners appealing for the government to end persecution of its followers..Followers of the spiritual movement participated in meditative exercises at the airport and in front of the consulate building in a show of solidarity."
Washington Post: China Walls Out the News
2002-10-30"It's a fundamentally lopsided arrangement that denies the Chinese people access to news and views from the outside world -- which they want and which Americans need them to hear. We can't allow the world's most populous nation to be kept in the dark about who we are, what we stand for, and why they should be on our side in the fight against terror."
UPI Feature: Falun Gong 'greets' Jiang at APEC (Excerpt)
2002-10-29"But it would seem the only protesters in this unlikely spot for an international conference, the sun-baked peninsula of sea-surrounded desert that is Baja California, are the Falun Gong, practitioners of meditative exercises who have become victims of repression in China."
The Associated Press: Falun Gong shows lighter side in first-ever Hong Kong variety show (Excerpt)
2002-10-29""The performance carries special significance in Hong Kong. It's not like in the West where people commonly sympathize with and accept Falun Gong," said Kan Hung-cheung, a spokesman for the group. "We need to show the public that Falun Dafa is beautiful and good for mankind," Kan said."
Central News Agency (Taiwan): Reports That President Bush Clearly Indicated to Jiang Not to Use Counter terrorism to Justify Suppressing Freedom of Speech
2002-10-28 -
Battalion: Protests Go on Despite Weather
2002-10-28"Other than the weather, the day was completely idyllic," said Bob Wiatt, Director of the University Police Department. "The Falun Gong protesters were very well-behaved."
Tribuna de Los Cabos: The First Demonstration from China at the APEC Meeting
2002-10-28They made clear that they do not support violent demonstrations, do not participate in actions against globalisation, do not favour any party, they only pursue the free practice of Falun Gong, especially in China, where the prohibition continues and where hundreds of [thousands of] practitioners are imprisoned or concentrated in isolated zones for forced labour.
The News Mexico: Falun Gong Protests Against [Jiang Zemin] at APEC Summit
2002-10-28 -
Reuters: Japanese Demands China Free Wife Held as Falun Gong [Practitioner]
2002-10-28"I have travelled thousands of miles from Japan to be here," said Atsushi Kaneko. "The reason for my coming here is to ask more people to help rescue my wife from torture in a labour camp in China."
National Review: The Truth About Falun Gong
2002-10-28If I lived in China, the chances are overwhelming that I would have been tortured, imprisoned, or executed by now, for one reason only: I practice Falun Gong. I am neither a fanatic nor a political activist, I practice law, but Jiang Zemin would want me dead nonetheless...
San Francisco Chronicle: Court bars deporting Chinese woman
2002-10-28She was arrested in March 2000 when police found two Falun Gong books in a drawer behind the counter of her father's bookstore, where she was working. She was released 10 days later after paying a fine, but reportedly learned from a police source that she was on a list of Falun Gong practitioners.
The Associated Press: Falun Gong lawsuit accuses Jiang of human rights abuses
2002-10-26"Falun Gong supporters hoped to keep the pressure on Chinese President Jiang Zemin one day after announcing the aging ruler had been sued in federal court in Chicago for alleged human rights abuses. Jiang left Chicago on Wednesday and was headed to Texas, where he was scheduled to meet with President Bush."