Publications, Press Releases
AP: Falun Gong HK Follower Goes On Trial For Sending VCDs
2002-11-23The trial lasted about 90 minutes..."They've already decided he's guilty," said Kan Hung-cheung, a Hong Kong-based spokesman for Falun Gong.
AFP: Media Groups Warn Hong Kong Anti-Subversion Law Would Muzzle Free Speech
2002-11-23The World Association of Newspapers (WAN) on Wednesday commented that the proposed Article 23 "would have a chilling effect on all individuals, groups and enterprises engaged in the business of information exchange."
AP: HK Man Arrested On Falun Gong Charges Faces China Trial Friday
2002-11-22"They've already decided he's guilty. They're deferring to the wishes of senior Chinese leaders"
BBC Monitoring: Falun Gong voices fears on Hong Kong anti-subversion laws
2002-11-22He was concerned that the passing of an anti-subversion laws would allow the SAR government to use national security as an excuse to get rid of the Falun Gong and other groups that aren't to their liking.
BBC Monitoring: Hong Kong Falun Gong member due in Chinese court 22 November
2002-11-22Sophie Xiao [a Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioner], told Betsy-May Veloo that a lawyer has said the trial is expected to last a day and could end in a five-year prison sentence.
Reuters: Britain urges Hong Kong to protect rights and freedom
2002-11-20"Britain has urged the government of Hong Kong to protect basic rights and freedoms as the former British colony prepares to pass an anti-subversion law demanded by the Chinese government...The British Consulate-General said in a statement any legislation that undermined the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms would be "seriously damaging" to the territory, which Britain handed back to China in 1997."
EFIC: Swedish Businesswoman Denied Entry into Hong Kong
2002-11-20She was previously denied entry into Hong Kong in June 2001 when Jiang Zemin visited the territory. This time she was denied entry again for no reason other than because she is a Falun Gong practitioner and is therefore blacklisted from the country.
South China Morning Post: New Zealand Foreign Minister questions 4 HK ministers about Article 23 and asks whether it will be used against Falun Gong
2002-11-20"US President George W. Bush spoke of the importance of preserving the rights of Hong Kong citizens last month, after meeting President Jiang Zemin, a comment analysts believe was a reference to concerns about Article 23."
AFP: HK democrat takes anti-subversion fight to Brussels
2002-11-18"Human-rights and pro-democracy groups fear that China could use the new law to suppress freedoms including those of media, speech and religion, as well as to ban groups it considers a threat."
South China Morning Post: Broad-based academic opposition endorses signature campaign against grey areas of provisions in Article 23 New security law
2002-11-18Proposed national security laws are a threat to independent teaching and research, according to more than 100 academics who this week endorsed a signature campaign calling for a thorough government consultation through a white bill.
Trinity Record: Zhao Ming sues Chinese Leader
2002-11-16The Trinity College student newspaper, The Trinity Record reported in their latest edition that several Falun Gong practitioners worldwide have filed a lawsuit against the Chinese leader, Jiang Zemin.
Baltic News Service: Latvian Falun Dafa Practitioners hold Protest in Front of China Consulate
2002-11-16"Falun Gong practitioners have been sent to prisons and labour camp for practicing the peaceful Falun Gong exercises there they have been tortured and even beaten to death."
Copenhagen Post: Danish websites censored by Chinese authorities
2002-11-16"The Chinese government is incredibly paranoid about information exchange and anything else they can't directly control. Free information yields free thoughts, and they're certainly not interested in that..." - Lars Normann Jorgensen, Secretary General of Amnesty International in Denmark
San Diego Union-Tribune: The persecution of the Falun Gong
2002-11-16"Practitioners are not just shocked with electric batons. They are raped with them. They are beaten to death, their organs harvested, and their disfigured bodies immediately cremated. They are left outdoors, hanging from trees, stripped and thrown out in the freezing cold, tied naked to an iron bed until their limbs atrophy and force-fed faeces."
FDI: Survivor of Chinas Wanjia Labour Camp Lands in Canada Today After Emergency Rescue Effort
2002-11-14"Ms. Wangs case demonstrates just how far Jiangs persecution of Falun Gong extends around the world. It is truly a global campaign." -- Ms. Cindy Gu, Canadian Falun Dafa Information Centre Spokeswoman