Letters from Dafa Associations
Belgium: Falun Gong Practitioners Write to all Members of Parliament about Preparations to File a Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-08-17A case against Jiang Zemin is not a political statement. It is a case that fits within the original goals of the Belgian law on genocide: bring those who form a threat to humanity and to Belgian citizens to justice. A case against Jiang Zemin is not a case against China. Neither China nor the Chinese government is responsible for the persecution of more then one hundred million Falun Gong practitioners in the world. It is Jiang Zemin who tries to involve a complete nation and the government of that nation in his personal battle against Falun Gong.
Letter from European Falun Dafa Association to the International Criminal Court
2003-07-22"Wed like to inform you about a crime against humanity that will enter its fifth year on July 20th. It concerns the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, the genocide of over 70 million people. This persecution is unprecedented in cruelty and scale. Basic human rights, like freedom of speech and freedom of belief are shamelessly violated. Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been killed by torture, hundreds of thousands have been sent to labour camps or prison, most of them without a legal trial."
Ireland: Statement from 7-20 Activities Marking Four Years of Persecution
2003-07-22"In the year 2000 Chinese Dictator Jiang Zemin was labelled a human rights scoundrel by the American branch of Amnesty international. This year the American branch of Amnesty International is supporting the suing of Jiang Zemin for genocide in the US courts. The following is an account of why Jiang Zemin is being sued for genocide and why he was labelled a human rights scoundrel."
Austria: An Open Letter from Dafa Practitioners to the Chinese Embassy in Austria on the 4th Anniversary of the 7.20Event
2003-07-19"To achieve what Jiang demanded, the Chinese government has irresponsibly inputted a great amount of resources and spread numerous lies over the past four years. However, the results have turned out to be exactly the opposite. Falun Gong didnt disappear in China, but instead it has spread to more than sixty countries around the world and has come to be cherished by many people."
European Falun Dafa Association Sends Congratulations on the Establishment of the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association
2003-06-05The European Falun Dafa Association sends congratulations on the establishment of the Bulgarian Dafa Association. This is particularly encouraging for all practitioners in Europe. Our one-body is again getting stronger and stronger.
German Falun Dafa Association Sends Congratulations to the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association
2003-06-05The German Falun Dafa Association sends congratulations, on behalf of all practitioners in Germany, on the founding of the Bulgarian Dafa Association. This will certainly help the Fa-rectification in Europe.
Irish Falun Dafa Association Sends Congratulations on the Establishment of the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association
2003-06-05On behalf of all Dafa practitioners in Ireland, we congratulate the establishment of the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association. During this sacred period, let us strive forward together as one body and fulfil our responsibilities as Fa-rectification Dafa disciples.
European Falun Dafa Associations Write to US President Appealing for Urgent Rescue of Dr. Charles Li
2003-06-04"We are writing to draw your attention to the arrest and detention in China of a completely peaceful and law-abiding American Falun Dafa practitioner, Dr Charles Li. Dr Li is currently on hunger strike in a Chinese jail and we believe that his life is in danger. We believe that Jiang Zemin could use the SARS epidemic to hide his possible murder. We ask you to use your influence with the Jiang regime to help rescue him urgently."
Falun Dafa Association of Guadeloupe (France) Writes to the King of Thailand Appealing for Pirjo Svensson's Freedom
2003-05-31"We write to you to express our sharp concern over the arrest of Mrs. Pirjo Svensson who has been imprisoned in Bangkok for more than 3 weeks now...We are hopeful that His Majesty will help Mrs. Pirjo Svensson be released and permitted to return to her husband, family and friends."
Letter to the King of Thailand from the French Falun Dafa Association
2003-05-29"Falun Gong teaches the principles of Truth, Compassion and Forbearance. It is peaceful, non-political and represents the best of Chinese culture and values. The former leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin, launched the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, and extended it to other countries by fabricating lies to frame Falun Gong; this regime is trying to put pressure on Thailand and viciously have it participate in the persecution of innocent people."
Letter from Finnish Falun Dafa Association to the King of Thailand
2003-05-28"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sweden and the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok has formally contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Thailand. TV, radio, and some major newspapers in Sweden have also reported the incident, and have emphasised that Mrs. Svensson is innocent. At present, the Swedish government is actively negotiating with the Thai government to help Mrs. Svensson regain her freedom."
Greek Falun Dafa Association Sends Best Wishes on the Establishment of the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association
2003-05-28The Greek Association of Falun Dafa congratulates the Bulgarian practitioners on the establishment of the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association.
Swedish Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Establishment of the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association
2003-05-28We share the joy with you and look forward to receiving further good news. Let us jointly progress in Europe and manifest the greatness of Dafa as one body.
Finland: Letter from the Finnish Falun Dafa Association to the Prime Minister of Thailand
2003-05-27For the past four years under Jiang Zemin, the Chinese regime has used every possible means to eliminate Falun Gong both inside and outside China and has then proceeded to cover up the situation with fabricated stories. Jiang and other top officials in China are now facing lawsuits in the US and Europe for committing crimes against humanity, genocide and torture. It is not good for the future of any country to succumb to pressure from a government whose top leaders are committing genocide against their own people.
A Letter to the King of Thailand from the Nordic Falun Dafa Association
2003-05-21"Jiang Zemin is extending his persecution to your country by spreading fabricated stories and lies about Falun Gong practitioners and pressuring Thailand to persecute innocent people. Currently, with the help of human rights lawyers and legal experts, Falun Gong practitioners in USA and Europe are suing Jiang Zemin and several top Chinese officials, for crimes ranging from torture to genocide. The crimes committed by Jiang Zemin and his Gestapo-like 610 offices are comparable to those committed by Milosevic and Pinochet."