Letters from Dafa Associations
German Falun Dafa Association Writes an Open Letter to Hu Jintao
2005-11-17"During your visit Germany, we strongly ask you to free the German Falun Gong practitioner, Jiang Renzheng, as well as all Falun Gong practitioners who are illegally imprisoned, giving them back their freedom. Meanwhile, we ask you to bring the arch-criminals who persecute Falun Gong — Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Liu Jing, Zhou Yongkang — to justice and immediately stop the persecution of Falun Gong."
UK Falun Gong Association Requests Government to Bar the Entry of Bo Xilai
2005-11-03The UK Falun Gong Association has requested the UK Home Office to bar entry to Bo Xilai. Bo Xilai is a high-ranking member of the Chinese Communist Party who is guilty of crimes against humanity, genocide and the use of torture against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Such crimes are illegal under international law in accordance with the UN Conventions on Torture and Genocide and are crimes under Section 86 of the UK Criminal Justice Act of 1988.
Falun Dafa Association Announcement
2005-10-11Since 1999 when the dictator Jiang Zemin initiated the bloody persecution of Falun Gong in China, the CCP has relied upon state power and an array of CCP terrorist mechanisms under its control to suppress innocent Falun Gong practitioners to the greatest extent possible. Under Jiang and the CCP's menace, many province- and city-level officials have acted as ringleaders or collaborators in the torture and killing of Falun Gong practitioners. Using their official positions, they have participated in this persecution to varying degrees, not only as initiators, co-conspirators and ringleaders, but also as aiders, abettors, and other types of accomplices.
Italian Falun Gong Association Congratulates the Establishment of the South African Falun Gong Association
2005-09-21All the practitioners in Italy were pleased to learn that the South African Falun Gong Association was formally established after getting approval from the South African Government, and would like to extend our hearty congratulations to you. The establishment of this association is the result of your concerted efforts. We are firmly convinced that this association will play an important role in the process of Fa-rectification and is a blessing for all the people of South Africa.
German Falun Gong Association: “Singapore should not be an accomplice of the Chinese dictatorship.”
2005-05-14Practitioners in Berlin held a protest in front of the Singapore Embassy. They demanded the Singapore regime to revise the judgement against two Falun Gong practitioners. Officials from the Singapore Embassy listened to the statement of the German Falun Gong Association and promised to relay the practitioners’ requests to the Singapore Government.
Russian Falun Gong Association Sends Letter of Protest to the Singapore Embassy
2005-05-10Russian Falun Gong practitioners were very concerned when they heard that two Singapore practitioners were unjustly arrested by the Singapore Government after distributing material revealing the persecution to tourists from Mainland China. On 6th May 2005, representatives from the Russian Falun Gong Association went to the Singapore Embassy in Moscow and handed in a letter of appeal, requesting Singapore to cancel its unfair judgement.
An Open Letter to the Singapore Government from the Spanish Falun Gong Association
2005-05-07Your nation’s recent unjust conviction of Falun Gong practitioners Ng Chye Huay and Cheng Lujin has raised a serious question mark over Singapore’s democracy and rule of law in the international community. Laws should be established based on morality and human conscience. They are used to maintain social fairness and justice, not for justifying self-interest. We believe Singapore is a signatory to the World Human Rights Declaration. The actions of two Falun Gong practitioners were in no way exceeding the scope of basic freedom of speech and belief, especially considering that Falun Gong is a registered legal group in Singapore.
Letter from Nordic Falun Dafa Association to the Norway Singapore Consul
2005-05-06There are today court cases in some 20 different countries against the former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin and his collaborators. They face charges of torture, crimes against humanity and genocide. These cases are according to the development of international law. The Swedish Government for instance plans to allow for court proceedings in Sweden against such crimes, independent of where they are carried out – a plan in the spirit of Martin Luther King jr: “A threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
Irish Practitioners Send Congratulations to Turkish Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-04-22Irish Falun Dafa practitioners congratulate Turkish practitioners on the founding of the Turkish Falun Dafa Association. It is a wonderful and historic accomplishment that will no doubt bring blessings to the people of Turkey.
UK Falun Gong Association Congratulates the Establishment of the Turkish Falun Gong Association
2005-04-21The UK Falun Gong Association would like to offer sincere congratulations to the Falun Gong practitioners in Turkey for setting up the Falun Gong Association in Mersin City on 10th April 2005. The Turkish Association represents a tremendous step forward in the development of recognition of the Falun Gong practice in Eastern Europe.
A Letter from the European Falun Dafa Association
2005-02-07"We have recently learned of a sinister campaign being conducted by the Chinese authorities to target foreign governments and their institutions. Their aim is to spread lies, incite hatred and create misunderstanding against people who practise a popular form of traditional Chinese practice called Falun Gong. In the Ukraine, for example, they have disseminated their sensational and outrageous propaganda to the Ministry of Education and Sciences forcing the authorities to disseminate it to all departments and areas. We would like to forewarn you of the latest ploy in their campaign both at home and abroad to “eradicate Falun Gong”."
Falun Dafa Practitioners from Finland Warmly Congratulate the Establishment of the Indian Falun Dafa Association
2004-10-15Finnish Falun Dafa practitioners are happy and glad to learn that the Indian Falun Dafa association is now officially established in the ancient country of India. We are sure that this will give more people in India a chance to know the truth about Falun Gong and about the ruthless persecution now going on China against Falun Dafa and its practitioners.
All Austrian Dafa Practitioners Congratulate the Establishment of the Indian Falun Dafa Association
2004-10-14All Austrian Dafa practitioners sincerely congratulate the establishment of the Indian Falun Dafa Association. The Association established in India shows more and more Indian people understand both Falun Dafa and the truth of Dafa being cruelly persecuted in China.
Irish Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Founding of the Japanese Falun Dafa Association
2004-09-09"When more governments and people outside China recognise Falun Dafa it must strengthen those within China who are opposed to the persecution and are trying to stop it. Irish practitioners send a message of congratulations to the Japanese practitioners and the Japanese government, under difficult circumstances you stood up for Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. This could only be good for the Japanese people. Well done."
Switzerland: A Letter from the Swiss Falun Gong Association to the Swiss Federation President and Minister of the Economy.
2004-07-25We think that this shooting incident is an act of terrorism. We feel profoundly shocked by the brutal methods employed by the Jiang group to eradicate Falun Gong inside and outside China. In March, 2002, Jiang Zemin issued an order to shoot at Falun Gong practitioners. However, South Africa is not part of China. This shooting incident indicates that the Jiang group employed hired gunmen to attack Falun Gong practitioners, just like China used money to buy the votes of poor nations during the UN Commission on Human Rights Meeting.