Letters from Dafa Associations, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Fadu in Sweden (6): Taking Souvenir Pictures with Swedish Children
2004-07-17Over the past few days, Fadu has become a celebrity in this school. Both teachers and pupils adore Fadu, not just out of sympathy, but more like respect for the little Dafa disciple. After the lessons ended, every child in the class was happy to be photographed with Fadu and other Dafa disciples.
Fadu in Sweden (5): Fadu's Innocent Dancing
2004-07-16Fadu and her mother arrived at the school during break-time on a morning in early June. The children greeted them, all striving to be the first to call out, “Fadu is here!”, “Hello Fadu!” The Swedish children very much appreciated Fadu’s dance movements. Fadu’s dance received lots of applause from the Swedish pupils and moved several teachers to tears.
Fadu in Sweden (5): Telling Elementary School Pupils about the Persecution of Falun Dafa
2004-07-15Little Fadu and some Dafa practitioners went to an elementary school in Bors to talk about the persecution of Falun Gong, especially the children of Falun Gong practitioners, to the pupils and teachers. The children there learned to write ‘Truth-Compassion-Tolerance’ in Chinese and learned to practise the five sets of Falun Gong exercises.
Germany: Falun Gong is Popular at the 'Peace Action' Event in Augsburg
2004-07-14After the parade, practitioners were invited to perform the exercises and a Lotus Dance on the stage. They explained a bit about the exercises as well as the cruel persecution that Falun Gong has suffered in China. In the meantime, other practitioners were distributing flyers and the latest news about the hiring of gunmen to shoot Falun Gong practitioners in South Africa.
Fadu in Sweden (4): Schoolchildren Experience the Goodness of Falun Gong Exercises
2004-07-14Dafa practitioners used simple words to tell the children how people benefit greatly from practising Falun Gong. But practitioners in China are forced to give up their cultivation. Gentle Falun Gong exercises enabled the children to experience the beauty of Falun Gong so as to understand that the persecution happening in China is not right, but evil.
Germany: Students at Ruhr-University-Bochum Learn About Falun Gong
2004-07-13We opened our booth in front of the University’s administrative offices. Many students passed by and accepted information material even though many were in a hurry and had no time to talk. However, a practitioner from Russia spoke for a long time with a countryman. They agreed that it is proper to live and act according to the principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.”, and that it is completely unjust to detain people in a labour camp for trying to be good people.
Germany: Setting Up an Information Booth in Gelsenkirchen to Introduce Falun Dafa
2004-07-13Our exhibition posters are a good way for people to learn more about Falun Dafa and many people enjoyed looking at them. In Germany, people tend to relate the Swastika symbol in the Falun emblem with Hitler’s symbol. One of the posters explained how the Swastika is actually a treasured symbol that has existed for thousands of years of years. It was always thought to represent good fortune. We got a very positive response after people had viewed these posters carefully.
Russia: Talking to People in Downtown St. Petersburg about the Shooting in South Africa
2004-07-12On July the 8th 2004, Falun Gong practitioners held a peaceful appeal in downtown St. Petersburg to protest against the Jiang regime’s brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China and their exporting of state-run terrorism to other nations, including the recent shooting incident in South Africa. Many passersby stopped to view posters and learn more about the situation.
Fadu in Sweden (3): Using Paper Lotus Flowers to Express Concern About the Children of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2004-07-12Teaching people how to fold paper lotus flowers is a very good opportunity to explain the facts about Falun Gong. Through hearing the suffering that Fadu has experienced and how her father was killed because he practised Falun Gong, the teachers and students were able to understand the true situation of the Jiang regime’s persecution.
Event Notice: A Race for Human Rights, Sponsored by the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR)
2004-07-10The award of the Olympic events was seen by the Chinese leadership in Beijing, and clearly evidenced in their propaganda, that the international community recognised the existing social stability and progress on that front. China therefore believed itself to be justified in their hard line actions against dissidents. Therefore, the former Chinese Vice President Li Lanqing, after being awarded the Peking Olympic events, announced, “We have achieved an important victory over Falun Gong. We were awarded the honour to host the 2008 Olympic Games (The Australian, July 23, 2001).
Holland: "Petal of Peace" Activity Held in a Primary School
2004-07-09A primary school in Southern Holland invited Falun Gong practitioners to introduce Falun Gong and involve the children in the “Petal of Peace” activity. Practitioners demonstrated the exercises, explained how to make peace petals and told the teachers and thirty-six students about the persecution of Falun Gong, which is taking place in China.
Germany: Introducing Falun Gong at Chamer City Citizen Festival
2004-07-09Chamer, a small city in German Bavaria, hosted a large-scale Citizen Festival on June 26th and 27th. Local Falun Gong practitioners participated with exercise demonstrations and a display stand introducing Falun Gong, as well as performances of traditional singing and dancing. Falun Gong's participation brought peace and harmony to the Citizen Festival, which bustled with noise and excitement.
Czech Republic: Falun Gong Press Conference in Prague on the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
2004-07-08On Saturday the 26th of June 2004, the United Nations International Day in Support of the Victims of Torture, Czech and British Falun Gong practitioners gathered on Prague’s Krizovnicke Square by the famous Charles Bridge to honour the memory of those whose lives have been taken in Jiang Zemin’s 5-year campaign of genocide waged against Falun Gong in China.
Austria: The European ”Coming for You” Choir Touched People’s Hearts at a Performance in Vienna
2004-07-08Falun Gong practitioners gathered in Vienna on the 19th of June 2004 to raise awareness of the ongoing genocide of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Earlier in the day, many politicians, human rights organisations and victims of the persecution demanded an immediate end to the human rights violations in China. Later in the afternoon in Stephansplatz, dance, drama and music were performed to communicate the beauty of Falun Dafa.
Holland: Supporting “Petals of Peace” by Visiting a Local School
2004-07-08Dutch Falun Gong practitioners started a project to let children know more about Falun Gong. After the practitioners sent information to schools in the Netherlands, a school near Rotterdam took the initiative and invited the practitioners to tell them more about Falun Gong, the exercises and the persecution in China.