Letters from Dafa Associations, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Iceland: Falun Gong Practitioners Clarified the truth to the President
2002-10-12 -
Germany: Practitioners Invited to Attend a Press Conference Hosted by the Green Party in Hamburg City Hall
2002-10-11We would like to thank Green Party again for their concern about human rights in China, and also pass on the thanks of the Chinese practitioners who cannot speak in public. It goes without saying that what we want is their freedom to practise Falun Dafa and not be under threat of violence, incarceration and even death.
Denmark: The Righteous Actions of Police Officers and Hotel Staff who Realize the Truth about Falun Gong
2002-10-11The police who had realized the truth gave us a lot of support for our peaceful appeals and activities. They showed their admiration several times to Dafa practitioners. As one policeman on duty in front of the Chinese Embassy said, You are even more peaceful than Gandhi.
Germany: Falun Dafa Practitioners Revisit Wolfsburg City
2002-10-10In early June, Jiang Zemin visited Wolfsburg and signed an economic contract with the Volkswagen Automobile Company. Everywhere he went, he disturbed the lives of the citizens. He pressed the local government and police force to avoid seeing Falun Gong practitioners.
Holland: Taiwanese and Dutch Practitioners Receive Great Media Coverage as they Reveal the Truth about Falun Dafa
2002-10-08Taiwanese practitioners visited Holland for three days to assist the Dutch practitioners in clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. The next day a beautiful picture was published on the front page of a regional newspaper. Several other newspapers also published a picture. In the centre of the picture was a badge that read, I support Falun Dafa.
France: Practitioners in France Host Mid-Autumn Festival Party in the Paris Chinese Culture and Education Centre
2002-10-08On September 29 2002, during the traditional Chinese mid-Autumn Festival celebration, the French Falun Dafa Association hosted a celebration party at the Paris Chinese Culture and Education Center. Over 200 guests from all walks of society came to the event.
Report From Falun Gong - Iceland Dialogue Committee (Part III)
2002-10-08In addition to setting a precedent for future dialogues between Falun Gong practitioners and a government, these practitioners also demonstrated their great kindness and steadfast belief. At the same time, practitioners took advantage of the dialogue to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to more Icelandic people, government officials and non-governmental organisations.
Slovakia: Promoting Falun Gong in the Major Cities of the East
2002-10-07Between the 26th and 29th September 2002, Falun Gong was promoted in a few cities in Eastern Slovakia. To begin with, the practitioners from Slovakia and Czech republic gathered in front of the Chinese embassy in Bratislava to peacefully appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Former French Minister of Education Meets with Falun Gong Practitioners and Suggests Letting More People Realize the True Value of Falun Gong (Photos)
2002-10-06At noon on October 1, 2002, French Congressman, former minister of culture and education Mr. Jack Lang met with Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Ming who had been illegally imprisoned and tortured for more than two years by the Jiang Zemin regime.
Report from Falun Gong-Icelandic Dialogue Committee (Part II)
2002-10-06When Icelandic officials said, What weve done is in accordance with International Law., practitioners pointed out, First of all, the law is for defending justice, but not for silencing justice. Secondly, we cannot defend one law but violate other laws standards, such as the right of peoples freedom of belief.
Report from Falun Gong-Icelandic Dialogue Committee (Part I)
2002-10-05The dialogue between Falun Gong representatives and the Icelandic Government drew attention of all Icelandic media. On the scene of the dialogue, the Icelandic TV station had on the spot coverage. After the meeting, the Icelandic TV station and media reporters also interviewed and made reports about the dialogue process.
Denmark: Dafa Practitioners Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions during the Asian Cultural Festival
2002-10-03With rich and colourful banners as the background and accompanied by the song Falun Dafa is good, practitioners gracefully performed different dances. Their beautiful performance and pure and righteous energy field attracted more and more people.
Sweden: Family Gathering in Biskopsgarden - Long Lasting Impressions of Dafa Practitioners' Peaceful Behaviour
2002-10-01Falun Gong practitioners were invited to take part in a health and family gathering in Biskopsgarden, a suburb of Gothenburg.
Falun Gong Association (UK) Writes to Japanese Prime Minister
2002-10-01I understand that you will be visiting China soon and would like to take this opportunity to respectfully request your help in securing the release of Falun Gong practitioner Mrs. Yoko Kaneko, who has been incarcerated in a labour re-education camp in China for exercising her basic rights of freedom of speech and belief.
Swedish Falun Dafa Association Writes to the Japanese Prime Minister
2002-10-01In May 24 2002, the Beijing police arrested Yoko, together with two other Japanese Falun Gong practitioners, when they were distributing leaflets appealing for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong...Their actions were actually noble and harmless to everybody. Out of compassion, they left the comfort of their homes attempting to help the thousands of innocent men, women and children who are unjustly persecuted in China.