Letters from Dafa Associations, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Sweden: Practitioners Promote Dafa Despite a Heavy Snowfall
2002-11-02Despite the heavy snow, people were attracted to the energy field of Dafa practitioners. They read every display board thoroughly. A lady learned the exercises on the spot with great interest, even though the weather was very cold.
Czech Republic: Practitioners introduce Falun Gong at an Esoteric Health Festival
2002-10-31There were many people who had already learnt about Falun Dafa either from the TV or while we were practising the exercises in different Czech cities. Some were very happy when they heard that they could learn the exercises at a seminar that was to take place on the afternoon of the same day.
Finland: Clarifying the Truth of the Persecution at the Chinese Embassy in Finland
2002-10-31Last week, during Jiang Zemins visit to the United States and Mexico, practitioners in Helsinki, Finland gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy every day to Fa Zheng Nian [rough translation - send forth righteous thoughts. This can be understood as a type of meditation.] and clarify the truth to passers by.
Switzerland: Using Information Booths to inform Burghers about the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2002-10-29Those people who hear about the persecution for the first time compare it to the Holocaust during the reign of Hitler. They ask themselves, and us, how civilized governments the world over can allow something like this to happen and why there is no public outcry for sanctions against China.
Poland: Experiences During Activities in Poland
2002-10-29A reporter for Xinhua [Chinese State-run media] came out of the embassy to talk to us...He said that he supported freedom to practice Falun Gong, but had been misled by some of the propaganda in China. We explained the facts to him...When he left, he promised a few times that he would not write anything bad about Falun Gong.
Switzerland: Clarifying the Truth at the Global Peace Initiative of Women Spiritual and Religious Leaders Summit
2002-10-29...a lady opposite to me started to talk to me...She was interested in Falun Gong, and asked me many questions. She was shocked to hear about Falun Gong practitioners situation in China. She told me that she has engaged in a research on religion, and that she felt Falun Gong is good and that a Master who teaches a practice for free must be an extraordinary figure.
UK Practitioners Spread Falun Dafa at Modern Arts Celebration Day in Liverpool (Photos)
2002-10-24The dancing group was invited to give performances at the most famous hotel in Liverpool. We performed the Fan Dance and demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises.
UK: Telling People the Facts About Dafa in Cambridge City Centre
2002-10-22A large group of children saw pictures of the persecuted practitioners in China and were very shocked and upset by Jiangs persecution. They all signed their names on the petition and immediately asked to learn the Falun Gong exercises. One practitioner taught them the exercises and they all left very happy.
Clarifying the Truth at a Large Concert
2002-10-21In September and October 2002, world famous English musician and songwriter David Bowie went on tour through Europe visiting Germany, France, the UK, Sweden and other countries. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to each of his concerts so that they could clarify the truth of the persecution to the people there.
Germany: Introducing Falun Gong During the Chinese Week in Hamburg
2002-10-21We held a "Journey of Falun Dafa" photo exhibition and demonstrated Falun Dafa exercises downtown. Many Chinese passing by showed great interest and accepted our information and materials without any hesitation. They seemed to be very happy to have an opportunity to learn about Falun Gong and looked at the photo displat for a long time.
Czech Republic/Slovakia: Introducing Dafa and Clarifying the Truth
2002-10-19In Prague, where there are many tourists, we meet many people who have known for long time Falun Dafa is good and they are well informed about the situation in China. They tell us: Go on. We keep our fingers crossed for you.
Austria: Practitioners Hold a Parade Entitled Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance---Source of Peace
2002-10-17On October 12, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioners from Austria held a parade and an information day with the theme of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance --- Source of Peace at the City of Graz.
France: Mayor of Versailles Meets Zhao Ming and Toulouse Media Report Falun Gong
2002-10-14On October 1 2002, Zhao Ming, a practitioner who endured almost 2 years in a Chinese labour camp for his faith in Falun Dafa, met with the Mayor of Versailles Mr. Pinte MP. Mr. Pinte was very pleased at Zhao Ming's release. He expressed his admiration for Zhao Ming's courage in prison and his strong beliefs.
UK: Activities at the UK's largest Contemporary Biennial Arts Festival in Liverpool
2002-10-14Practitioners were graced with a fine day and demonstrated the exercises outside in the heart of the city centre, often attracting a large audience of passers-by. Members of the public were transfixed by the simplicity and serenity of the Falun Gong exercises and were eager to take leaflets; 2000 leaflets were distributed to the public in the space of a few short hours.
Ukraine: Falun Dafa Practitioners Participate in City Festival Celebration
2002-10-14As our presentation finished, we sincerely asked everyone to remember "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance". A local artist was deeply moved by our performance and unexpectedly presented us with one of his paintings. He was almost in tears when we had a conversation with him. We thanked him and had a photo taken with him.