Practitioners' Words
Germany: Letter to the Chinese Embassy in Berlin on the 4th Anniversary of the April 25 Appeal
2003-04-30"Practitioners peacefully waited for more than 13 hours without banners or slogans, until the Prime Minister Zhu Rongji made clear the official stance on the matter...The ban and persecution of Falun Gong has endangered the lives of more than 70 million Chinese citizens and their relatives, as well as threatened their chances of education and work. We are here to urge you to please listen to the truth about the Zhongnanhai event, and witness the facts."
Sweden: Letter from Practitioners to the Foreign Minister, Anna Lindh
2003-04-11"As you know, this persecution is a crime against the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners through brutal violence. This persecution should have never happened in the first place and it definitely should not continue...We have taken note of your courage and commitment on other issues, and we are convinced that you are the right person to help improve fundamental human rights in China and to help end the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China."
Romania: A letter from Artist Zhang Cuiying
2003-04-09"I was recently invited to Romania to hold an exhibition and introduce Chinese painting and art to the people here. I never expected that the Chinese government would harass me in front of the media and the public, without any dignity or decorum. I feel sorry and ashamed for these overseas representatives who act on behalf of the Chinese government."
Lithuania: A Letter to the President from Zhang Cuiying during her Art Exhibition
2003-03-23"I would like to express my lofty respects to you and your people. Please kindly accept the gift of a painting, entitled The Beauty, which I have created...It is my heartfelt wish that Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance brings to you and the people of Lithuania everlasting happiness."
Ukraine Practitioners Ask U.S. President to Rescue Charles Li
2003-03-14"In Ukraine, we also commonly experience pressure and interference from the Chinese Government. The Chinese Embassy is spreading lies to all the entities of the Government and information media, it deceives people about the true nature of Falun Dafa as well as its founder Mr. Li Hongzhi, in order to justify the repression and the murder of innocent, peaceful, law-abiding citizens of its country."
Ireland: Letter from Practitioner to MP on International Womens Day
2003-03-09"Chinese laws and codes explicitly prohibit the jailing of pregnant women. However, with the instructions from the central government that No measure is too excessive when dealing with Falun Dafa, the Chinese police not only regularly jail pregnant practitioners, but also use their pregnancy to force them to choose between their unborn children and their practise of Falun Dafa."
Germany: Practitioners from Hamburg Write to US Consul General about Charles Li
2003-03-07American citizen Charles Li flew to China on January 22nd and was arrested at Guangzhou airport shortly after landing. He now faces a sentence of 15 years imprisonment because he is a Falun Gong practitioner. This outrageous treatment of foreign citizens shows the Jiang regime's complete disregard for human rights and international laws.
Germany: A Letter to Imprisoned Practitioner Lin Wenrong
2003-03-04"Though I dont know you, I feel we are closely connected. We are both Falun Gong practitioners, and the meaning of this is so great! I want to write this letter to tell you that all Falun Gong practitioners living in Germany are trying their best to rescue you."
Letter from Friends and Practitioners in Germany Asking the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong to Look Into the Case of Lin Wenrong
2003-03-02"In view of the holocaust that is happening in China, we are urgently calling on you to investigate those involved in the torturing and murdering of Falun Gong practitioners in Wuhan, such as their commanders, criminals and responsible units. We hope that those who have committed crimes against Falun Gong will be sent for trial. The criminals have committed murder, torture, genocide and crimes against humanity."
The Whole-hearted Sincerity of a Swiss Western Practitioner Towards Chinese People
2003-03-02A middle-aged Swiss practitioner wrote a long letter to the Chinese people to explain the truth about Falun Gong. She had never learnt Chinese before but willingly spent eleven days imitating the letter according to Chinese translation, carefully creating each character stroke by stroke.
Fax: To Rescue German Falun Gong practitioner Lin Wenrong Imprisoned in China
2003-03-01Based on information provided by people who know about her recent situation, the police arrested and detained her just before the Spring Festival, upon her arrival in Wuhan. Currently, no-one knows her whereabouts. The reason for her detention is that she is a Falun Gong practitioner.
Letter from a European Practitioner to the Hong Kong Authorities
2003-02-27"In China, human rights violations committed during the period of the persecution of Falun Gong are so serious that, Jiang Zemin, the leader of this tragedy, has been sued in the US for committing genocide. Unfortunately he seems set to extend the persecution into Hong Kong and endanger the liberties of the Hong Kong people by implementing Article 23."
Citizens from the South of Sweden Appeal for the Release of Charles Li
2003-02-22"[The] Chinese government simply ignores the truth and continues to persecute practitioners using beatings, torture, and even killing thousands of people, breaking up their families and rendering them homeless. Furthermore the persecution has spread overseas, with the illegal detention of a US practitioner. This is absolutely intolerable."
Ireland: Letter from a Practitioner to a Member of Parliament
2003-02-21In this country I've heard people complain about our justice system. [...] But, at least we have a Justice System. In China, anyone who is a practitioner of Falun Dafa, or is suspected of being a practitioner, can be picked up from home, work, the street, at any time, with no warrant, no reason, no trial and no evidence, and simply disappear.
Ireland: Letter from an Irish Citizen Appealing for Justice for Falun Gong practitioners in China
2003-02-20As both a human being and a Falun Gong practitioner, I feel I must ask you to condemn the murder, torture, and illegal imprisonment and persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China...I implore you to bring this to the attention of the Irish government and urge them to condemn the persecution.