Practitioners' Words
A Letter to the People of Hong Kong: Bravely say "NO!" to Article 23
2002-12-30"Here I willingly and sincerely tell you: you have a duty to express your concerns against the legislation of Article 23 to your relatives and friends and to government officials. Only through kindness and defending human rights and freedom today can we be ensured of our human rights and freedom tomorrow! Once Hong Kong loses its democracy and freedom, its prosperity will degrade relentlessly."
Italy: A Letter to the Hong Kong Government Regarding Article 23
2002-12-29"Hong Kong has enjoyed prosperity for several decades without this law; why does Beijing so urgently push the Hong Kong government to enact the so-called anti-subversion law after only 5 years of Hong Kongs return to Chinese rule?"
Letter from Swedish Practitioner to Hong Kong's Leader
2002-12-20'The proposed law, Article 23, will make Hong Kong citizens lose their civil liberties and human rights. Politicians from democratic countries, media organisations and human rights groups all over the world all have the same view.'
Letter to European Representative for Hong Kong on Article 23
2002-12-16'I feel sorry to know that you are representing the Hong Kong Government to lobby all MEPs to support the legislation of Article 23 in HK...I think that everyone in the world must be responsible for maintaining the basic human rights and the moral standard of human society, and be responsible for their conscience.'
British Practitioner Reveals the Truth to Queen Elizabeth about the Persecutory Nature of Article 23
2002-11-24In the letter, the practitioner listed the reasons why they believed Great Britain, as a democratic society, should take its stand in morality, and immediately express its support in preventing Article 23 from being enforced in Hong Kong. Article 23 is a direct violation of human rights.
Letter from a Practitioner to the Prime Minister of Belgium
2002-10-19Mr. Prime Minister, I, on behalf of the tens of millions of people persecuted in China, sincerely request that you could investigate this issue, take firm actions to support the justice and urge the Chinese government to stop the persecution immediately. -- Zhao Ming
Ireland: Falun Gong practitioners letter to the Ukraine Ministry of Education
2002-10-15But there are deeper benefits, which I have come to experience. I have found that by applying the principles of Falun Gong; Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, students come to have a respect for my moral standpoint and this then sets them a standard by which they must adhere to in my class.
UK: University Lecturer Urges Ukrainian Education Minister to resist Chinese propaganda
2002-10-14A UK university lecturer has written to the Ukrainian Education Minister to inform him of Falun Gong, its support in the UK and the classes and associations in UK universities. In particular, he has asked the Minister to resist Jiang's attempt to pollute the young minds of his country with Chinese state propaganda.
Irish Practitioner's Letter to The Prime Minister of Japan, The Honourable Junichiro Koizumi
2002-09-30"We all seek truth throughout our lives, but quite often there is no one there to help us find it. The appeals in China offer a kind of truth that breaks through the propaganda used against Falun Gong. Our hope [is] to bring the facts of the persecution to millions of Chinese people..."
Copenhagen: Open Letter to the Premier of Denmark
2002-09-24We have gathered in Copenhagen to show the Danish people, the top 25 leaders from European and Asian countries, and the world, what kind of people Falun Gong practitioners are, what Falun Gong is, and to let people become more aware of the inhumane persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Letter to Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2002-09-15"If we go along with Jiang Zemins leadership approach we are guilty of helping to create a dangerous situation for the future of the democratic countries. As you are aware of, Chinese officials are already pressing European governments to infringe upon the rights of Falun Gong practitioners in Europe. There are many such examples. This situation is extremely serious."
Belgian Practitioner Writes to Cambodian Embassy
2002-09-08 -
Russian Practitioners' Letter to Cambodian Ambassador
2002-09-02"We deeply believe that the whole world will realize and condemn the inhuman conduct of a few particular individuals in the Chinese government. They routinely violate national and international laws for their own power. We sincerely hope that your government will take the necessary actions to return Li Guojun and Zhang Xinyi to Cambodia as soon as possible."
Letter to the Cambodian Prime Minister from Swedish practitioners
2002-08-21"We learned that the Cambodian police, under pressure from the Chinese Embassy in Phnom Penh, have on the 9th of August deported a Chinese couple who were Falun Gong practitioners and living and working in Phnom Penh with U.N. Refugee Certificates. We are certain that, upon knowing the truth and facts of the persecution, you will do everything possible in this matter and do all that you can to safeguard the rights of those holding UN refugee status."
A Public Letter to the Hong Kong Government from All European Falun Gong Practitioners Regarding the Verdict by the Local Court in Hong Kong
2002-08-20"We hope these people can consider about the image and the future of Hong Kong, make up for the wrong verdict, and restore the freedom, democracy, and justice on this territory again."