Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Germany: Commemorating April 25th in Düsseldorf
2008-05-01April 25th 1999 is an unforgettable and significant date for Falun Gong practitioners. Nine years ago, over 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners went to Zhongnanhai to conduct a peaceful appeal to ask the government to release a group of illegally arrested Falun Gong practitioners in Tianjin city. From that day on, practitioners began peacefully protesting to obtain justice for their belief.
Ireland: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold an Activity Commemorating April 25th
2008-05-01On the ninth anniversary of April 25th, 1999, Falun Gong practitioners from Ireland held a candlelight vigil and petition outside the Chinese Embassy to commemorate April 25th. Practitioners unfurled two large Chinese and English banners reading 'The World Needs Zhen Shan Ren (Truth Compassion Tolerance)' and 'Stop persecuting Falun Gong'. They protested against the brutality of the CCP peacefully and with reason, asking for the CCP to immediately stop persecuting Falun Gong and for them to release all the Falun Gong practitioners who have been illegally imprisoned.
Switzerland: Falun Gong Practitioners Commemorate April 25th.
2008-05-01On the evening of April 25th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioners in Switzerland held candlelight vigils at the Chinese Embassy in Bern and the Chinese Consulate in Zurich, commemorating the peaceful appeal in Beijing by over ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners nine years ago and protesting against the Chinese Communist regime’s intensified persecution of Falun Gong before. the Olympic Games
Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners Commemorate “April 25”
2008-04-30Li Zhihe participated in the Peaceful Appeal in Beijing on April 25th, 1999. He said that the CCP framed the peaceful appeal by 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners as an attack on the government to deceive the Chinese people and find an excuse to further crack down on Falun Gong.
Spain: Commemorating the “April 25 Appeal” at the Chinese Embassy
2008-04-30On the ninth anniversary of the “April 25th Appeal”, Falun Gong practitioners from Spain gathered at the Chinese Embassy to hold a commemorative activity. On April 25th, 1999, over 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners spontaneously went to the State Appeal Office to conduct a peaceful appeal and ask for the release of 45 practitioners who had been illegally arrested in Tianjin city
Belgium: To Commemorate April 25th, Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal at the Chinese Embassy
2008-04-29On April 25th, Belgian Falun Gong practitioners organised activities at the Chinese Embassy to commemorate the day nine years ago when more than 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners peacefully petitioned the Chinese government (CCP) in Beijing. They also protested against the CCP increasing arrests of Falun Gong practitioners in the name of the Olympic Games.
Austria: Falun Gong Practitioners Stage a Peaceful Appeal to Commemorate April 25th
2008-04-29On the evening of April 25th, 2008, Austrian Falun Gong practitioners staged a peaceful appeal at the Chinese Consulate in Vienna to commemorate the day when over 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners peacefully appealed at the central government compound, Zhongnanhai, in Beijing. Austrian National Television Station and some other media also covered this activity.
Holland: Falun Gong Practitioners Commemorate April 25th and Protest against the CCP's Atrocities
2008-04-28Nine years ago in Mainland China, facing unfair treatment, tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners arrived at the central government compound in Beijing to hold a peaceful appeal and ask the related government departments for fair treatment. After that, a full scale persecution of Falun Gong was launched by the CCP, which has now lasted for nine years.
Germany: "The Chinese Spectacular Brought China to the West in a Positive Manner"
2008-04-28Ms. Pfoehler said that the show "brought the land of China in a more positive manner to the West." Up until now, she saw China as a military type environment, which was highly disciplined. This show brought another side of China to her attention -- the artistic side, somehow playful with a completely different trait. "This was such a strong contrast to what I ever imagined," said Pfoehler.
Germany: Two Teachers Talk About the Chinese Spectacular
2008-04-27Teacher Claudia Kolitz and her mother Berta Bürger watched the matinee of the Divine Performing Arts show on April 19th. They both frequently attend the theatre and came to the Prinzregenten Theatre in Munich on Saturday, where the troupe from New York staged the last performance of their European Tour. They had learned about the show through a newspaper article.
United Kingdom: London Candlelight Vigil Marks April 25th
2008-04-26On Friday 25th April, UK Falun Gong practitioners held a candlelight vigil opposite the Chinese Embassy in London. The vigil was to protest against the 9 years of persecution Falun Gong practitioners have suffered at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). UK Falun Gong practitioners have now been protesting at the Chinese Embassy since September 2000.
France: The Persistance of Falun Gong Practitioners and the Support of the Public Expose the Atrocities of the CCP on the Streets of Paris
2008-04-26In order to raise awareness about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s persecution of Falun Gong, practitioners in Paris have been exposing the CCP’s brutal treatment of its adherents, in particular the CCP's appalling atrocities of organ harvesting from living victims. The event drew large numbers of people, many of whom signed petitions after reading the information boards.
Germany: More Responses to the Chinese Spectacular in Munich
2008-04-26Gabriele Herzig joyfully said, “I liked everything, including the music. I really liked the Mongolian dances with the tea cups (“Mongolian Bowl Dance”). It was very impressive, feasts for the eyes, the others were beautiful too, but this one did it for me because of the beautiful exit.” Her husband spontaneously added: “Yes, I was watching it. They are walking on the heels of their feet. It makes it so beautiful. It looks like they are floating on stage; it is fantastic, quite wonderful".
Bulgaria: Protesting the Escalating Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China Before the Start of the Olympic Games in Beijing
2008-04-25Hundreds of people showed thier support for a new campaign initiated by the NGO 'Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG). The goal of the campaign is to gather one million signatures all over the world. These signatures will be handed to the International Olympic Committee. The Chinese government will be urged to stop immediately the killings of innocent Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Finland: Practitioners Attend an Exhibition in Nokia at the Invitation of the Lions Club
2008-04-25The Lions Club is a global volunteer organisation. When seeing Falun Gong practitioners publicising the performance of the Chinese Spectacular at the Tampere Conference Centre not long ago, the person in charge of the Lions Club in Nokia was attracted by their colourful costumes and invited the practitioners to this exhibition.