Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Slovakia: Mayor of the City of Pezinok Attended Falun Gong Appeal to Sign a Petition calling for and End to the Persecution
2005-03-02Saturday the 26th of February began as a nice, sunny day so practitioners of Falun Gong took advantage of the good weather to visit Pezinok city. They called for public attention to the persecution against Falun Gong, which has continued for almost six years. Documented evidence details the killing of 1,379 practitioners, although Chinese Government estimates put the unofficial figure close to 10,000.
Switzerland: Local Government Official Expresses Support at an Anti-Torture Exhibition
2005-02-28People were astonished as they read the poster boards and learned about the torture methods used on Falun Gong practitioners in China in cruel attempts to force them to give up their beliefs. They expressed their indignation at the persecution, instigated by former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin and carried out by the Communist Party.
Romania: Exposing the Persecution to the Local Chinese People
2005-02-28During the holiday period of the Chinese New Year, a group of Romanian Falun Gong practitioners distributed leaflets to local Chinese people despite a temperature of minus ten degrees. Many Chinese people were happy to accept the information and find out the truth about Falun Gong and the campaign of genocide that has been waged against practitioners in China by the Communist Party. Several new practitioners also participated in the activities.
European Falun Gong Practitioners held an Anti-torture Exhibition during the European Union Meeting in France
2005-02-27During the European Union meeting in France, practitioners held activities and collected petition signatures at the European Parliament building. Even though the weather was extraordinarily cold, practitioners staged an anti-torture exhibition to call on the EU and the world to pay attention to the brutal persecution against Falun Gong in China.
German Media reports on a Seminar exposing Human Rights Violations in China
2005-02-27Practitioners from Cham city in Germany and a local representative from the International Society for Human Rights held a seminar entitled “The Current Situation of Human Rights Violations in China”. Local newspapers reported on this event, including an article entitled “Lies cannot withstand exposure” in Chamer Zeitung and another entitled “Experiencing Injustice” in Bayerwald-Echo.
Norway: Falun Gong Poster Exhibition in Bergen Public Library
2005-02-26A poster exhibition about Falun Gong has been set up at the public library in the city of Bergen, Norway. The exhibition includes around 30 posters that are well placed along the wall of the library’s main staircase and many people pass by them every day. Brochures containing information on Falun Gong are available to accompany the exhibition.
European Practitioners' Chinese New Year Celebration Activities: Part 5 - Positive Responses from the Public
2005-02-25After getting to know the truth further, people condemned the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, praised Falun Gong practitioners for bringing the beauty of Chinese culture to the French people and showed their support for those who still persist in opposing the persecution peacefully.
European Practitioners' Chinese New Year Celebration Activities in Paris: Part 4 - Hail and Rain Could Not Stop the Events
2005-02-24Following the Chinese New Year celebration parade on Saturday the 12th of February, European Falun Gong practitioners gathered at the Eiffel Tower on the 13th to display the beauty of Falun Gong to tourists from around the world and to let more people know about the brutal persecution against practitioners in China.
Russia: Collecting Petition Signatures in St. Petersburg to call for an End to the Persecution
2005-02-24Many passers-by were shocked when they found out what is happening in China from seeing pictures of Falun Gong practitioners being tortured by the Chinese authorities. People found it incomprehensible that such a terrible thing could be happening in today’s world. They were touched and signed a petition to call for an end to the human rights abuses.
Holland: Practitioners were Invited to Demonstrate Falun Gong Exercises to a Church Congregation
2005-02-23A priest invited Dutch Falun Gong practitioners to introduce the practice and demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises in an Amsterdam church. After listening to the practitioners’ talk, one lady stated that she would never believe the lies of the Chinese Communist regime again. The priest and congregation members learned the first set of Falun Gong exercises.
European Practitioners' Chinese New Year Celebration Activities: Part 2 - Press Conference
2005-02-22European Falun Gong practitioners’ Chinese New Year celebrations started with a press conference. The first speaker, the Chairman of the French Falun Gong Association, said that under the persecution initiated by Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party, nearly 1,400 Falun Gong practitioners have lost their lives and hundreds of thousands of others are being tortured in forced labour camps.
Sweden: Introducing Falun Gong at Helsjön College
2005-02-22I am a Falun Gong practitioner and I’m studying Music in Helsjön College, 70km southwest of Gothenburg. There are about 120 students in the school and lots of them are Christian, so I had the chance to talk about spiritual issues with them. They were curious about Falun Gong. I provided them with some information and now I run an exercise class every Thursday before lunch. Students come to learn the exercises, and also hear about the persecution.
European Practitioners' Chinese New Year Celebration Activities: Part 1 - Preparation Work
2005-02-21Although many practitioners didn’t know specifically which activities they were going to be involved in, everyone was lively and ready to help wherever they could. An exercise demonstration was followed by sending righteous thoughts; whilst some practitioners talked with passers by about the persecution and gave out leaflets.
Austria: Anti-torture Exhibition in Vienna Helps People see the Evil Nature of the Chinese Communist Party
2005-02-21On January 20th 2005, Austrian Falun Gong practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition and information day in Vienna’s Stephansplatz. The re-enactments of the methods of torture used to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their beliefs helped many people see the terrible crimes committed under orders from the former Chinese Leader Jiang Zemin.
Germany: Western Practitioners in Passau City continued to Raise Awareness about the Persecution, Despite the Rain
2005-02-21One of the practitioners demonstrated the exercises and sent forth righteous thoughts whilst the other distributed leaflets to passers by, telling them about the Chinese Communist Party and the Jiang regime’s cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners over the last five years. Although the petition form was wet from the rain, there were still people signing it, calling for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong.