Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Germany: Some Experiences While Letting People Know about Falun Gong Outside Cologne Cathedral
2004-08-22The Cathedral in Cologne is one of the area's premier tourist attractions. Many tourist groups gather there every day, among which there are a lot of Chinese people. In our efforts to let them know about the persecution against Falun Gong, we have learned how to do better and work together well. Here are a couple of short stories about or appeal at the cathedral.
Greece: Falun Gong Attracts Media Attention in Athens
2004-08-20Dafa practitioners have been holding continuous, large-scale activities to introduce Falun Dafa and the persecution in Athens over the last week, attracting the attention of media from all over the world that are in Athens to report on the Olympic Games.
Greece: Photo Report - Displaying Truthfulness, Compassion Tolerance in the City of Athens
2004-08-20During the Olympic Games, many people visiting Greece have had the chance to learn about Falun Gong and the persecution that people who practise Falun Gong in China are suffering. At the heart of Athens, in Syntagma Square practitioners, held group exercises and performances such as waist drumming and traditional Chinese dancing.
Scotland: Introducing Falun Dafa at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
2004-08-20On Sunday the 15th of August, Edinburgh's Fringe Festival Sunday dawned bright and sunny. As well as being able to see the five sets of Falun Gong exercises demonstrated throughout the day, passersby were treated to the elegance of traditional a Chinese Parasol Dance and Fan Dance. Over 700 petition signatures were gathered calling for Jiang to be brought to justice for his terrible crimes.
Russia: Promoting Falun Gong at an International Aviation Expo
2004-08-20On the 15th of August, Russian Falun Dafa practitioners went to introduce Falun Dafa in Zhukovski, which was holding the Annual International Aviation and Spaceflight Science and Technology Expo. Russian practitioners tirelessly distributed newspapers and leaflets to the huge crowds during breaks between the performances. Materials exposing the persecution against Falun Gong were also sent to every factory and science research unit's exhibition sites.
Greece: Promoting Falun Gong During the Olympic Games in Athens (2)
2004-08-19Practitioners from Europe, Australia, Taiwan and the USA have held activities in Athens during the Olympic Games to let people know about Falun Dafa and the persecution. These include a literature and art performance with traditional Chinese characteristics in the bustling Constitution Square, as well as practising the exercises together there.
Sweden: People Attending the Gothenburg Festival Learn About Falun Gong
2004-08-19The annual Gothenburg Festival came to an end on August 14th after eight days of colourful activities and celebrations. Dafa disciples were present everyday of the Festival, telling people what Falun Gong is and exposing the persecution of Falun Gong taking place in China. Many people stopped to talk and sign the petition condemning the persecution.
Northern Ireland: Introducing Falun Dafa in Belfast
2004-08-19Belfast in Northern Ireland on Saturday the 14th was a wonderful place to be as it was blessed with sunshine. Irish Dafa practitioners went there to promote Falun Gong and let people know about the five-year campaign of persecution being waged against practitioners in China. We handed out about a thousand leaflets and most people readily accepted them. We talked to many people and felt we were well received.
Greece: Telling People About Falun Gong During the Olympic Games in Athens
2004-08-18The Falun Gong practitioners who went to Greece practised the exercises and sent forth righteous thoughts in the main square every morning. In the afternoon they studied the Fa and shared experiences together. The rest of the time they broke up into groups, travelling all over Athens to distribute information about Falun Gong. An old man who received a flyer said immediately, “I know Falun Gong. I saw your parade yesterday. You are all good people and I like you!”
Germany: Darmstadt Citizens are Shocked by the Cruelty of the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-08-18Falun Gong practitioners in Darmstadt and nearby cities went to the city centre on Sunday the 14th of August. They put some big display boards with pictures of the brutal persecution near the station where a lot of people pass through. They told Darmstadt citizens about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and collected signatures.
Greece: Promoting Falun Gong During the Olympic Games in Athens (1)
2004-08-17Located in front of the Greek Parliament in the centre of Athens, Constitution Square is one of busiest places in the city. Practitioners have been coming here everyday to distribute leaflets and let people know about Falun Gong. People came to ask for details of local exercise classes without hesitation and one lady even learned the exercises on the spot.
Participants in International Human Rights Course in France Include Persecution of Falun Gong in List of Urgent Concerns
2004-08-17To commemorate the five-year mark since the persecution of Falun Gong began in China, on July the 22nd 2004, a member of Amnesty International and I organized a panel discussion. At the event, I explained about Falun Gong and the lawsuits filed in different countries against Jiang Zemin and others responsible for the persecution, while the representative of Amnesty International spoke about the human rights violations committed against practitioners in China. At the end, we showed the award-winning film, False Fire.
Russia: Daily Appeals for Justice at the Chinese Consulate in St. Petersburg
2004-08-17Since July 2004, practitioners in St Petersburg have held an appeal at the Chinese Consulate in St Petersburg every day. They hope this might lead people from all sections of society to pay close attention to the brutal and illegal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. A banner was displayed reading "Stop Persecuting Falun Gong Immediately".
United Kingdom: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Press Conference and an Anti-torture Parade in Edinburgh
2004-08-16After participating in Edinburgh Arts Festival Cavalcade and winning the 1st Prize for best float in the Community section, a portion of UK Falun Gong practitioners and practitioners from France and Ireland held an anti-torture parade in Edinburgh, exposing the cruel persecution and the brutal torture that Falun Gong practitioners suffer in China.
Sweden: Dafa Practitioners Talk to Tourists about the Persecution during the Gothenburg Festival
2004-08-16On the 6th of August 2004, the annual Gothenburg Festival started in Gothenburg city centre. In the bustling streets of the city, you could see lots of tourists from Europe and other countries around the world. The people of Northern Europe make the best use of this time to sit out in the streets and bask in the sun.