Practitioners' Words, Peaceful Protests, Exhibitions and Cultural Events, Local Events, Press Conferences , Meeting VIPs & Officials
Estonia: Estonian People Support Falun Dafa and Want to Learn the Practice
2004-05-23Between the 14th and 16th of May, Falun Dafa practitioners from Latvia, Finland, Sweden and Australia introduced Falun Dafa in Tallinn, Estonia's capital. Practitioners were invited to participate in the Mother Earth Health Fair. Last year's participation was a big success and many people in Estonia were interested in Falun Dafa. During the fair, Falun Gong was also being introduced in the central park in Tallinn.
Russia: Introducing Falun Gong at the Vlasikavkaz City Library
2004-05-22Practitioners demonstrated the exercises and introduced Falun Dafa to readers at the Vlasikavkaz City Library. Many people took the initiative to learn the exercises and wanted to buy Falun Dafa books after the activity was over. The library also asked us to place posters introducing Dafa in the public reading room.
Germany: Clarifying the Truth in Rothenburg City
2004-05-22Rothenburg is a popular tourist site on the river Neckar in southern Germany. There are a great number of tourists visiting the city each day, including Chinese people. With help from practitioners from other cities, Dafa practitioners in Wuerzburg held a Falun Dafa information day on May 15th. Everyone was gratified because more people came to know the truth.
Young Dafa Practitioners from Minghui Schools in Germany and Austria Gathered in Chiemsee During the Easter Holidays
2004-05-22A number of practitioners set up a counselling group to help their children practice cultivation. After successful experiences, several western practitioners working in the field of child education held the first official Minghui School activity in Chiemsee, Southern Germany, between April 10th and April 12th.
Northern Europe: The 'Chinese Voices on Human Rights in China' Symposium Held in the Danish Parliament Building
2004-05-21On May the 10th, a forum entitled 'Chinese Voices on Human Rights in China' was jointly held by the Danish branch of the International Pen Pal Association and the Danish Falun Gong Association in the Danish parliament building. The speakers were part of the North European Human Rights Speech Tour.
Spain: Promoting Falun Gong and Clarifying the Truth at the "Earth Day" in Barcelona
2004-05-19On the 24th and 25th of April, 2004, the ninth “Earth Day” was held at Porque de la Ciutadella in Barcelona. The festival draws approximately half a million people from all over the world. Practitioners demonstrated the exercises and explained Falun Dafa and the facts of its persecution in China to visitors. After learning the truth, people came to sign our petition
Sweden: Falun Gong Appreciated by Many Gothenburg Residents
2004-05-19On May 15th, 2004, the regular Falun Gong practice session in Slottsskogen, Gothenburg, coincided with the yearly Gothenburg Half-Marathon. Some thirty-six thousand runners participated and just as many people came out to watch and cheer them. After the usual practice, Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the exercises again for the unusually large amount of spectators.
Belgium: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal to Expel Bo Xilai During Wen Jiabao's Visit
2004-05-18During Chinese prime minister Wen Jiabao’s visit to Belgium, Falun Gong practitioners submitted a criminal list of certain people who are persecuting Falun Gong in China to the Belgian government. The officials thanked Falun Gong practitioners for the material and the information they offered. They expressed that they would carry out a thorough investigation, showing the Belgian government’s unremitting efforts in improving China’s human rights.
Sweden: Seminar on “Human Rights in China” Attracts the Attention of an Ancient University
2004-05-17On May the 11th 2004, a seminar entitled “Human Rights in China” was held in Uppsala University. Mr. Clive Ansley from Canada, Erping Zhang and Harry Wu from USA and Jane Dai from Australia gave lectures on the Chinese legal system, the laogai (slave labour camp) system, the media, and the peace project for children in China.
Holland: Dafa Practitioners Celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Falun Dafa Day
2004-05-17May 13th is World Falun Dafa Day. On this important day, practitioners in Holland showed their sincere appreciation for Master’s mercy and compassion. They wished Master a Happy Birthday, and declared that, "Falun Dafa is Good!" In the afternoon, they assembled in the Hague to spread the Fa, demonstrate the exercises and clarify the truth.
Ireland: Wen Jiabao Visits Ireland, Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Peaceful Appeal
2004-05-16On the evening of May 11th, outside Dublin Castle, where EU Chairman Bertie Ahearn and Wen Jiabao held talks, Falun Gong practitioners peacefully appealed, asking, “Bring Jiang Zemin and Bo Xilai to Justice”, and asking for the release of Mr Liu Feng and Ms Yang Fang, students in Ireland who are under house arrest by the Chinese Government.
Ireland: Human Rights Issues of Falun Gong and Tibet Discussed by the Chinese and Irish Premiers
2004-05-16Zhao Ming, a Falun Gong practitioner who was illegally detained in a re-education labour camp for twenty two months and is in Ireland right now, said, “Wen Jiabao doesn’t add fuel to the flames against Falun Gong, but Jiang Zemin is holding on tightly to military power, it seems that Wen has no power to alter the situation. The persecution against Falun Gong is still going on, so it’s difficult to expect Wen to have any practical commitments to human rights."
Sweden: Speech Forum on China’s Human Rights Held in Lund City
2004-05-15"If China’s fundamental problems are not resolved, even those with a PhD degree in law from Oxford University can do nothing significant in China. CCP control penetrates the entire judicial system, and Jiang Zemin even instructs the Chinese Supreme Court how to sentence some cases over the telephone. In China courts make judgments based on politics, not justice."
UK: Practitioners Appeal Outside Parliament and Buckingham Palace During Wen Jiabao’s Visit
2004-05-15Wen Jiabao, China’s Premier, visited Parliament in London on the morning of May the 11th 2004, and then went on to Buckingham Palace immediately afterwards. Falun Gong practitioners were there to greet him at both venues with banners reading, “Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice”, “Falun Dafa”, and “Welcome Wen Jiabao”.
Switzerland: "Chinese Week" Activities in a Middle School in Brugg City Have Come to an End
2004-05-15Seeing that the teachers and students benefited a lot from Falun Dafa, the mayor expressed his appreciation for Falun Dafa, and for Ms Zhang's paintings, which demonstrated to the Swiss people the essence of Chinese culture. The Swiss newspapers General Zeitung and Agauer positively reported the Falun Gong activities with eye-catching photos.